Dear Daddy Playlist: 25 Songs for Father's Day親愛的爸爸播放列表:25首歌曲父親節
By Emily Votaw, James Rettig, Drew Poulsen and Erika Ramirez | June 12, 2014 3:05 PM EDT

With Father's Day just around the corner, now is the time to think of the man that stood tall in your life from day one. Of course, not all us us are so lucky to have had ones. So from Jay Z and Stevie Wonder showing love to their newborn daughters to Tupac Shakur giving his pops the finger and Madonna cursing hers as well, here are some daddy-related cuts to let ring this Sunday.
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Queen, "Father to Son"
From Queen's second album, the band sings from a father's perspective as he tries to impart advice to his son, even though he won't listen: "A word in your ear from father to son / Funny you don't hear a single word I say / But my letter to you will stay by your side."
Harry Chapin, "Cats in the Cradle"
The singer-songwriter tracks the relationship of a father and son that cannot spend time with each other. The song hopes for the day when the two can connect, but it never comes. "When you comin' home dad?," he asks. "I don't know when, but we'll get together then son / You know we'll have a good time then." The single was a No. 1 Hot 100 cut for one week in 1974.
Jay Z, "Glory"
Written in the days after with Beyonce gave birth to their daughter, this song sees the rapper experiencing the joys of fatherhood for the first time. "Words can't describe what I'm feeling, for real," Jay confesses. "Baby I'll paint the sky blue / My greatest creation was you." The song even opens with Blue Ivy's heartbeat. It thumped up to No. 63 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart at the end of January 2012.
Madonna's "Oh Father"
Forever controversial, the Madge reveals her scars in the stinging bitterness of her 1989 track. Madonna refuses to hold back her contempt for her dad with lines like "You never loved me" and "Maybe someday when I look back, I'll be able to say 'You didn't mean to be cruel," proving that not all Father's Days are happy. The single earned a No. 20 peak on the Hot 100 in 1990.
John Mayer - "Daughters"
Mayer's Grammy-winning smash single urged fathers to "be good" to their daughters while they're young, so that they too can have positive relationships with their loved ones in the present and future. It made it to No. 19 on the Hot 100 in 2005.
Billy Ray Cyrus & Miley Cyrus - "I Learned From You"
This dad-daughter duet explores the coming-of-age frustrations when a child thinks they might know it all, but they ultimately realize that daddy knows best. Miley sings proudly about all the things she took from her father, including "the reasons to keep believing" and "that strength is something you choose."
Luther Vandross, "Dance With My Father"
A guaranteed tear-jerker, Vanross wears his emotions on his sleeve as he pines for the days "before life removed all the innocence" where he'd joyously dance with his late father before being carried to bed. The single peaked at No. 38 on the Hot 100 chart in 2003.
Beyonce, "Daddy"
Beyonce takes a walk down memory lane as she recalls some of her fondest memories of being a Daddy's girl. Knowles recalls being "inseparable" as the two would "Bike ride everyday on the bayou" and recalls the disappointment-turned-acceptance when she got her first tattoo. Now grown up, Beyonce still honors that "man in my life that can't be replaced."
Keith Urban, "Song for Dad"
This Aussie country star believes that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. While most of us fear the idea of turning into our parents, Urban embraces all the little things like "tap(ping) my fingers on the table to the rhythm in my soul" and jingling the car keys when he's ready to leave, that he remembers in his father. As he grows older, Urban hopes to see even more of his dad in himself in this gushy country ballad.
Reba McEntire's "The Greatest Man I Ever Knew"
From the lyrics, the "Greatest Man" she ever knew was a father who was hardly ever around. Though often absent from her life, the love the singer got from her father was often unspoken and not expressed. But apparently it was shown through the sacrifices he made for his family. Regretfully, McEntire recalls, "He never said he loved me. Guess he thought I knew." The cut was No. 3 on the Hot Country Songs chart in 1992.
Stevie Wonder, "Isn't She Lovely"
Fatherhood was a great thing for Stevie Wonder. On his critically acclaimed 1976 album "Songs in the Key of Life" includes this gem about his daughter, Aisha. "I can't believe what God has done," he sings joyously. "Through us he's given life to one /But isn't she lovely made from love."
James Brown, "Papa Don't Take No Mess"
There are a lot of different paternal stereotypes, but if there is a way to encapsulate an occasionally angry, but overall solid kind of pop, James Brown did it in this 1974 funk jam. "Papa didn't cuss / He didn't raise a whole lotta fuss," Brown explained. "But when we did wrong / Papa beat the hell out of us."
Will Smith - "Just the Two of Us"
Will Smith put a spin on Bill Withers' and Grover Washington, Jr's classic love song, "Just The Two Of Us," for his "Big Willie Style" album in 1997, turning it into an ode to his oldest son, Trey Smith. The song features Smith expressing his love to Trey, and giving him some sound fatherly advice. Trey even opens the song with, "Now daddy, this is a very sensitive subject." In the video, his wife Jada Smith makes an appearance, with Jaden Smith in her pregnant belly.
