
adjust—— To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond修改=alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fit修改

adjoining—— Neighboring; contiguous接臨的=neighboring

adaptation—— Something such as a device or mechanism that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation改裝=modification

acute—— Extremely sharp or severe; intense強烈的=intense

Keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating聰明的=sharp

accustomed—— Being in the habit of習慣的=used to

accumulate—— To gather or pile up; amass收集,堆集;積累=collect

accompany—— To be or go with as a companion陪伴=travel with

accompaniment—— Something such as a situation that accompanies something else; a concomitant伴隨狀況伴隨發生的事物=attendant An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant伴隨物伴隨的事物或情況;伴隨物

accommodate—— To provide for; supply with提供住處;供應=lodge To provide with temporary quarters especially for sleeping提供住處

acclaimed—— To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly; applauded喝彩地,讚賞地=praised

accelerate—— To cause to develop or progress more quickly使加快=increased

abundance—— Fullness to overflowing豐富=profusion The state of being profuse; abundance豐富

absurd—— Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable荒誕的,荒唐的=preposterous Contrary to nature reason or common sense; absurd荒謬的

abandon—— To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit especially as a result of danger or other impending threat離棄=give up

awareness——shavingsknowledge or cognizance意識到的或認識到的=realization

available—— Present and ready for use; at hand; accessible可用的現實可用的;手邊的;可獲得的=accessible

attribute—— A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something品質、屬性=characteristic trait

attire—— Clothing or array; apparel服裝、盛裝;服飾=clothing

attach—— To fasten secure or join系,貼或連接=fasten stick to

assortment—— A collection of various kinds; a variety多種多樣=variety

astonishing—— Filling with sudden wonder or amazement驚奇的,奇怪的=startling

astounding——To be astonishing and bewildering震驚極為驚訝和迷惑不解=surprising

assemble—— To bring or call togethersintosasgroupsor whole召集集合=gathering

ascend—— To slope upward爬坡傾斜而上=climb of

ascribe to——assume to be true

arduous—— Demanding great effort or labor; difficult困難的=difficult

Testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous艱苦的=strenuous Requiring great effort energy or exertion艱巨的

arid—— Lacking moisture especiallyshavingsinsufficient rainfall to support trees or woody plants乾旱的缺乏水分=dry

aptly—— Exactly suitable; appropriately合適的=appropriately

approach—— To come near or nearer as in space or time接近靠近=near

appeal—— The power of attracting or of arousing interest吸引力=attraction

apart from—— With the exception of; besides;外還=except for

anonymous——shavingsan unknown or unacknowledged name匿名的=unknown

annually—— Recurring done or performed every year; yearly每年的=yearly

annihilate—— To defeat decisively; vanquish戰勝=conquer To defeat or subdue by force especially by force of arms征服

alloy—— To combine; mix融合;混合=blend mix

altitude—— The height of a thing above a reference level especially above sea level or above the earth's surface高度=elevation

affluent—— Generously supplied with money property or possessions; prosperous or rich富裕的=wealthy

afflict—— To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on折磨=problem

affect—— To have or show a liking for喜歡=fondness

aesthetically—— Artistically有藝術的,在藝術上的=artistically

adverse—— Acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic敵對的=oppose ill

adversely—— harmfully or unfavorable有害的或不利的=negatively Marked by or exhibiting features such as hostility that cannot be deemed positive or constructive反面的

advocate—— One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender支持者或保護者=proponent To speak plead or argue in favor of擁護演說=urge preach

adorn—— To lend beauty to; decorate使美觀為增添美;裝飾=decorate

adopt—— To take on or assume採取採用或接受=take on

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