聽笑話學英語01:Who is that woman?那女人是誰?
聽笑話學英語01:Who is that woman?那女人是誰?
The newlyweds entered the elevator of their Miami Beach hotel.
The operator, a magnificent blonde, looked at them in surprise and said, "Why, hello, Teddy, how are you?"
When the couple reached their room, the piqued bride demanded: "Who was that woman?!"
"Take it easy, honey," said the groom, "I'm going to have trouble enough explaining you to her."
1 newlyweds
n. 新婚夫婦;新婚的人(newlywed的複數)
eg:Lavalais raised his glass to propose a toast to the newlyweds.
the newlyweds 新婚夫婦 ; 新婚夫妻
Devoted newlyweds 雙喜同心
Newlyweds Special 新婚特別
Congratulating newlyweds 恭賀新婚
Teasing the Newlyweds 鬧新房 ; 鬧房
Throwing rice at newlyweds 對新人灑米
Newlyweds Viktor And 新婚燕爾維克多和
honor the newlyweds 榮譽新婚翻譯公司 ; 履行對新婚翻譯公司 ; 榮譽的新人
Look at these newlyweds 你看那對新人
2 piqued
adj. 賭氣的;不滿的;激怒的
v. 傷害…自尊心;激怒(pique的過去式和過去分詞)
n. 憤怒;生氣
eg:What is it about economics that piqued your interest?
Piqued junctures 過不了機子
Interest Piqued 利息激起
Piqued by too card 機子太卡了
I piqued card dead 我機子卡死啦
Always Piqued The 總懷有
crystalline piqued our interest 結晶激起了我們的興趣 ; 正在翻譯
be piqued at 為
piqued our interest 激起了咱們的興趣
She Seemed Rather Piqued 她產生好奇心