Kinmen to promote bike tourism plan: magistrate金門推廣自行車旅遊計劃:縣長
July 28, 2014, 12:03 am TWN
Li said Kinmen is suitable for bicycle riding and the county government has made this a priority in promoting tourism.
Earlier that day, nearly 1,000 Chinese bicycle riders from Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces and their Taiwanese counterparts cycled across the main island of the island county.Li was promoting bicycle riding trips during a ceremony to mark the setting of a new Guinness World Record for the most cyclists from Taiwan and China biking together in Kinmen.
TAIPEI--The outlying island county of Kinmen will continue promoting bicycle riding in the region as part of its efforts to develop tourism, Kinmen County Magistrate Li Wo-shi said Saturday.
There are several bike lanes linking townships in the county, including one along the coastal area in Jinning and others in Lieyu, Jincheng and Jinsha townships that feature military fortifications and structures, historical dwellings, and natural scenery, according to Li.
The county's promotion of cycling tourism has achieved some positive results as many cyclists from Hong Kong and Macau have been drawn to Kinmen to appreciate its beautiful landscape, the official said.
In April, more than 1,000 bicycle riders from Hong Kong cycled across Kinmen Island.
The county government has also made available more than 700 bicycles for use free of charge in several locations and plans to buy some high-end bicycles to rent to professional riders, according to Li.
Another big project for Kinmen will be to develop marine tourism on Dadan and Erdan after taking over the two frontline islets from the military earlier this month, Li said.
According to Li, his government is expected to spend around a year overhauling infrastructure on the two islets so that they can be ready for tourism, which means they will not be opened for visitors before July 1 of next year.
2014年7月28日,上午12:03 TWN
台北 - 金門的離島縣將繼續推動騎自行車在該地區努力發展旅遊業的一部分,金門縣縣長李沃市星期六說。