

Songwriters have found inspiration in all sorts of places, from transvestites to team tennis titans.



Songwriters have found inspiration in all sorts of places, from transvestites to team tennis titans. Maggie Koerth-Baker has read between the liner notes to find out for whom 8 famous songs were written.

1. “Philadelphia Freedom”

Written by: Elton John & Bernie Taupin

Written for: Billie Jean King, as a thank-you for a tracksuit she gave Elton. And what a tracksuit it must have been! The 1975 song remains one of the most popular disco hits ever, leaving thousands of Hustle enthusiasts wondering just what Billie Jean King had to do with Philadelphia, anyway.

Turns out, the song was a reference to King’s pro tennis team, The Philadelphia Freedoms. Prior to 1968, tennis players were all considered “amateurs” and weren’t eligible to receive prize money. So, if you didn’t have the wealth to support yourself, you couldn’t play. Billie Jean King fought against those constraints, ultimately founding Professional World Team Tennis in 1974 and turning tennis into a paid league sport. 


無論是從異性模仿癖者還是從網球巨人隊中,歌曲創作者總能在各種各樣的地方找到靈感。Maggie Koerth-Baker 已經從唱片封套上的說明文字中找出8首著名的歌曲是為了誰而創作的。




 作者:Elton John & Bernie Taupin


致:Billie Jean King. 作為她送給ELTON的一件田徑服的回報。 這是一件怎樣的田徑服啊!這首1975年的歌曲一直作為最流行的迪斯可個歌曲之一,給其成千上萬的狂熱愛好者留下了一個疑問:到底Billie Jean King 和費城有什麼關係?


結果是,這首歌提及的是KING的職業網球隊,費城自由。在1968年以前,人們認為網球運動員是業餘的並且沒有資格領取獎金。所有,如果你沒有金錢支持,你就不能成為網球運動員。Billie Jean King 與那些不平等的壓迫做鬥爭,最終在1974年成立職業的世界網球隊從而把網球變成一項有酬的體育聯盟。





2. “Lola”

Written by: The Kinks’ Ray Davies

Written for: A transvestite. But the question is, which one? According to Rolling Stone, “Lola” was inspired by Candy Darling, a member of Andy Warhol’s entourage, whom Ray Davies briefly (and cluelessly) dated. If that’s the case, then “Lola” is just another notch on Darling’s song belt—she’s also referred to in Lou Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side.” (”Candy came from out on the Island/ In the backroom she was everybody’s darlin’.”)

But, in the Kinks’ official biography, Davies tells a different story. He says “Lola” was written after the band’s manager spent a very drunken night dancing with a woman whose five o’clock shadow was apparently obvious to everyone but him.



作者:The Kinks’ Ray Davies


致:一位異性模仿癖者。問題是,她到底是哪一位?根據滾石唱片的說法,“蘿拉”是受Candy Darling,一位 Andy Warhol的隨行人員,曾和Ray Davies 短暫約會過的女人的激發而創作。如果這是事實,那麼“蘿拉”就只是Darling歌帶上的一道痕跡,她在Lou Reed的“在野外漫步”中也被提及(Candy來自於小島/在密室中她是我們每個人的情人)






3. “867-5309/Jenny”

Written by: Jim Keller (of Tommy Tutone) and Alex Call

Written for: Unknown, as the songwriters apparently make up a different story about its inspiration every time they’re asked. While the woman continues to remain a mystery, however, the phone number is all too real. In fact, it’s been wreaking havoc ever since 1982the passage of time hasn’t quelled of the number of crank calls. In 1999, Brown University freshman roommates Nina Clemente and Jahanaz Mirza found that out the hard way, when the school adopted an 867 exchange number for its on-campus phone system. Immediately, the girls’ innocuous Room No. 5309 became a magnet for every drunk college kid with a 1980s fetish.

Other unfortunate phone customers have fought back with creative and profitable solutions, like the holder of 212-867-5309, who put his phone number up for auction on eBay in 2004. Bids approached $100,000 before eBay pulled the item at the request of Verizon, the number’s actual owner.


