'Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1': What's the verdict?
“飢餓遊戲:飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 - 第1部分”:有什麼評價呢?
- 'Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1" is in theaters now
- One critic called it "an overgrown and bloated trailer"
- Another hailed the acting in the film
(CNN) -- Are the odds still ever in our favor?
'Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1" has hit theaters, and critics seem divided on whether it's a strong offering.
Politics is a star, as much as Jennifer Lawrence's rebel Katniss Everdeen, in the latest installment of the popular franchise. Adapted from the the third novel in the young adult series by Suzanne Collins, the film finds Katniss stepping firmly into her role as leader in the fight against the authoritarian-totalitarian regime of Panem.
Joe Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journal notes the controversy that has surrounded the decision to make two movies out of the third book and writes "but this latest film, which Francis Lawrence directed from a screenplay by Peter Craig and Danny Strong, proves to be much more than scene-setting."
"It's about the power of political symbols, and the danger of becoming one -- about Katniss staying true to herself, and to those she loves, while her handlers seek to reshape her into some sort of sci-fi Joan of Arc," he writes.
The Wrap's Alonso Duralde finds that the new film "calls to mind smart political comedies like 'Wag the Dog' and 'Tanner '88.' "
"Returning director Francis Lawrence finds interesting visual moments, even in the underground bunker," Duralde writes. "At one point, Katniss looks down on rows and rows of rebels climbing down, down, down a metallic triangular staircase, and it's like something out of "Metropolis." That's a pretty bold quotation to make for a film that's also about a proletariat revolution, but even if "Mockingjay" isn't on the level of that silent classic, it's not an altogether inappropriate reference point."
But Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter pins Part 1 as "an overgrown and bloated trailer for a film yet to come."
"Unfortunately, 'Mockingjay - Part 1' has all the personality of an industrial film," he says. "There's not a drop of insolence, insubordination or insurrection running through its veins; it feels like a manufactured product through and through, ironic and sad given its revolutionary theme."
Slate's movie critic, Dana Stevens, writes of the parallel themes of teen romance and revolution in the film. Katniss is torn between feelings for Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), who is now in the custody of the Capitol, and fellow freedom fighter Gale (Liam Hemsworth).
"War and teenage angst make for uncomfortable narrative bedfellows, but at least the political violence that rips through the fictional country of Panem is neither glossed over nor trivialized," Stevens writes, noting the film's PG-13 rating for scenes that include executions and mass slaughter. "And Jennifer Lawrence is actress enough to invest even Katniss' comparatively low-stakes struggle with some dramatic heft."
Indeed, it appears that the acting may be part of the saving grace for the film according to some. Claudia Puig of USA Today praises Lawrence and her fellow cast members, including Julianne Moore and the late Philip Seymour Hoffman.
"Jennifer Lawrence reveals greater depth and emotional layers as rebel leader Katniss and is bolstered by powerhouse supporting performances," Puig writes. "New to the dystopian franchise, Julianne Moore plays District 13 President Alma Coin with just the right blend of stern authority and humanity. Her right-hand man is the once-sinister, now-wearied Plutarch Heavensbee, played perfectly by Philip Seymour Hoffman."
Do you plan on seeing the film? Sound off in the comments below.
2014年11月21日 - 更新1855 GMT(0255 HKT)
詹妮弗·勞倫斯回來的弓箭手和自由戰士凱特尼斯·伊夫狄恩在“飢餓遊戲:飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢,第1部分” 這裡有幾個科幻動作女主人公(有一些幻想拋出)。 詹妮弗·勞倫斯回來的弓箭手和自由戰士凱特尼斯·伊夫狄恩在“飢餓遊戲:飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢,第1部分” 這裡有幾個科幻動作女主人公(有一些幻想拋出)。
1 2 3 4 五 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
“飢餓遊戲:飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 - 第1部分”是在電影院現在
(CNN) -的機率仍不斷對我們有利?
“飢餓遊戲:飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 - 第1部分”已經上映,而批評者似乎分歧無論它是一個強大的產品。
“這是關於政治符號的力量,並成為一種危險-約Katniss堅守自己,以及那些她愛,而她的處理程序試圖重塑她進入某種弧科幻瓊,” 他寫道。
該包裹的阿隆索Duralde發現,新電影“讓我想起聰明的政治喜劇片如”搖尾狗“和”丹拿88年。“ “
“不幸的是,”飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢-第1部分“有工業用薄膜的所有性格,” 他說, “沒有一滴的蠻橫,不服從或叛亂通過它的血管裡,那感覺就像製成品透,諷刺和傷心賦予其革命性的主題。“
“詹妮弗·勞倫斯發現更大的深度和情感層為叛軍領袖Katniss,並通過廠房配套的表演帶動,” 普格寫道, “新的反烏托邦的專營權,朱麗安·摩爾扮演13區總裁阿爾瑪硬幣與恰到好處的融合了嚴厲的權威和人性化她的左右手是一次險惡,現在已經厭倦普魯塔克Heavensbee,由菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼完全發揮。“