Asher Roth, "His Dream"
In this track from Asher Roth's one and only 2009 stab at a studio album, "Asleep in the Bread Aisle," Roth explores the heavier aspects of fatherhood and the personal sacrifice his father made for son to achieve his dreams.
2Pac, "Papa'z Song"
"That's why I'll never be a father / Unless you got the time, it's a crime / Don't even bother," 'Pac raps poignantly. This gem from 2pac's sophomore effort "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z." is aggressive, yes. But after hearing about a father that is around only occasionally and only takes a half-hearted interest in his children, you can't help but love it when 2pac just tells this so-called "dad" to "fuck off." The song made it to No. 87 on the Hot 100 in 1994.
Common featuring Lauryn Hill, "Retrospect for Life"
Arguably the strongest track off of Commonís 1996 "One Day It'll All Make Sense," this incredibly heavy track about abortion makes a statement about the importance of understanding the power of the paternal role before becoming a father. Com' raps, "I'm sorry for takin your first breath, first step, and first cry / But I wasn't prepared mentally nor financially."
Nas, "Daughters"
On this 2012 track from Nas' eleventh studio album "Life Is Good," the incredibly prolific rapper sheds light on the horrifying and enlightening experience of discovering that his daughter, Destiny, is no longer a little girl. Nas raps, "Don't know what got inside this child's mind, she planted a box of condoms on her dresser then she Instagrammed it." "Daughters" peaked at No. 78 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart in 2012.
Kanye West and Jay Z, "New Day"
A parent always wants something better than what they had for their childhood, a sentiment that Kanye West and Jay Z outline in this track off of their collaborative 2011 album "Watch the Throne." Kanye hopes that his child won't ever have the same size ego he does, while Jay Z laments the impossibility of a normal childhood for his kid. "Sorry Junior, I already ruined ya / 'Cause you ain't even alive, paparazzi pursuin' ya / Sins of a father make your life ten times harder / I just wanna take ya to a barber."
Birdman and Lil' Wayne, "Stuntin' Like My Daddy"
Weezy and father figure Birdman exhibit their bond on this song, a highlight from their 2006 collaboration album "Like Father, Like Son."
Kenny Chesney, "There Goes My Life"
The story in this country tune follows a teenage relationship after a surprise pregnancy and ends with the protagonist discovering the joy of fatherhood. "A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later," Chesney sings, "That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator / Oh yeah, he loves that little girl."
