Shelling around MH17 site blocks international police各地MH17網站塊國際警察炮轟
July 28, 2014, 12:03 am TWN
“There is fighting going on. We can't take the risk,” said Alexander Hug, deputy chief monitor of the European security body OSCE's special mission in Ukraine.
But international observers overseeing the trip had to abruptly ditch their plans after clashes shattered a supposed truce between government forces and insurgents in the area around the site, where some remains of the 298 victims still lie decomposing under the summer sun.The unarmed contingent of law enforcement officers were due to head to the location after a deal was struck with rebels aimed at allowing a long-delayed probe into the tragedy to go ahead.
GRABOVE, Ukraine -- Heavy shelling around the crash site of downed Malaysian flight MH17 forced Dutch and Australian police to scrap a planned visit as they sought to secure the scene 10 days after the disaster.
“The security situation on the way to the site and on the site itself is unacceptable for our unarmed observer mission,” he told reporters in the insurgent stronghold Donetsk, the biggest city in the region.
An AFP photographer heard artillery bombardments just a kilometer (half a mile) from the rebel-held town of Grabove next to the crash site and saw black smoke billowing into the sky.
Terrified local residents were fleeing and checkpoints controlled by separatist fighters were abandoned.
The Dutch justice ministry confirmed that security advisers had halted their team from visiting the site.
“The team of 30 Dutch forensic experts currently has no safe access to the disaster site. Because of fighting in the area, the situation is still too unstable to work at the crash site,” the ministry said in a statement.
Earlier Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said 49 officers from The Netherlands and Australia — which together lost some 221 citizens in the crash — were due at the scene Sunday and that there would be “considerably more on site in coming days.”
“I hope that this agreement ... will ensure security on the ground, so the international investigators can conduct their work,” Razak said, adding that 68 Malaysian police personnel would leave Kuala Lumpur for the crash site on Wednesday.That came after Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said he had reached an agreement with the pro-Russian insurgents controlling the site to allow the police deployment.
So far investigators have been able to visit the site only sporadically because of security concerns.
A truce had been called in the immediate area around the site by both the Kiev forces and pro-Russian separatists, but just 60 kilometers (35 miles) away, the Ukrainian army had continued with their offensive to retake Donetsk.
The industrial hub, which has been serving as a base for international monitors and journalists who are traveling daily to the crash site, came under intense fire overnight.
The sounds of heavy bombardment — some of it apparently unguided Grad rocket fire — could be heard throughout the night in Donetsk and there were bursts of gunfire in the deserted city center.
'She was full of life'
The insurgents have also handed over a sealed train carriage filled with victims' belongings to Dutch authorities, who are leading the probe into downing of the plane — allegedly by the rebels.
Ignoring safety warnings, an Australian couple traveled to the scene of the crash without any escort Saturday, saying they were fulfilling a promise to their only child that they would be there.
“She was full of life,” said Angela Rudhart-Dyczynski of their 25-year-old daughter Fatima, an aerospace engineering student who died when the Amsterdam-to-Kuala Lumpur plane was downed.
2014年7月28日,上午12:03 TWN
GRABOVE,烏克蘭 - 大約擊落馬來西亞飛行MH17的墜機現場重炮轟迫使荷蘭和澳大利亞警方放棄一個訪問計劃,因為他們努力確保現場在災難發生後10天。
猛烈轟擊的聲音 - 它的一些顯然非制導火箭彈畢業火 - 可以聽到整個晚上在頓涅茨克和有槍聲在空無一人的市中心陣陣。
叛亂分子還交給一個密封的車廂充滿了受害者的財物荷蘭當局,誰是領導探頭放入飛機擊落 - 據稱叛軍。
“她是充滿生活氣息,”他們25歲的女兒法蒂瑪,一個在阿姆斯特丹到吉隆坡的飛機被擊落誰死了航空航天工程專業的學生的Angela Rudhart-Dyczynski說。