

安徒生童話:The Elder Tree Mother 接骨木樹媽媽

Once there was a little boy who went out and got his feet wet and caught cold. Nobody could understa

  1. 1.    Once there was a little boy who went out and got his feet wet and caught cold. Nobody could understand how it had happened, because the weather was very dry.
  2. 2.    His mother undressed him, put him to bed, and had the tea urn brought in to make him a good cup of elder tea, for that keeps one warm.
  3. 3.    At the same time there came in the door the funny old man who lived all alone on the top floor of the house. He had no wife or children of his own, but he was very fond of all children, and knew so many wonderful stories and tales that it was fun to listen to him.
  4. 4.    "Now drink your tea," said the little boy's mother, "and then perhaps there'll be a story for you."
  5. 5.    "Yes," nodded the old man kindly, "if I could only think of a new one! But tell me, how did the young man get his feet wet?" he asked.
  6. 6.    "Yes, where did he?" said the mother. "Nobody can imagine how."
  7. 7.    "Will you tell me a fairy tale?" the little boy asked.
  8. 8.    "Yes, but I must know something first. Can you tell me as nearly as possible how deep the gutter is in the little street where you go to school?"
  9. 9.    "Just halfway up to my top boots," answered the little boy. "That is," he added, "if I stand in the deep hole."
  10. 10.  "That's how we got our feet wet," said the old man. "Now, I certainly ought to tell you a story, but I don't know any more."
  11. 11.  "You can make one up right away," the little boy said. "Mother says that everything you look at can be turned into a story, and that you can make a tale of everything you touch."
  12. 12.  "Yes, but those stories and tales aren't worth anything. No, the real ones come all by themselves. They come knocking at my forehead and say, 'Here I am!' "
  13. 13.  "Will there be a knock soon?" the little boy asked. His mother laughed as she put the elder tea in the pot and poured hot water over it.
  14. 14.  "Tell me a story! Tell me a story!"
  15. 15.  "I would if a story would come of itself. But that kind of thing is very particular. It only comes when it feels like it. Wait!" he said suddenly. "There is one! Look! There's one in the teapot now!"
  16. 16.  And the little boy looked toward the teapot. He saw the lid slowly raise itself and fresh white elder flowers come forth from it. They shot long branches even out of the spout and spread them abroad in all directions, and they grew bigger and bigger until there was the most glorious elderbush - really a big tree! The branches even stretched to the little boy's bed and thrust the curtains aside - how fragrant its blossoms were! And right in the middle of the tree there sat a sweet-looking old woman in a very strange dress. It was green, as green as the leaves of the elder tree, and it was trimmed with big white elder blossoms; at first one couldn't tell if this dress was cloth or the living green and flowers of the tree.
  17. 17.  "What is this woman's name?" asked the little boy.
  18. 18.  "Well, the Romans and the Greeks," said the old man, "used to call her a 'Dryad,' but we don't understand that word. Out in New Town, where the sailors live, they have a better name for her. There she is called 'Elder Tree Mother,' and you must pay attention to her; listen to her, and look at that glorious elder tree!"
  19. 19.  "A great blooming tree just exactly like that stands in New Town. It grows in the corner of a poor little yard; and under that tree two old people sat one afternoon in the bright sunshine. It was an old sailor and his very old wife; they had great-grandchildren and were soon going to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, but they weren't quite sure of the date. The Elder Tree Mother sat in the tree and looked pleased, just as she does here. 'I know perfectly well when the golden wedding day is,' she said, but they didn't hear it - they were talking of olden times.
  20. 20.  " 'Yes, do you remember,' said the old sailor, 'when we were very little, how we ran about and played together? It was in this very same yard where we are now, and we put little twigs in the earth and made a garden.'
  21. 21.  " 'Yes,' replied the old woman. 'That I remember well; one of those twigs was an elder, and when we watered them it took root and shot out other green twigs, and now it has become this great tree under which we old people are sitting.'
  22. 22.  " 'That's right,' said he. 'And there used to be a tub of water over in the corner, where I sailed the little boat I had made myself. How it could sail! But pretty soon I had to sail in a different way myself.'
  23. 23.  " 'Yes, but first we went to school and learned something,' said she, 'and then we were confirmed. Remember how we both cried? But in the afternoon we went together to the Round Tower, and looked out at the wide world over Copenhagen and across the water. And then we went to Frederiksborg, where the King and Queen were sailing on the canal in their beautiful boat!'