3. “867-5309/簡尼”


作者:Jim Keller (of Tommy Tutone) and Alex Call


致:未知,這正如同歌曲作者再問到他們的靈感來自何處時慣於編造一個不同的故事一樣。這個女人依舊還是一個謎,但是這個電話號碼卻是千真萬確的。事實上,自從1982年以來,這個號碼帶來了無盡的災難,並且時間的流逝也並沒有減少騷擾電話的次數。在1999年,當布朗大學開始使用867為其校內電話系統的交換臺號碼時,這一秘密被新生室友Nina Clemente 和Jahanaz Mirza 發現,馬上,帶著19世紀80年代的狂熱崇拜精神,無辜的女生宿舍 NO.5309 就如同一塊磁鐵一樣,將每個醉酒的學生緊緊吸引住。


另外一些不幸的電話使用者學會了用創作性和有益的解決方法還擊,就像212-867-5309的使用者Verizon,他在2004年把他的電話號碼放在eBay上拍賣,在他把這個號碼從eBay撤下來時,出價已經接近$100,000 。



4. “Für Elise

Written by: Ludwig van Beethoven

Written for: Some girl probably not named Elise. In fact, as far as most historians can tell, Beethoven didn’t even know an Elise. Instead, the song was originally titled “Bagatelle in A minor” based on some handwritten notation a Beethoven researcher claimed to have seen on a now-lost copy of the sheet music.

Further complicating things, Beethoven had hideous handwriting—to the point that some scholars speculate the song was actually written “for Therese,” as in Therese Malfatti, one of several women who turned down a marriage proposal from the notoriously lovesick maestro.















5. “Oh, Carol”

Written by: Neil Sedaka

Written for: Carole King, naturally. Sedaka and King actually dated briefly in high school — a romance Sedaka was able to successfully milk with “Oh, Carol,” a then top-10 (if now somewhat forgettable) 1959 pop song.

However, the real success of “Oh, Carol” came a few months later, when it inspired King to write a rebuttal entitled “Oh, Neil.” At the time, King and her husband, Gerry Goffin, were fledgling songwriters in need of a hit tune. “Oh, Neil” wasn’t that, but it did pay off. After Sedaka gave a tape of the song to his boss, King and Goffin landed jobs at the legendary Brill Building pop music factory, where the duo went on to write chart-toppers like “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” and “The Loco-Motion.”



作者:Neil Sedaka


致:Carole King, Sedaka 和 King的確在高中時曾短暫約會過, Sedaka 成功地把這段羅曼史用“哦,卡洛”緩緩道來,這首歌也成為了1959年的十大流行歌曲。


然而,幾個月之後,當它激勵著KING寫出一首反駁的歌曲”哦,尼爾“,這首歌曲的勝利才真正來臨。在那時,KING和她的丈夫Gerry Goffin都是稚嫩的詞曲作家,急需一個有影響的作品。“哦,尼爾”稱不上有影響,但也足夠讓他們打入市場。在Sedaka把這首歌的磁帶老闆之後, king夫婦在傳奇布里爾大廈流行音樂工廠穩定下來,在這裡,這對搭檔繼續寫出了他們的代表作“明天你依舊愛我嗎"和”本地動態”。






6. “It Ain’t Me, Babe”

Written by: Bob Dylan

Written for: Joan Baez, though it clearly wasn’t the nicest gift Dylan could have given her. The two met in 1961, when Baez was an up-and-coming folk singerand Dylan was a nobody from Minnesota. Desperate to make his break in the music biz, Dylan worked like crazy to get Baez’s attention. He eventually ended up going on tour with her, which is how he first became famous, and also how the two began dating. For a while, they seemed like the golden couple, but things soon went downhill.

During a European concert tour together in early 1965, they had a huge fight and parted ways. That May, Dylan was holed up in a hotel after being hospitalized with a virus, and Baez, hoping to remain friends, decided to bring him flowers. Sadly, that’s how she found out that her ex was already dating someone else. That someone else was Sara Lownds, whom Dylan married a mere six months later.




