The first professional clown born in the United States was John Durang (1768-1822), who came from a decidedly noncircus family. Durang was the first in a long line of great clowns to dynamically combine genuine dramatic and comedic talent with a highly developed proficiency in a wide range of circus techniques. He left home at the age of 15 to tour as a dancer with a traveling performer. His lack of formal training did not stop him from becoming an accomplished puppeteer, clown, Harlequin, dancer, ropewalker, equestrian, Shakespearean actor, scene designer, and pyrotechnist. John Bill Ricketts was impressed enough to offer him a job in 1793, but Durang declined because it required superior horsemanship, a skill which he had not yet acquired. In 1795 Ricketts repeated his offer, and this time Durang accepted. He immediately began practicing trick riding and was soon able to add equestrian clowning to his repertoire. By 1797 Durang had become a key member of Rickett's company, and that summer he and Ricketts led the troupe on a tour into Canada. During continued his remarkable career for the next 20 years, performing in theaters and circuses and even managing his own dramatic touring troupe for nine consecutive summers. Before he died John Durang revealed yet another talent by writing his memoirs, the only extensive first-person account of circus life in the early United States.
clown : n. 小丑,粗魯愚蠢的人
decidedly : adv. 決定,斷然;明瞭,無凝
circus : n. 馬戲團,馬戲,競技場
dynamically : ad. 動態的
genuine : a. 真正的,真實的,誠懇的
dramatic : a. 戲劇性的,生動的
comedic : a. 喜劇的
proficiency : n. 精通,熟練,精練
technique : n. 技術,方法,表演法
lack : n. 缺乏,無,不足;vt. 缺乏,短少,不足,需要;vi. 缺乏
accomplished : a. 完成的,實現的,善社交的,有造詣的,熟練的
puppeteer : n. 操縱木偶的人,操縱傀儡
harlequin : n. 丑角
ropewalker : n. 走鋼絲,繩索特技表演者
equestrian : a. 騎馬的,馬的,在馬背上的;n. 騎手
Shakespearean : a. 莎士比亞的
scene : n. 場,景,情景,景色,鏡頭,發生地點,佈景,道具
pyrotechnist : n. 煙火製造者
offer : n. 出價,提議,意圖,報價;vt. 提供,出價,奉獻,使出現,企圖,演出;vi. 出現,獻祭,提議
decline : n. 衰微,跌落,下降;vt. 使降低,婉謝;vi. 下降,衰落,偏斜
superior : n. 長者,高手,上級;a. 上好的,出眾的,高傲的
horsemanship : n. 馬術
acquired : a. 已取得的,已獲得的,已成習慣的,後天的
accepted : a. 一般承認的,公認的
immediately : ad. 立刻,剛,立即
trick : n. 詭計,欺詐,謀略,癖好,惡作劇,決竅;vt. 戲弄,欺騙,裝飾;vi. 哄騙,戲弄;a.有決竅的,特技的,欺詐的,漂亮的,靠不住的,有效的
equestrian : a. 騎馬的,馬的,在馬背上的;n. 騎手
repertoire : n. 全部劇碼,保留劇目,全部技能
troupe : n. 一團,一班,劇團;vi. 巡迴演出
consecutive : a. 連續的,聯貫的,始終一貫的
reveal : vt. 露出,顯示,透露,(神)啟示,揭露,洩露;n. 窗側,門側
memoir : n. 傳記,實錄,追思錄,回憶錄,自傳
P2 Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows . When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. Your brain wavers slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then, about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose consciousness, you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.
You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long , but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur. Provided that you do not wake up during the first REM sleep period,your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more, and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep——only to rise once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.
activity : n. 活動,動作,活力
cycle : n. 週期,迴圈,自行車,一段時間,整套;vi. 迴圈,輪轉,騎自行車;vt. 使迴圈,使輪轉
occur : vi. 發生,想到,存在
average : n. 平均,平均數,海損;a. 一般的,通常的,平均的;vt. 平均為,均分,使平衡;vi. 買進,賣出
drift : n. 漂流物,觀望,漂流;vt. vi. (使)漂流
slumber : n. 睡眠,沉睡狀態;vi. 熟睡,打盹,蜇伏;vt. 睡著渡過(時間)
roll : n. 卷,滾動,名單,壓路機,案卷,翻滾;vi. 滾,滾動,飄流,起伏,繞,卷;vt. 使滾動,卷,繞
slightly : ad. 些微地,苗條地
muscle : n. 肌肉,臂力
relax : vi. 放鬆,鬆懈,鬆弛,變從容,休息,休養;vt. 使鬆馳,緩和,使鬆懈,使休息
breathing : n. 呼吸,瞬間,微風;a. 呼吸的,逼真的
alpha : n. 希臘字母的第一個字母,最初,開端
rhythm : n. 旋律,節奏,韻律,勻稱,節律
predominate : vt. 掌握,控制,支配;vi. 統治,成為主流
consciousness : n. 意識,知覺,自覺
reach : n. 伸出,延伸,區域,岬,河段,範圍;vt. 到達,達到,伸出,延伸,影響;vi. 達到,延伸,伸出手,傳開
delta : n. 三角州,希臘字母的第四個字
instead : ad. 改為,抵作,更換,替代
disappear : vi. 消失,不見
pattern : n. 模範,典型,式樣,模式,樣品,格調,圖案;vt. 模仿,仿造,以圖案裝飾;vi. 形成圖案
dart : n. 飛鏢,投射;vt. 投射;vi. 疾走,突進
eyelid : n. 眼皮,眼瞼
rapid : a. 迅速的,飛快的,急促的,險峻的;n. 急流
REM : rapid eye movement
provided : conj. 倘若
gently : ad. 輕輕地,逐漸地
Before the 1850's the United States had a number of small colleges ,most of them dating from colonial days .They were small ,church-connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students .
