106. What will your main problem be when studying abroad? ( 5 - 8 ) 106. What problems do yo
106. What will your main problem be when studying abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
106. What problems do you think you will have to face abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the differences in the cultures will be a shock to me. I have heard that it is called the ’culture shock'. For example, the people, language, food, and even the weather will be completely different from what I am used to.
107. How will you overcome problems abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
That's a good question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I hope I will get some help from my fellow students. For example, the person who I am sharing my room with is studying the same major as me. I am sure we will be able to tackle some problems together.
108. What kind of differences in culture do you expect abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the food will be different. For example, I don’t think I will be able to find dumplings on the menu. Secondly, many of the customs will be strange to me. To be more specific, in the west there are other festivals that are important to the local people. I would have to study the history behind these festivals in order to understand why they are important there.
109. What places would you like to see in the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all I would not be visiting to much in the beginning. I will be concentrating on my studies. Later, However, I would like to visit as many of the cities as possible. For example, those cities, which have many historical places.
110. Do you want to immigrate? Why? ( 5 - 8 )
Yes, I want to immigrate. As to the reasons why I would want to immigrate, I feel I have a better future in a foreign country. For example, there are many countries in the world that are not as heavily overpopulated as China.
111. What will you do should you become ill abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: The most obvious answer I suppose is that I will go and see a doctor to find out exactly what is wrong with me.
112. What do you know about the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )
I'm afraid at the present moment I don’t know much about the country. I will have to do some reading about it before I leave. Firstly, I would like to know more about the culture of the people. For example, what do they eat, what they do in their free time, and so on.
113. What do you intend doing after graduating? ( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I would want to tour the world. For example, I would like to go to America. Then I suppose I would come back to China and find a job as soon as possible.
114. What problems do you foresee when returning to China? ( 5 - 8 )
One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that I do not foresee many problems. For example, I will be returning to my hometown where I still have many friends and family. I am sure that they will assist me in getting settled down again.
115. Have you ever though of starting your own business in China? If so what will it be? ( 5 - 8 )
Yes, I have given it some thought. I would like to start a restaurant. There are several reasons as for why I would like to start a restaurant. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of the reasons briefly. Firstly, I like people. For example, I would love to be of service to people. Secondly, I like cooking. I am sure that I would want to try all sorts of dishes to present to my customers. Lastly, I don't like working for a boss. What I mean to say is that I want to be independent and make my own decisions.
116. Would you like to open a business abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
Yes, I would like to start my own business abroad. There are several reasons for this. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. Firstly, I believe that if you are working for someone else, you are assisting that person in progressing. What I mean is that abroad there are many opportunities for someone with ambition like me. Secondly, I believe that I have very special talents that I can use better abroad.
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The first thing I usually do when I arrive at a new place is to find out where the nearest Internet bar is situated. I then go there at the first possible opportunity and play some computer games.
94.What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at a new place? ( 7 - 8 )
Of course it depends on where that place is, and under what circumstances I would arrive there. Let us say for example that I have arrived in my new dormitory at the University of Adelaide in Australia. The first thing I would then do is to find out where the other facilities like the library, classrooms, and the cafeteria is situated.
95. Do you intend studying abroad? Why? ( 5 - 8 )
Yes, I do intend studying abroad. Firstly, I believe the universities are better there. For example, in England they have the best English faculty in the world. In addition, in Australia, they have good facilities for the training of hotel managers. Secondly, I am sure that by studying abroad, I will develop as a person. For example, the exposure to a different culture over a period of three years will help me to understand how other people live.
96. Where, and at what University do you intend to study? ( 5 - 8 )
I intend to study in Australia, at he University of Sydney. They have a department that specializes in the training of hotel managers. In addition, the university is linked to a famous catering organization in France. What I mean to say is that the lecturers are the best in the world in their respective fields.
97. Why did you choose this university? ( 5 - 8 )
First of all, I believe it is the best university in the world for studying my major. For example, foreign students from all over the world go to study there. Secondly, the fees are not too expensive. There are universities where one has to pay much more just because of the status attached to it. In addition, I like the way they do things there. For instance, they have a 'buddy‘ system, were a senior student is assigned to a freshman to assist him getting over the difficulties of the initial period.
98. What do you intend studying? ( 5 - 8 )
I intend to study Hotel Management. It covers all aspects of managing a hotel. There are for example subjects like catering, finances, decorating, and advertising. Later on I intend to specialize in the financial side of the industry. For example, I would like to prepare financial statements to the directors on how the different hotels in the group are doing.
99. What do you hope to achieve by studying abroad? ( 5 - 8 )
One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that I hope to qualify myself well in my particular field, which is hotel management. For example, I would like to gain a lot of theoretical knowledge, but I would also like to get some practical experience. In addition, I would like to be exposed to a new culture.