  24. 24.  " 'But I had to sail in a different way myself,' said the old man. 'And for many years, far away on long voyages.'
  25. 25.  " 'I often cried over you,' she said. 'I thought you were dead and gone, and lying down in the deep ocean, with the waves rocking you. Many a night I got up to see if the weathercock was turning. Yes, it turned all right, but still you didn't come.
  26. 26.  " 'I remember so clearly how the rain poured down one day. The garbage man came to the place where I worked. I took the dustbin down to him and stood in the doorway. What dreadful weather it was! And while I was standing there, the postman came up and gave me a letter - a letter from you! My, how that letter had traveled about! I tore it open quickly and read it, and I was so happy that I laughed and cried at the same time. You had written me that you were in the warm countries where the coffee beans grow. What a wonderful country that must be! You wrote me all about it, and I read it there by the dustbin with the rain streaming down. Then somebody came and clasped me around the waist!'
  27. 27.  " 'And you gave him a good smack on the ear,' he said. 'One that could be heard!'
  28. 28.  " 'Yes, but I didn't know it was you! You had come just as quickly as your letter. And you were so handsome - but you still are, of course! I remember you had a long yellow silk handkerchief in your pocket, and a shiny hat on your head. You looked so well! But what awful weather it was and how the street looked!'
  29. 29.  " 'Then we were married, remember?' said he. 'And then out first little boy came, and then Marie, and Niels, and Peter, and Hans Christian?'
  30. 30.  " 'Yes, indeed,' she nodded. 'And how they've grown up to be useful people. Everyone likes them.'
  31. 31.  " 'And their children have had little ones in their turn,' said the old sailor. 'Yes, they are our great-grandchildren; they're fine children. If I'm not mistaken, it was at this very time of the year that we were married.'
  32. 32.  " 'Yes. This is the very day of your golden wedding anniversary!' said the Elder Tree Mother, stretching her head down between the two old people. They thought it was the neighbor woman nodding to them, and they looked at each other and took hold of each other's hands.
  33. 33.  "Then the children and the grandchildren came; they knew very well that this was the old people's golden wedding day - they had already brought their congratulations that morning. But the old people had forgotten that, although they remembered everything that had happened years and years ago.
  34. 34.  "And the elder tree smelled so fragrant, and the setting sun shone right in the faces of the old people so that their cheeks looked quite red and young; and the littlest of the grandchildren danced around them, and cried out happily that there was to be a grand feast that evening with hot potatoes! And the Elder Mother nodded in the tree and called out 'Hurrah!' with all the others."
  35. 35.  "But that wasn't a fairy tale," said the little boy, who had been listening to the story.
  36. 36.  "Yes, it was, if you could understand it," said the old man. "But let's ask the Elder Mother about it."
  37. 37.  "No," the Elder Mother said, "that wasn't a story. But now the story is coming. For the strangest fairy tales come from real life; otherwise my beautiful elderbush couldn't have sprouted out of the teapot."
  38. 38.  Then she took the little boy out of his bed and laid him against her breast, and the blossoming elder branches wound close around them so that it was as if they were sitting in a thick arbor, and this arbor flew with them through the air! How very wonderful it was! Elder Mother all at once changed into a pretty young girl, but the dress was still green with the white blossoms trimming it, such as the Elder Tree Mother had worn. In her bosom she had a real elder blossom, and a wreath of the flowers was about her yellow, curly hair. Her eyes were so large and so blue, and, oh, she was so beautiful to look at! She and the little boy were of the same age now, and they kissed each other and were happy together.
  39. 39.  Hand in hand they went out of the arbor, and now they were standing in the beautiful flower garden at home. Near the green lawn the walking stick of the little boy's father was tied to a post, and for the little children there was magical life in that stick. When they seated themselves upon it, the polished head turned into the head of a noble neighing horse with a long, black flowing mane. Four slender, strong legs shot out; the animal was strong and spirited; and they galloped around the grass plot!
  40. 40.  "Now we'll ride for miles!" said the boy. "We'll ride to that nobleman's estate, where we went last year!"
