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目前分類:旅遊英文 (63)

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10 top Caribbean secrets10頂加勒比海的秘密

By Rob Crossan, for CNN

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China's frontiers: Is there anything left to explore?中國的前沿:還有什麼事去探索?

By Kate Whitehead, for CNN

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11 coolest towns in the Philippines11最酷的城市在菲律賓

By Al Gerard de la Cruz, for CNN

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The world's most incredible bike routes


By Peter Walker, for CNN

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World's 10 best vegetarian destinations世界上10個最好的素食目的地

By Charu Suri, for CNN

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10 things to know before visiting Pyongyang10件事情知道的訪問平壤的前

By Kate Whitehead, for CNN

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World's 50 best surf spots世界上50個最好的衝浪點


The breaks and the tubes that make wipeouts worth it

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Top 10 things to do in Singapore

You've been shopping, done some eating, what else to do in Singapore? Lots else, and you can start with these 10 fantastic attractions

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World's 10 most hated cities世界上10個最討厭的城市

They're not the worst cities in the world, they're the best at bugging people. Introducing the places guaranteed to swing your mood southward

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'Manhattanhenge' fail? 12 other superb sunset spots around the world“曼哈頓至日”失敗?世界各地的其他12個極好的日落景點





By Raemin Zhang, CNN

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Asia's best beer bars: 10 top pours亞洲最好的啤酒吧:10頂盆滿缽滿

By Brian Spencer, for CNN

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Europe's 10 hottest destinations for 2013 2013歐洲的10個最熱門的目的地

From Corsica to Crete and Berlin to Belfast, these European highlights are next year’s must-sees

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World’s most beautiful towns世界上最美麗的城鎮

They don't have impressive industries and they're not the most popular destinations; but these towns are as picturesque as they come

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25 of Africa’s best beaches 25非洲的最好的海灘

Too often overshadowed by the wildlife of its interior, Africa's perimeter is a worthy reason to travel too

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Chapter 9   Bargaining第九章  討價還價 

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Chapter 8   Asking for Sightseeing Information 第八章  觀光資訊 

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Chapter 7   At the Department Store第七章  在百貨公司 

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Chapter 6  At the bank 第六章  在銀行 

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Chapter 5   How to take the Train, Subway, MRT..,etc.第五章  如何搭火車、地鐵及捷運 

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Chapter 4   Asking Directions第四章  問路 詢問目的地 
1. May I help you?

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