

1in the postoffice
  send sth to someplace send sth by someway package mailstamp envelop ailmailexpressmail regestered mail weigh(秤重)overweight first class second class
2in the restaurant
  waiter/waitress servesgroupsnapkin(餐巾)soup dish dessert(甜點)salad pie
  3in the hospital
  clinic(門診)infirmary(學校醫務室)medical excuse(病假)emergency room operator room
  emergency number nusing staff(護理人員)ambulance(救護車)
  4in the airport
  flight flght number next flight first class ticket passanger board/boarding delay
  take off(起飛)wing(機翼)baggage claim area(取行李處)
  5in the museum
  exhibit/exhibition admission student card art gallary(藝術畫廊)
  send sth to someplace send sth by someway package mailstamp envelop ailmailexpressmail regestered mail weigh(秤重)overweight first class second class2in the restaurant
  waiter/waitress servesgroupsnapkin(餐巾)soup dish dessert(甜點)salad pie
  3in the hospital
  clinic(門診)infirmary(學校醫務室)medical excuse(病假)emergency room operator room
  emergency number nusing staff(護理人員)ambulance(救護車)
  4in the airport
  flight flght number next flight first class ticket passanger board/boarding delay
  take off(起飛)wing(機翼)baggage claim area(取行李處)
  5in the museum
  exhibit/exhibition admission student card art gallary(藝術畫廊)
  6in the bank
  cas(現金)check(支票)cash a check(兌現)open a savings account bankbook(存摺)interest(利息)travellerscheck(旅行支票)crdit card deposite money(存錢)draw money from (取錢)
  7in the hardwire store
  machine oil nails(釘子)paint(油漆)can wire hammer tool
  8in the construction site
  bulldozer(推土機)vacant lot(空地)0trucks lumber(木材)9in the photographers
  film(膠捲)a roll of film(一卷膠捲)develop film(沖膠捲)lens(鏡頭)10in the hairdressers
  in the back on the top of ears trim the bangs(修剪劉海)cut 11in the library
  librarian(圖書管理員)librarycard j ournal reference book check out book(借書)
 circulation desk(圖書出納處)
  12in the theatre
  stage actor sreat balc

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