  41. 41.  So they rode round and round the grass plot, and the little girl, who you must remember was the Elder Mother, kept crying, "Now we're in the country! See the farmhouse, with the big baking oven standing out of the wall like an enormous egg beside the road! The elder tree is spreading its branches over the house, and the cock is walking around, scratching for his hens. Look at him strut! Now we're near the church; it's high up on the hill, among the great oak trees. See how one of them is half dead! Now we're at the forge; the fire is burning, and the half-clad men are beating with the hammers. Look at the sparks flying all around! We're off! We're off to the nobleman's beautiful estate!"
  42. 42.  They were only riding around and around the grass plot, yet the little boy seemed to see everything that the little maiden mentioned as she sat behind him on the magic stick. Then they played on the sidewalk, and marked out a little garden in the earth; and she took the elder flower out of her hair and planted it, and it grew just like the ones that the old people had planted in New Town, when they were little, as I have already told you. They walked hand in hand, the same way the old people did in their childhood, but they didn't go to the Round Tower or the Frederiksborg Garden. No, the little girl took the little boy around the waist, and they flew through the country of Denmark.
  43. 43.  And it was spring and it became summer, and it was autumn and it became winter, and there were thousands of pictures in the boy's mind and heart, as the little girl sang to him, "You will never forget this."
  44. 44.  And throughout their whole journey the elder tree smelled sweet and fragrant. He noticed the roses and fresh beech trees, but the elder tree smelled the sweetest, for its flowers hung over the little girl's heart, and he often leaned his head against them as they flew onward.
  45. 45.  "How beautiful it is here in the spring!" said the little girl.
  46. 46.  Then they were standing in the new-leaved beech wood, where the fragrant green woodruff lay spread at their feet, and the pale pink anemones looked glorious against the vivid green.
  47. 47.  "Oh, if it could only always be spring in the fragrant beech woods of Denmark!"
  48. 48.  "How beautiful it is here in the summer!" she said.
  49. 49.  Then they were passing by knightly castles of olden times, where the red walls and pointed gables were mirrored in the canals, and where swans swam about and peered down the shady old avenues. In the fields the corn waved, as if it were a sea; in the ditches were yellow and red flowers, and wild hops and blooming convolvulus were growing in the hedges. In the evening the moon rose round and full, and the haystacks in the meadows smelled fragrant.
  50. 50.  "One can never forget it. How beautiful it is here in the autumn!" said the little girl.
  51. 51.  And the sky seemed twice as high and twice as blue as ever before, and the forest was brilliant with gorgeous tints of red and yellow and green. The hunting dog raced across the meadows; long lines of wild ducks flew shrieking above the ancient grave mounds, on which the bramble twined over the old stones. The ocean was a dark blue, dotted with white-sailed ships. In the barns old women and girls and children picked hops into a large tub, while the young people sang ballads, and the older ones told fairy tales of elves and goblins. It could not be finer anywhere.
  52. 52.  "How beautiful it is here in the winter!" said the little girl.
  53. 53.  Then all the trees were covered with hoarfrost, until they looked like trees of white coral. The snow crackled crisply underfoot, as if you were always walking in new boots, and one shooting star after another fell from the sky. In the room the Christmas tree was lighted, and there were presents and happiness. In the farmer's cottage the violin sounded and games were played for apple dumplings, and even the poorest child cried, "It's beautiful in winter!"
  54. 54.  Yes, it was beautiful, and the little girl showed the boy everything.
  55. 55.  The blossoming elder tree always smelled fragrant, and the red flag with the white cross always waved, the same flag under which the old seaman in New Town had sailed away.
  56. 56.  And the boy became a young man, and he too had to sail far away to warmer countries, where the coffee grows. But when they departed, the little girl took and elder blossom from her breast and gave it to him as a keepsake. He laid it away in his hymnal, and whenever he took out the book in foreign countries it always came open by itself at the spot where lay the flower of memory. And the more he looked at the flower the fresher and sweeter it became, so that he seemed to be breathing the air of the Danish forests, and he could plainly see the little girl looking up at him with her clear blue eyes from between the petals of the flower, and could hear her whispering, "How beautiful it is here in spring, summer, autumn, and winter!" And hundreds of pictures drifted through his thoughts.
  57. 57.  Many years passed by, and now he was an old man, sitting with his old wife under a blossoming tree; they were holding hands, just as Great-grandfather and Great-grandmother out in New Town had done before. And like them they talked of olden times and of their golden wedding anniversary.
