New TOEIC閱讀測驗命題趨勢大解析 『新』多益題型攻略
New TOEIC閱讀測驗命題趨勢大解析
台灣地區將在2008年第一季,實施New TOEIC聽力和閱讀的新題型測驗。New TOEIC的改變題型,又有口說和寫作測驗的創舉,完全符合工商企業界的需求!
同時,ETS也進行多益測驗的更新,New TOEIC首先於2006年5月在韓、日兩國開始實施聽力、閱讀的新題型測驗,口說和寫作測驗則在同年12月開始舉辦。台灣地區將在2008年第一季,實施New TOEIC聽力和閱讀的新題型測驗,而口說和寫作測驗開始實施的時間,則有待ETS公佈。但是,這次多益測驗的變革,倒沒有引起太大的「驚嚇」,或許人們已經認為這是時勢所趨,加上ETS這番New TOEIC的改變題型,又有口說和寫作測驗的創舉,完全符合工商企業界的需求──藉著New TOEIC能夠覓得真正有英語實力的員工!
New TOEIC的閱讀新題型改變
限於篇幅,本文只談New TOEIC的Reading Comprehension部份,至於Listening Comprehension部份,容後再敘。New TOEIC的閱讀部份新題型改變如下:
一、 Part5填空:共40題(第101題~140題),承襲原來的考法,毫無變動,連題數都一樣。
二、 Part6短文克漏字:共12題(第141題~152題),三篇短文章,每篇文章有4個空格(4題),必須從每題下面(A)(B)(C)(D)4個答案,擇一正確答案。
三、 Part7閱讀:分成單篇閱讀和雙篇閱讀兩種。單篇閱讀有8~10篇文章,每1篇考2~4題測驗題(第153題~180題);雙篇閱讀有4組(8篇)文章,每2篇一起閱讀,接著有5道測驗題,共4組8篇20題(第181題~200題)。
筆者不惴孤陋、能力淺薄,今針對New TOEIC的Part 6短文克漏字及Part 7雙篇文章閱讀,各試作一組試題範例於下:
▋Part 6短文克漏字 範例
Every store of OmniMart has a service desk right at the front of the store-where customers can return anything they have purchased no questions asked. Some stores have even 141 customers for anything purchased elsewhere
141.(A)refreshed (B)refunded (C)refused (D)regarded
in order to create a satisfied customer who will come back to OmniMart in the future. This sends customers a strong message that they can buy anything at OmniMart 142 they don’t like it or don’t want it, the item can be returned
142.(A)and yet (B)so that (C)even as (D)and if
for a complete refund.
OmniMart’s perfect goal was to have everything the customer could ever want to purchase 143 inside his stores so there was no reason for customers
143.(A)comfortable (B)available (C)suitable (D)flexible
to ever need to go anywhere else. OmniMart realized, however that its competitors were also going to be trying to achieve the same aim, so OmniMart decided early on that the best way to distinguish OmniMart would be by combining every-day low prices with the best service offered by any 144 .
144.(A)consumer (B)supplier (C)retailer (D)customer
141.(B) 142.(D) 143.(B) 144.(C)
▋Part 7雙篇閱讀 範例
The biggest challenge facing businesses today is not taxes, government regulation or access to capital, but a labor shortage. About half of small businesses are looking to hire someone, and more than 50 percent encounter hiring difficulty. About half of the companies looking to hire someone end up choosing an employee less qualified than they originally thought. Meanwhile, not having had profit-sharing system, these companies face another grim trouble-experienced employees’ job-hopping problem. It makes labor shortage more serious.
Rock Brand believed that by sharing profits with all staff he is treating them the way he would treat a partner. Employees who are treated as partners begin to act like partners in their interactions with customers, suppliers and their own management. Partners are empowered people, and thus staff begin to feel empowered and do their duties more seriously and ardently.
The idea of profit sharing was actually quite common when Rock Brand started doing it in 1999. In later years, however, Mr. Brand would identify this practice as being the single best thing the company had ever done.
At first, Rock Brand thought he would provide profit sharing opportunities to his managers only. His young brother managed to persuade him it would be better to offer profit-sharing to all employees, even part-time employees. He suggested this would encourage everyone to think and act like an integral part of the business rather than being only employees. Rock Brand saw the wisdom in this idea and started placing a fixed percentage of Supertech’s profits into a pool that was then distributed to all company employees.
According to the Supertech profit-sharing plan, the company contributes about 7 percent of each employee’s wages into a personal profit-sharing plan account. When the employee leaves the company, he or she is entitled to take whatever is in their account either in Supertech stock or in cash. In addition, employees can also earn an incentive or bonus as an extra percentage of their wage based on performance. Employees may also receive a holiday bonus is based on their length of service with Supertech.
153. How many small businesses have trouble finding eligible employees?
(A) Less than half
(B) More than half
(C) Half
(D) Not specified
154. What point is addressed in both articles?
(A) Government regulation for hiring new employees
(B) The inability of businesses to find qualified staff
(C) Taxes facing small businesses
(D) Employee’s benefits
155. What happens to half of the companies hiring new staff?
(A) They hire people with fewer skills than they had wanted.
(B) They find much better staff than they had anticipated.
(C) They don’t hire anyone because no one is qualified.
(D) The new employee doesn’t last long at the new job.
156. What is Not mentioned in these articles?
(A) Human resource
(B) Business merger
(C) How to distribute bonus
(D) How to treat employees well
157. Who is Rock Brand?
(A) An accountant
(B) A financial analyst
(C) A businessperson
(D) An American style dinnerhouse chef
Rock Brand認為:和所有員工分享獲利,就像是把他們當成股東一樣。被看作合夥人的員工,就會開始以合夥人的作為,和顧客、供應商以及他們自己的管理階層互動。合夥人是得到公司授權的人,所以員工也開始覺得被賦予權力,會更認真、熱心地盡他們的責任。
Rock Brand在1999年開始實施分紅制度時,「分紅」的觀念其實已經十分普遍。不過,到後來幾年,Brand認為這項作法,是公司所做過的唯一最好的措施。
起初,Rock Brand只想提供分紅的機會給他的經理們。他的弟弟總算說服他:最好提供分紅給所有員工,甚至包括兼職的員工。他指出:這樣可以鼓勵每個人,把自己當成企業中不可或缺的份子去思考和工作,而不僅只是受雇的員工。Rock Brand看出了這個構想的智慧,便開始提撥固定比例的Supertech紅利到員工的共有分紅裡,然後發放給公司的所有員工。
153.(B) 154.(D) 155.(A) 156.(B) 157.(C)
以上是New TOEIC新題型Part 6短文克漏字和Part 7雙篇閱讀的介紹,筆者所撰寫的範例,深淺難易度大致和全真試題相符。謹此提供讀者們參考,希望讓讀者們對New TOEIC多所了解、早作準備。同時,筆者編著的「21天多益閱讀突破」,將於四月底出版,首版特價NT$150元。該書新舊題型並列,提供讀者們一窺2008年的新題型,包括填空、短文克漏字、以及單、雙篇閱讀,更詳列了多益常考字彙、片語和基本用字,方便讀者們理解記憶。敬請讀者諸君拭目以待!