
【考試通 - 托業考試(TOEIC)

  習語和短語,指的是慣用片語或者常見的口語化表達。它在託福聽力中經常出現,而且比較難。原因仍然是我們平時很少練習聽力。而且口語化的表達也使一貫重視語法的中國式英語教育暴露出明顯的缺點。但是,你卻可以通過我們後面給你總結的託福聽力詞句精選快速地掌握這些常見的口語化表達和慣用片語。經常出現的片語比如對話中說: Kathys effort really paid off。那麼選項中出現的Kathys hard work had a positive result就是正確答案。這裡考的是paid off這個短語的含義。
  M Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda
  WI sure did It must have cost him an arm and a leg
  Q What does the woman imply about the ring
  (A Linda didnt like it
  (B Bill lost it
  (C It was very expensive
  (D It was very small。?
  答案是C。同cost a fortune的意思一樣,cost one an arm and a leg都是形容很貴。19991月聽力題
  MDid you watch that comedy special on TV last night I dont think I ever laughed so hard
  WDont even talk to me about it The only night I really wanted to watch something and we had a power failure in my building
  Q What does the woman mean
  (A Shes upset that she missed the television program
  (B She doesnt think the television program was funny
  (C She doesnt like talking about television programs
  (D She watched the television program at a friends house。?答案是A。這裡,重要的是認識並聽懂power failure是停電的意思


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