  58. 58.  Now the little maiden with the blue eyes and the elder blossoms in her hair sat up in the tree and nodded to them both and said, "Today is your golden wedding anniversary!" Then from her hair she took two flowers, and kissed them so that they gleamed, first like silver, and then like gold. And when she laid them on the heads of the old couple, each became a golden crown. There they both sat, a king and a queen, under the fragrant tree that looked just exactly like an elder bush, and he told his old wife the story of the Elder Tree Mother, just as it had been told to him when he was a little boy. They both thought that much of the story resembled their own, and that part they liked best.
  59. 59.  "Yes, that's the way it is," said the little girl in the tree. "Some people call me Elder Tree Mother, and some call me the Dryad, but my real name is Memory. It is I who sit up in the tree that grows on and on, and I can remember and I can tell stories. Let me see if you still have your flower."
  60. 60.  Then the old man opened his hymnal, and there lay the elder blossom, as fresh as if it had just been placed there. Then Memory nodded, and the two old people with the golden crowns sat in the red twilight, and they closed their eyes gently and - and - and that was the end of the story....
  61. 61.  The little boy was lying in his bed and he didn't know whether he had been dreaming or had heard a story. The teapot was standing beside him on the table, but there was no elderbush growing out of it now, and the old man was just going out of the door, which he did.
  62. 62.  "That was so beautiful!" said the little boy. "Mother, I have been in the warm countries!"
  63. 63.  "Yes, I believe you have," said his mother. "If one drinks two full cups of hot elder tea, one usually gets into the warm countries!" Then she tucked the bedclothes carefully around him so that he wouldn't take cold. "You've had a nice nap while I was arguing with him as to whether that was a story or a fairy tale."
  64. 64.  "And where is the Elder Tree Mother?" asked the boy.
  65. 65.  "She's in the teapot," said the mother. "And there she can remain!"





  1. 66.  同時還有在門口傳來了有趣的老男人誰住獨自一人在房子的頂樓。他有他自己的沒有妻子或孩子,但他非常喜歡所有的孩子,就知道這麼多精彩的故事和傳說,這是有趣的聽他的。
  2. 67.  現在喝你的茶,說:小男孩的母親,然後也許就會有一個故事給你。
  3. 68.  是的,和藹地點點頭,老人,如果我能想到的只有一個吧!但是告訴我,究竟是怎麼小伙子得到他的腳濕?他問。
  4. 69.  是的,他是哪兒? 母親說。沒有人可以想像。
  5. 70.  你告訴我一個童話故事? 小男孩問道。
  6. 71.  是的,但我必須先知道的東西,你能告訴我盡可能的裝訂線在小街上有多深,你去哪裡上學?
  7. 72.  只是半山腰我幫靴,回答說:小男孩。那是,他補充說,如果我站在深洞。
  8. 73.  這就是我們得到了我們的腳濕了,老人說。現在,我當然應該告訴你一個故事,但我不知道了。
  9. 74.  你可以讓一起來的時候了,小男孩說。母親說,一切你看看可以變成一個故事,那你可以讓你接觸的一切的故事。
  10. 75.  是的,但這些故事和故事是不值得任何東西。不,以假亂真來全部由自己,也都在敲我的額頭,說:我在這裡! 
  11. 76.  會不會有一個敲快? 小男孩問道。他的母親笑了,她把老茶在鍋裡,倒入熱水了它。
  12. 77.  給我講個故事吧!告訴我一個故事!
  13. 78.  我會,如果一個故事會來的本身,但這種事是很特別的,當它感覺就像是它僅配備。等一下! 他突然說。有一個!瞧!還有一個茶壺吧!