Throughout Europe ,institutions of higher learning had developed ,bearing the ancient name of university .In Germany a different kind of university had developed . The German university was concerned primarily with creating and spreading knowledge, not morals. Between mid-century and the end of the 1800's, more than nine thousand young Americans, dissatisfied with their training at home ,went to Germany for advanced study. Some of them returned to become presidents of venerable colleges —— Harvard ,Yale , Columbia —— and transform them into modem universities .The new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty. Professors were hired for their knowledge of a subject, not because they were of the proper faith and had a strong arm for disciplining students. The new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on, and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars. Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing , in which the professor's own research was presented in class . Graduate training leading to the Ph.D, an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment ,was introduced .With the establishment of the seminar system, graduate students learned to question ,analyze, and conduct their own research .
At the same time ,the new university greatly expanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old , constricted curriculum of mathematics ,classics ,rhetoric ,and music . The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system ,by which students were able to choose their own courses of study .The notion of major fields of study emerged .The new goal was to make the university relevant to the real pursuits of the world. Paying close heed to the practical needs of society ,the new universities trained men and women to work at its tasks, with engineering students being the most characteristic of the new regime . Students were also trained as economists ,architects ,agriculturalists ,social welfare workers ,and teachers.
date : n. 日期,約會,棗椰子;vt. 約會,定日期;vi. 注明日期,過時;n. DOS命令:顯示或設置系統日期
colonial : a. 殖民的,殖民地的
connect : vt. vi. 連接,聯合,關連
primary : n. 最主要者,原色;a. 主要的,初期的,根本的,首要的,基本的
concern : n. 關心,憂慮;vt. 與……有關,使擔心,掛慮
moral : n. 道德,品行,寓意;a. 道德的,品性端正的,良心的
bearing : n. 舉止,軸承,忍受,方向,意義,關係,生育
ancient : a. 遠古的,舊的
develop : vt. 發展,發達,進步,洗印,顯影;vi. 發展,生長
primarily : ad. 主要地,首先地,基本地
spreading : 撒布
dissatisfy : vt. 使感覺不滿,不滿足
advanced : a. 高等的,在前的,年老的,先進的
venerable : a. 莊嚴的,值得尊敬的
Harvard : 美國哈佛大學
Yale : n. 耶魯
Columbia : n. 哥倫比亞
transform : vt. 轉換,改變,改造,使……變形;vi. 改變,轉化,變換
tie : n. 帶子,線,鞋帶,不分勝負,關係,領帶,領結,平局,束縛;vt. 系,打結,紮,約束,與……成平局;vi. 結合,打結,不分勝負
faculty : n. 才能,能力,全體教員,(大學的)系
hire : n. 租金,租用,雇用;vt. 雇請,出租;vi. 受雇
proper : a. 適當的,高尚的,專屬的;ad. 完全地,徹底地
discipline : n. 訓練,紀律;vt. 訓練,懲罰
principle : n. 原則,原理,主義
compose : vt. 組成,寫作,作曲,使平靜,編寫;vi. 創作,排字
scholar : n. 學者,公費生,有文化者,學習者
drilling : n. 演練
rote : n. 機械性的背誦,反復,死記硬背
lecture : n. 演講,譴責,教訓;vt. 演講,訓誡,說教;vi. 講演
present : n. 禮物,現在,瞄準;a.現在的,出席的,當面的;vt.介紹,引見,贈送,上演,提出,呈現;vi. 舉槍瞄準
signify : vt. 象徵,預示;vi. 要緊,重要
attainment : n. 達到
seminar : n. 研究會,討論發表會
analyze : vt. 分析,分解
conduct : n. 行為,舉動,指導;vt.引導,指揮,實施;vi.引導,傳導,指揮
expand : vt. 使膨脹,詳述,擴張;vi. 張開,發展;v. 展開
constrict : vt. 壓縮,束緊,使收縮;vi. 壓縮
curriculum : n. 課程
classic : n. 古典作品,傑作,第一流藝術家;a.第一流的,最優秀的,古典的
rhetoric : n. 修辭,修辭學,華麗虛飾的語言
elective : a. 選舉的,根據選舉的,選任的;n. 選修課程
notion : n. 概念,觀念,想法,打算,主張
emerge : vi. 浮現,形成,(由某種狀態)脫出,(事實)顯現出來
relevant : a. 有關聯的,中肯的,有關係的,成比例的,相應的,適當的
pursuit : n. 追蹤,追捕,追求,追趕,工作,職業
heed : n. 注意,留心;vt. vi. 注意,留心
characteristic : n. 特性,特徵,特色;a. 特性的,本性的,有特色的
regime : n. 政權,當權期間,政體,社會制度
economist : n. 經濟學者,經濟家
architect : n. 建築師,設計者,造物主