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目前分類:Aesop's Fables伊索寓言 (50)

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伊索寓言:The Dog and The Wolf狗與狼

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 伊索寓言:The Dancing Monkeys跳舞的猴子

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伊索寓言:The Wildboar and The Fox野豬和狐狸

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伊索寓言:The Foolish Friend 愚蠢的朋友

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伊索寓言:The Lion and Three Bulls 獅子和三隻公牛

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伊索寓言:The Caged Bird and the Bat 籠中的鳥和蝙蝠

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伊索寓言:The Hare With Many Friends野兔與許多朋友

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伊索寓言:The Thieves and The Rooster 公雞和盜賊 

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伊索寓言:The Elephants And The Rats老鼠和大象

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伊索寓言:The Mouse and The Frog青蛙和鼠

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伊索寓言:The Fox And the Crane 狐狸和鸛

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伊索寓言:The Ant And The Dove螞蟻和鴿子


A parched ant went down to the riverbank to quench its thirst. As it leaned over to take a drink it fell in and was quickly carried away by the river’s fast current. Soon, it was almost drowning.  A dove sitting on a tree branch near the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant. 

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伊索寓言:The Boy Who Cried Wolf狼來了


There was a Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was lonely for him, so he devised a plan to get a little company. He rushed down towards the village calling out “Wolf, Wolf,” and the villagers came out to meet him. This pleased the boy so much that a few days after he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help. Shortly after this a Wolf actually did come out from the forest. The boy cried out “Wolf, Wolf,” still louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before, thought the boy was again lying, and nobody came to his aid. So the Wolf made a good meal off the boy’s flock.

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伊索寓言:The Hare And The Tortoise龜兔賽跑

A hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace .But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her and beat her any day she would name ."Come on ," said the hare ,"you will soon see what my feet are made of ."So it was aGREed that they should start at once .The tortoise went off jogging along ,without a moment's stopping ,at his usual steady pace .The hare treating the whole matter very lightly ,said he would first take a little nap ,and that she should soon overtake the tortoise .Meanwhile ,the tortoise plodded on ,and the hare ,oversleeping herself ,arrived at the goal ,only to see that the tortoise had got in before her .
Slow and steady wins the race.

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伊索寓言:狐狸和葡萄The fax and the grapes

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伊索寓言:Belling the cat老鼠開會

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伊索寓言:The goose with the golden eggs生金蛋的鵝

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伊索寓言:The eagle and the arrow 鷹和箭

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伊索寓言:守財奴The miser and his gold

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伊索寓言:小偷和他的母親The young thief and his mother

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