  14. 79.  和小男孩看向茶壺。他看到蓋子慢慢提升自己和清新的白色接骨木花出來的吧。他們出手長長的枝條甚至出壺嘴和國外傳播他們在各個方向,他們越長越大,直到有最輝煌的接骨木樹叢 - 一個真正的大的樹!樹枝甚至延伸到了小男孩的床和推力窗簾一邊 - 它的花怎麼香是!而就在樹的中間有一個很奇怪的衣服坐在一個甜蜜的前瞻性歲女子。它是綠色的,綠色的長老樹的葉子,它是鑲著白色的大長老花; 在第一次無法判斷這件衣服是布或樹的綠色生活和鮮花。
  15. 80.  這是什麼女人的名字? 問小男孩。
  16. 81.  嗯,羅馬人和希臘人,老人說,習慣叫她'樹妖',但我們不理解這個詞。出新鎮,那裡的水手生活,他們有一個更好的名字。她在那裡,她被稱為接骨木樹媽媽,你一定要注意她;聽她,看那個光榮的長老樹
  17. 82.  一個偉大的開花的樹只是完全一樣矗立在新城它生長在一個貧窮的小院子的角落;而在此樹下兩位老人在明亮的陽光下坐了一個下午,那是一個老水手和他很老的妻子。,他們有重孫,並很快將慶祝他們的金婚紀念日,但他們並不十分確定日期的接骨木樹媽媽坐在樹上,看著高興,就像她在這裡所做的我完全知道。當金色的婚禮當天是很好,她說,但他們沒有聽到 - 他們在談論的古代。
  18. 83.  “”是的,你還記得,'老水手說,當我們是非常小的,我們怎麼跑來跑去,並一起玩?正是在這同一個院子裡,我們現在,我們把小樹枝在地上和做了一個花園。
  19. 84.  “”是的,老婦人回答說這我記得很清楚;那些樹枝之一是一位長者,當我們澆灌他們來說,扎下了根,並拍攝了其他綠色樹枝,而現在它已經成為這個偉大的樹下,我們老人坐著。
  20. 85.  “”這就對了,他說,而且以前有水的角落裡,我在那裡航行的小船我做了我自己。如何能航行!但很快我和他在不同的航行桶以上我自己的方式。
  21. 86.  “”是的,但首先我們去上學,學到了一些東西,她說,然後我們進行了證實。還記得我們倆怎麼哭了?但在下午,我們一起去圓塔,並望著外面廣闊的世界在哥本哈根和一水之隔。然後我們去了腓特烈,那裡的國王和王后在他們美麗的船航行在運河上!
  22. 87.  “”但是我不得不以不同的方式自己航行,老人說,而且很多年了,遠在長途航行。'
  23. 88.  “”我常常哭了你,她說,我還以為你已經死去,而在深海躺著,隨著波浪搖擺你。多少個夜晚我爬起來,看看風標被轉動。是,果然沒事,但你仍然沒有來。
  24. 89.  “”我記得這麼清楚如何在大雨傾盆的一天。垃圾的人來到我工作的地方,我把垃圾箱下來給他,站在門口。什麼可怕的天氣它!而當我站在那裡,郵遞員來了,給了我一封信 - !的信你我,那封信是如何走過約我撕毀它迅速打開並讀取它,我是如此高興,我笑了,哭了,同時你。寫了我,你在那裡的咖啡豆生長。多麼美好的國家,一定是溫暖的國家!你給我寫有關它的一切,而我讀它由有隨雨水流下來了垃圾桶,然後有人來了,緊握我周圍的腰!
  25. 90.  “”你給了他的耳朵了良好的咂嘴,他說,一個唯一的可以聽見!
  26. 91.  “”是的,但我不知道它是你,你來了正好盡快你的信,你太帥了 - !!但你還是有,我當然記得你在你的口袋裡有很長的黃色絲巾,和你的腦袋上一個閃亮的帽子,你看著這麼好!但它是什麼可怕的天氣和如何在街上看了!
  27. 92.  “”那麼,我們結婚了,還記得嗎? 他說。再出第一個小男孩來了,然後瑪麗,和尼爾斯,彼得,和漢斯·克里斯蒂安?