作者:Bob Dylan


致:Joan Baez,雖然這並不是DYLAN給她的最好的禮物。他們在1961年相識,那是BAEZ是一個事業如日中天的民歌手,而dylan只是一個從明尼蘇達州來的無名小卒。dylan不顧一切地以音樂謀生,並且像瘋子一樣工作來取得baez地注意。終於,他得到了和baez一起出遊的機會,這使他第一次出名,也使他們兩個開始 約會。無需太多時間,他們就像金童玉女一樣,但事情很快就改變了


在他們一起出行的1965年歐洲演唱會期間,他們之間爆發了激烈的戰爭並同時分道揚鑣。那個五月,dylan因感染病毒而在酒店就醫,依舊期望他們還是朋友的baez決定帶著花去看他。令人難過的是,她發現她的前男友已經開始和別人約會,這個別人就是 Sara Lownds,也就是dylan 在短短的6個月後於其結婚的女人。






7. “Our House”

Written by: Graham Nash (of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)

Written for: Joni Mitchell. In December 1968, Nash and Mitchell moved into a cozy little house in the Laurel Canyon section of Los Angeles. Though commonly left out of the hippy pantheon, Laurel Canyon was sort of a commune-home away from commune-home for San Francisco society — not just CSN&Y, but also Jim Morrison, the Eagles, Frank Zappa, and more.

“Our House” was directly inspired by a lazy Sunday in the Nash/Mitchell household. The couple went out to brunch, hit an antiques store, and then returned to find the house just a bit chilly, at which point Nash literally “lit a fire,” while Mitchell “placed the flowers in the vase that she bought that day.” No, really. The whole tableau seemed so ridiculously domestic to Nash that he immediately sat down and spent the rest of the day writing about it.




作者:Graham Nash


致:Joni Mitchell。 在1968年12月,nash和michell搬進洛杉磯月桂谷區的一個溫馨的小房子。雖然這裡沒有嬉皮士名人,但月桂谷卻是嬉皮士們遠離三藩市社會的一個共同的家園,不僅僅是CSN&Y,還包括Jim Morrison, the Eagles, Frank Zappa都在此地。






8. “Dear Mama”

Written by: Tupac Shakur

Written for: Afeni Shakur, who is, obviously, Tupac’s mama. A fascinating character in her own right, Afeni Shakur was born Alice Fay Williams, but changed her name while working with the Black Panthers in the 1960s. In fact, Tupac (named after the Peruvian revolutionary leader Tupac Amaru II) was born in 1971—just a month after Afeni was acquitted of bombing conspiracy charges. (She had spent most of her pregnancy behind bars.) As the song implies, she and Tupac didn’t always get along, particularly during his adolescence, when Afeni was addicted to crack. But, by the time of Tupac’s death in 1996, she was clean and the two had patched things up long enough for Tupac to write that she “was appreciated.” Today, Afeni runs a charity in her son’s name and is (somewhat controversially) responsible for Tupac’s multiple posthumous CD releases.




作者:Tupac Shakur


致:Afeni Shakur,很顯然,她就是tupac的母親。這是一個有趣的人物,她的本名是Alice Fay Williams,但在19世紀60年代與 Black Panthers 一起工作時改了名字。事實上,tupac是以秘魯革命領袖 Tupac Amaru II 而命名的,他在1971年出生,僅在他的母親被宣佈無罪後的一個月(他的母親因被指控為爆炸陰謀罪在牢獄中度過了大部分的懷孕期)。就像這首歌所暗示的一樣,他和母親並不是經常在一起,特別是在他的青少年時期,也是在這一段時期他沉溺於可卡因中。當時到了1996 tupac 去世的那一年,母親的改變讓他們徹底修補了以前的裂縫,也讓tupac寫下了這樣的句子“她是值得稱讚的”。現在,afeni 管理著一個以她兒子命名的慈善機構並負責(雖然這有些爭議)兒子的去世後的多張CD的發行。























































































































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