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目前分類:Hans Christian Andersen安徒生童話 (39)

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安徒生童話:Little Tuk 小杜克

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安徒生童話:The Neighbouring Families 鄰居們

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安徒生童話:The Old Street Lamp舊路燈

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安徒生童話:By the Almshouse Window 瓦爾都窗前的一瞥

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安徒生童話:The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweeper牧羊女與煙囪清掃車

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安徒生童话:Grandmother 祖母

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安徒生童话:The Jumper 跳高者

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安徒生童話:The Red Shoes紅舞鞋

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安徒生童話:The Elf of the Rose妖山/玫瑰的精靈

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安徒生童話:The Bell 鐘聲

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安徒生童話:The Darning-Needle織補針

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安徒生童話:The Elder Tree Mother 接骨木樹媽媽

Once there was a little boy who went out and got his feet wet and caught cold. Nobody could understa

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安徒生童话:The Snow Queen白雪皇后


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安徒生童話:The Fir Tree 樅樹


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安徒生童话:醜小鴨The Ugly Duckling

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安徒生童話:The Nightingale夜鶯

The Emperor of China is a Chinaman, as you most likely know, and everyone around him is a Chinaman t

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安徒生童話:The Angel天使

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安徒生童話:The Buckwheat蕎麥

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安徒生童话:The Swineherd 猪倌

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安徒生童話:The Rose—Elf玫瑰 - 精靈玫瑰花精

In the midst of a garden there grew a rose bush, quite covered with roses, and in the most beautiful

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