  28. 93.  “”是的,的確,她點點頭,而且他們是如何成長為有用的人。每個人都喜歡他們。
  29. 94.  “”而且他們的孩子都在輪到自己有孩子,'老水手說'是的,他們是我們的重孫;他們很好的孩子如果我沒有記錯,那是在的這個非常時刻。那年我們結婚
  30. 95.  “”是的,這是你的金婚紀念日的那一天! 說的接骨木樹媽媽,拉她低著頭兩位老人之間,他們還以為是鄰居老太太點頭給他們,他們看著對方,把對方的手舉行。
  31. 96.  那孩子和孫子來的,他們清楚地知道,這是老人們的金婚一天 - 他們已經帶來了他們的祝賀,那天早上,但老人們忘記了,雖然他們想起發生了一年又一年,一切都以前。
  32. 97.  將來大的樹聞到這麼香,夕陽照在這對老人們的臉上,讓他們的臉頰看起來很紅和青年,以及一點點的身邊跳起了孫子,並大聲呼喊快樂,有以是一場盛大的宴會,當晚用熱土豆!而長老母親樹中的點點頭,叫了一聲好哇! 與所有其他人。
  33. 98.  不過,這不是一個童話,小男孩說,誰一直在聽故事。
  34. 99.  是的,那是,如果你能理解它,老人說。但是,讓我們問長老母親吧。
  35. 100.    不,長老母親說,這不是一個故事,但現在的故事時,對於最奇怪的童話故事都來自現實生活;。否則我的美麗的接骨木樹叢就不會萌生出的茶壺。
  36. 101.    然後,她把小男孩從他床上,並奠定了他對她的乳房,和長輩朵朵分支傷口靠近他們身邊,這樣,就好像他們坐在厚厚的喬木,這喬木在空中飛行了他們!它多麼美妙了!長老母親一下子變成了一個年輕漂亮的女孩,但著裝仍然是綠色與白色的花修剪它,如接骨木樹媽媽已經磨損。在她的懷裡,她有一個真正的老花,以及花的花圈是關於她的黃色,捲曲的頭髮。她的眼睛是那麼大,那麼藍,,哦,她是如此美麗看!她和小男孩是同一時代的現在,和他們親嘴,彼此都快樂起來。
  37. 102.    手拉手他們出去了涼棚,現在他們都在家裡站在美麗的花園。附近的綠色草坪,小男孩的父親的拐杖綁在一根柱子上,而對於小孩子有神奇的生命在這棒。當他們在它自己坐,拋光頭變成了一個高貴的嘶鳴馬的頭很長,黑色的流動鬃毛。四修長,結實的腿; 動物強勁,意氣風發; 而他們身邊疾馳草情節!
  38. 103.    現在,我們將騎哩! 男孩說。我們會飄浮到了貴族的莊園,在那裡我們去年去!
  39. 104.    因此,他們騎著團團草叢情節,和小女孩,你必須記住誰是長輩的母親,不停地哭,現在,我們的國家!見農舍,與大烤箱站在出牆!喜歡在路邊一個巨大的蛋接骨木樹的蔓延及其分支機構在房子,和公雞走來走去,劃傷他的母雞看著他支桿現在,我們在教堂附近;!它高高的山上!,偉大的橡樹之中見怎麼他們中的一個是半死不活現在,我們在鍛造;!明火有燃燒和半包男子毆打的錘子看看四周飄揚的火花我們重新關閉!我們就要去貴族的美麗的莊園!
  40. 105.    他們只騎了一圈又一圈草情節,但小男孩似乎看到小姑娘提到她坐在他身後的魔棒的一切。然後,他們發揮在人行道上,並標示出在泥土裡的小花園; 她拿著老花了她的頭髮和種植它,它的增長就像那些老人們親手種下的新城市,當他們一點,因為我已​​經告訴過你。他們攜手走過,同樣的道理老人們在他們的童年,但他們沒有去圓塔或菲德烈堡宮花園。不,小女孩把小男孩在腰上,並且他們通過丹麥國家飛行。
  41. 106.    它是春天,它成了夏季,這是秋天,它成為冬季,並有數以千計的照片中男孩的頭腦和心臟,像小女孩唱歌給他,你將永遠不會忘記這一點。
  42. 107.    而整個全程的接骨木樹聞到甜蜜和芬芳。他注意到了玫瑰花和新鮮的山毛櫸樹,但樹老聞到甜蜜的,因為它的花朵掛在小女孩的心臟,他經常靠在他的頭反對他們,因為他們向前飛去。
  43. 108.    好美是這裡的春天! 小姑娘說。
  44. 109.    然後,他們正站在新葉櫸木,這裡的香綠半圓奠定蔓延在他們的腳下,而淡粉色海葵看著光榮反對鮮豔的綠色。
  45. 110.    哦,如果它只能永遠是春天在丹麥山毛櫸香樹林裡!
