
Ma announces new food safety office馬宣布新的食品安全辦公室

The new food safety office will mimic the operation of crisis intervention teams, said Ma. “The office will be in charge of food safety control issues in various government offices,” the president said.
Ma called on the National Security Council (NSC) and the Executive Yuan to brief him on the ongoing probes concerning tainted food products, asking for an update on the investigations into all those involved and the handling of the confiscated tainted oil.
The president yesterday held a national security meeting in the wake of the tainted oil scare that tarnished the images of popular local food manufacturers, vowing to ease the people's worries over multiple discoveries of food oil that contained recycled waste oil and animal feed oil.
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A food safety office will be established in the near future as part of President Ma Ying-jeou's most recent bid to combat the tainted food scares that have shaken the nation over the past few months.

Dishonest manufacturers and their tainted products have caused concern among the people and damaged Taiwan's image, said Ma.

The Presidential Office stated that Ma's goal during the national security meeting was to integrate all available executive resources, question industrial heavyweights suspected of involvement and raise government efficiency. This is the first time Ma has called for a national security meeting on tainted food issues.

Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) and government departments have been questioned by the public numerous times over the recent food scandals involving major oil manufacturers Chang Guann Co. (強冠企業), Ting Hsin International Food Group (頂新國際集團) and Cheng-I Food Co. (正義食品公司). In response to the criticism, Jiang replied that “no allowances would be made when it comes to stamping out tainted food products; we will continue investigating until there are no dishonest food manufacturers in Taiwan.”


Tariff of Imported Lard Temporarily Halved: Premier

Jiang recently ordered the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) to temporarily lower the tariff on imported lard from 20 percent to 10 percent.

Regarding the punishment of food manufacturers Cheng-I and Ting Hsin, the Ministry of Health and Welfare will be asking local governments to follow the procedure applied to Chang Guann. According to the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, factory operations will be suspended at first, and forced shutdowns will follow if the companies are found guilty of further food tampering, said Jiang.



台北,台灣 - 食品安全辦公室將設在不遠的將來成為總統馬英九的最新出價,以打擊那些動搖這個國家在過去的幾個月中被污染的食品恐慌的一部分。






總理江依樺(江宜樺)和政府部門一直質疑公眾無數次對涉及主要的石油生產商昌冠偉科技有限公司近期食品醜聞(強冠企業),頂新國際食品集團(頂新國際集團)和成一食物業(正義食品公司)。為了應對這些批評,江回答說,“當涉及到沖壓出污染食品沒有津貼會作出; 我們將繼續調查,直到有沒有不誠實的食品製造商在台灣。“




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