隨著父親節即將來臨,現在是想站在高高的在你的生活從一開始就在男人的時間。當然,並不是所有人我們是如此幸運地擁有過的。因此,從傑伊Z和Stevie Wonder的愛展示給他們的新生女兒圖帕克克沙克給他的持久性有機污染物的手指和麥當娜罵她為好,這裡有一些爸爸有關的削減,讓環這個星期天。
父親節組圖:熱門音樂爸爸 | 40樂爸爸和他們著名的童裝
克萊普頓寫了這首歌平行尋找他的兒子,誰在4歲時去世的眼睛,他的父親,他從來沒有見過誰的眼睛。令人心碎的歌曲展示了歌手嚮往的父親松的關係經歷:“點點滴滴,我已經意識到,”他唱道,“這就是當我需要他們/這時候我需要我父親的眼睛。” 單在1998年去到第2位成人當代圖表上。
從1972年的專輯“所有的方向,”這款經典單是關於一個缺席的父親。他們唱的,“爸爸是個羅林'石頭/無論他把他的頭是他的家/而當他死了,所有他留給我們的是一個人。” 這是1號熱100單在1972年。
歌手兼詞曲作者跟踪一對父子不能花時間與對方的關係。這首歌的希望時,這兩個可以連接的日子,但它永遠不會到來。“當你帶著你家的爸爸?”他問。“我不知道什麼時候,但我們會再在一起的兒子/你知道我們將有一個很好的時間的話。” 單是1號熱100切一個星期於1974年。
寫在以後的日子裡與碧昂絲生下了他們的女兒,這首歌看到說唱體驗初為人父的喜悅,第一次。“無法用言語來形容我現在的心情,真的,”周杰倫承認。“寶貝,我會畫的天藍色/我最偉大的創造就是你。” 這首歌甚至開始與藍色常春藤的心跳。它完胜最多的熱門R&B 63號/嘻哈單曲榜中,在2012年1月底。
永遠的爭議,在瑪奇揭示了她的1989年軌道刺痛了她的辛酸疤痕。麥當娜拒絕忍住她蔑視她的爸爸有像“你從來沒有愛過我”,“也許有一天,當我回頭看,我就可以說'你不是那個意思是殘酷的,”證明線,並不是所有的爸爸的日子是快樂的。單在1990年贏得了在Hot 100第20高峰。
約翰·梅爾 - “女兒”
Mayer的格萊美獲獎紅極一時單催促父親要“好”自己的女兒,而他們年輕,所以他們也可以在當前和未來的親人正相關關係。它在2005年去到19號在Hot 100。
比利·雷·賽勒斯和麥莉·賽勒斯 - “我學到了你”
保證催淚jerker,Vanross穿著他的情緒在他的袖子,因為他所渴望的日子“之前的生活帶走所有的天真”,他會與他已故的父親正在開展睡覺前愉快地跳舞。單在38號在2003年達到頂峰在Hot 100排行榜上。
從歌詞中,“最偉大的人”,她所認識的是一位父親是誰未落左右。雖然從她的生活中經常缺席,從她父親的歌手得到了愛情往往是不言而喻的,而不是表達。但顯然通過他為他的家人的犧牲被證明。遺憾的是,伊泰回憶說,“他從來不說他愛我。你猜他以為我知道了。” 切割是熱門鄉村單曲榜中,1992年的第3位。
父親是為Stevie Wonder的一件大事。他廣受好評的1976年專輯“生命中的關鍵歌”包括這種寶石關於他的女兒,阿伊莎。“我不能相信上帝所做的一切,”他唱愉快。“通過我們,他的生活給予一個/,但不是她可愛的愛心人士。」
威爾·史密斯 - “就在我們倆”
威爾·史密斯把自旋比爾威瑟斯“和格羅弗·華盛頓,JR的經典情歌,”兩個美國只是,“為他的”大威利風格“的專輯在1997年,把它變成一個歌頌他的大兒子特雷·史密斯。這首歌擁有史密斯表示他愛的三分球,給了他一些聲音父親般的忠告。三分球甚至開始與這首歌,“現在爸爸,這是一個非常敏感的話題。” 在視頻中,他的妻子賈達·史密斯一次露面,與賈登·史密斯在她懷孕的肚子。
“這就是為什麼我永遠也做不成爸爸/除非你有時間,這是一個犯罪/甚至不打擾,”'小精靈尖銳地斥責。這顆寶石在2pac的的大二學生努力“嚴格4我的兄弟們”,是積極的,肯定的。但聽到父親就是圍繞只是偶爾,只有在需要他的孩子們一個三心二意的興趣,你不能不喜歡它,當2Pac的只是告訴這個所謂的“爸爸”到“滾開”。這首歌在1994年去到87號在Hot 100。
父親是為Stevie Wonder的一件大事。他廣受好評的1976年專輯“生命中的關鍵歌”包括這種寶石關於他的女兒,阿伊莎。“我不能相信上帝所做的一切,”他唱愉快。“通過我們,他的生活給予一個/,但不是她可愛的愛心人士。」
威爾·史密斯 - “就在我們倆”
威爾·史密斯把自旋比爾威瑟斯“和格羅弗·華盛頓,JR的經典情歌,”兩個美國只是,“為他的”大威利風格“的專輯在1997年,把它變成一個歌頌他的大兒子特雷·史密斯。這首歌擁有史密斯表示他愛的三分球,給了他一些聲音父親般的忠告。三分球甚至開始與這首歌,“現在爸爸,這是一個非常敏感的話題。” 在視頻中,他的妻子賈達·史密斯一次露面,與賈登·史密斯在她懷孕的肚子。
“這就是為什麼我永遠也做不成爸爸/除非你有時間,這是一個犯罪/甚至不打擾,”'小精靈尖銳地斥責。這顆寶石在2pac的的大二學生努力“嚴格4我的兄弟們”,是積極的,肯定的。但聽到父親就是圍繞只是偶爾,只有在需要他的孩子們一個三心二意的興趣,你不能不喜歡它,當2Pac的只是告訴這個所謂的“爸爸”到“滾開”。這首歌在1994年去到87號在Hot 100。
從Nas的第十張錄音室專輯這2012曲目“生活是美好的,”令人難以置信的多產說唱揭示了發現他的女兒,命運,不再是小女孩的可怕的和有啟發性的經驗的光。納斯斥責,“不知道這裡面的孩子的心靈得到了什麼,她種了一盒安全套在她的梳妝台上,然後她Instagrammed它。” “女兒”在高峰上的熱門R&B 78號/嘻哈單曲榜中在2012年。
肯伊威斯特和Jay Z,“新日”
從Nas的第十張錄音室專輯這2012曲目“生活是美好的,”令人難以置信的多產說唱揭示了發現他的女兒,命運,不再是小女孩的可怕的和有啟發性的經驗的光。納斯斥責,“不知道這裡面的孩子的心靈得到了什麼,她種了一盒安全套在她的梳妝台上,然後她Instagrammed它。” “女兒”在高峰上的熱門R&B 78號/嘻哈單曲榜中在2012年。
肯伊威斯特和Jay Z,“新日”