  46. 111.    好美是這裡的夏天! 她說。
  47. 112.    然後,他們由古代,那裡的紅牆,尖山牆都反映在運河,並在天鵝遊了解並凝視著陰涼的老渠道騎士城堡傳遞。在田間地頭的玉米揮揮手,就好像它是一個海; 在溝渠分別為黃色和紅色的花朵,和野生啤酒花和盛開的牽牛花在籬笆的長勢。到了晚上,月亮圓潤飽滿起來,在草原上的草堆聞香。
  48. 113.    一個永遠不能忘記它。它是如何漂亮的是這裡的秋天! 小姑娘說。
  49. 114.    和天空似乎兩倍和兩倍那麼藍,像以前,森林是輝煌的,以紅色和黃色和綠色的華麗色彩。獵犬賽跑橫跨草地;排長隊野鴨飛過尖叫上述古墓土墩,上面纏繞在古老的石頭荊棘。大海是深藍色,點綴著白色航行船舶。在舊穀倉婦女和女孩和孩子挑跳成一個大浴缸,而年輕人唱民謠,和舊的告訴精靈和妖精的童話。它不可能是更精細的任何地方。
  50. 115.    好美是這裡的冬天! 小姑娘說。
  51. 116.    然後,所有的樹木覆蓋著白霜,直到他們看起來像白色的珊瑚樹。雪花在發出清脆腳下,因為如果你總是走在新靴子,一個流星紛紛從天上掉下來。在房間裡的聖誕樹被點亮,並有禮物和幸福。在農民的平房小提琴響起,比賽被演奏了蘋果餃子,即使是最貧窮的孩子哭了,這是美麗的冬天!
  52. 117.    是的,它是美麗的,和小女孩表現出男孩的一切。
  53. 118.    朵朵接骨木樹一直聞到芬芳,和紅旗的白色十字總是揮揮手,相同的標誌,據此,老水手在新城已經乘船離開。
  54. 119.    和這個男孩成了一個年輕人,他也不得不駛向遠處溫暖的國家,那裡的咖啡生長。但是,當他們離開時,小女孩把和老花從她的乳房,並把它給了他作為信物。他在他的讚美詩奠定了它了,每當他拿出這本書在國外它始終在那個地方躺著的內存來花開放本身。而更多的,他看了看花的清新,甜美它成為了,讓他似乎呼吸丹麥森林的空氣,他可以清楚地看到小女孩抬頭看著他,她清澈的藍眼睛從花瓣間花的,並能聽到她耳語,它是如何漂亮的是這裡的春,夏,秋,冬! 和數以百計的圖片漂流通過他的想法。
  55. 120.    許多年過去了,現在他是個老人,坐在他的​​下一個開花樹老妻; 他們手牽著手,就像曾祖父和曾祖母在新城之前所做的那樣。和他們一樣,他們談到古代和他們的金婚紀念日。
  56. 121.    現在,小姑娘的藍眼睛,老花,她的頭髮在樹坐起來,點點頭,他們兩個說:今天是你的金婚紀念日! 然後從她的頭髮,她花了兩個鮮花,親吻他們,使他們閃閃發光,首先如銀,然後像金子。當她奠定了他們對老夫婦的頭,每個成了一個金色的王冠。在那裡,他們倆坐在一個國王和一個王后,下看起來只是酷似老布什的香樹,他告訴他的老妻子的接骨木樹媽媽的故事,只是因為它已被告知他時,他是一個小男孩。他們都認為,大部分的故事很像他們自己,而該部分他們最喜歡。
  57. 122.    是的,這就是事情是這樣的,說:樹上的小女孩。有人叫我接骨木樹媽媽,有的叫我的樹妖,但我的真名是記憶,是我誰坐起來,生長,並在樹上,我還記得,我可以講故事,讓我看看你仍然有你的花。
  58. 123.    然後,老人睜開了讚美詩,還有猶如剛剛被放在那裡躺著老花,新鮮。那麼內存點了點頭,兩位老人與金冠坐在紅色的黃昏,和他們閉上了眼睛輕輕地, - - 這是故事的結尾....
  59. 124.    小男孩正躺在他的床上,他不知道他是否在做夢或者聽說過一個故事。茶壺站在他旁邊桌子上,但是並沒有接骨木樹叢現在越來越多了吧,和老人正要走出房門,他照辦了。
  60. 125.    那真是太漂亮了! 小男孩說。媽媽,我一直在溫暖的國家!
  61. 126.    是的,我相信你,媽媽說。如果一個人喝熱的老茶兩個完整的杯子,人們通常會進入溫暖的國家! 然後,她仔細地夾著被褥他身邊,這樣他就不會著涼。你已經有一個很好的小睡,而我同他爭論是否這是一個故事或童話故事。
  62. 127.    哪裡是接骨木樹媽媽? 男孩問。
  63. 128.    她在茶壺,母親說。還有,她可以留!

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