15 Classic Fall Movies15秋季經典電影

It’s that time of year: The dog days of summer are long behind us, the leaves have changed and we’re now sitting smack dab in the middle of fall. While autumn doesn’t get nearly the same on-screen treatment as, say, winter or summer, that’s not to say there aren’t plenty of great movies that highlight the spirit of the season.
To be clear, we’re not talking about horror movies here—although, sure enough, a couple of those did sneak their way onto this list. If cheap thrills and spooky effects are what you’re seeking, start with these great zombie movies. Today we’re here to count down the movies that capture fall in all its glory—sweaters, apple cider, turkey, leaves, the works. Without further ado, we bring you 15 classic fall movies.
1. Halloween
Year: 1978
Director: John Carpenter
Revisiting the slasher film that set a new standard in the genre is a no-brainer this time of year, but even beyond all the terror and the convenient October setting, this flick just feels positively autumnal. Whether it’s the dead leaves that line the streets of the fictional Illinois town or the jackets Laurie and her friends sport as they hug their books to their chests and brave the crisp air on their way home from school, fall is omnipresent in this film—just like that pesky Michael Myers.
2. The Last Waltz
Year: 1978
Director: Martin Scorsese
Filmed on Thanksgiving Day 1976, this classic rock doc is a fall tradition for many. Pop it in while Mom’s putting the finishing touches on the turkey, and you’ll be completely taken in by The Band’s incredible, star-studded farewell show. “King harvest has surely come” indeed.
3. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Year: 1986
Director: John Hughes
There are a few clues in this Hughes film that would indicate it’s supposed to be set in the springtime—most glaring is the fact that Ferris has already taken nine sick days this year. However, Von Steuben Day (the reason for the parade Ferris and friends so memorably crash) typically falls somewhere in mid-September, a time when warm, sunny days in Chicago are already a rare commodity. The idea of skipping out to enjoy the unseasonably warm weather combined with the Von Steuben Day scenes can only mean one time of the year for any German kid growing up in the suburbs of Chicago—and, sorry Mr. Hughes, but it’s not the spring.
4. When Harry Met Sally
Year: 1989
Director: Rob Reiner
Yes, this romance stretches across several seasons, and yes, it features one of the most memorable New Year’s Eve scenes on film, but who can forget Harry and Sally’s autumn stroll through the park? It’s enough to make even the most cold-hearted of us want to throw on a sweater, clutch a warm coffee and prowl the city in search of our own potential soulmates with which to exchange witty banter.
5. Good Will Hunting
Year: 1997
Director: Gus Van Sant
The city of Boston is almost a character in its own right in Good Will Hunting, and it looks mighty fine this time of year, as Sean (Robin Williams) calls out Will on a park bench in front of a canopy of fall colors, reminding him he doesn’t know what the Sistine Chapel smells like. What better setting for a neurotic math genius/janitor to make some much-needed self-improvements than a New England fall?
6. Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Year: 1987
Director: John Hughes
Anyone who’s ever endured holiday traffic on their way home for Thanksgiving can relate to this John Hughes tale—although hopefully you’ve never had to endure the sheer number of transportation mishaps (not to mention some accidental spooning) Steve Martin and John Candy go through.
7. Rushmore
Year: 1998
Director: Wes Anderson
The action in this Anderson classic spans an entire fall semester, kicking off with the beginning of the school year, moving through Halloween and Thanksgiving before wrapping up around Christmastime—and remaining awesome all the way through.
8. You’ve Got Mail
Year: 1998
Director: Nora Ephron
Sure, this romantic comedy is completely by-the-book, but that’s what we love about it. It’s proof that love is in the air this time of year. “Don’t you just love New York in the fall?” Tom Hanks asks his online love in the pre-Match.com era. “It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” Sigh.
9. Hannah and Her Sisters
Year: 1986
Director: Woody Allen
The timeline of this Woody Allen classic spans two years, framed by Thanksgiving dinners hosted by Hannah (Mia Farrow) and Elliot (Michael Caine). The holiday serves as the perfect setting for family drama (sigh, doesn’t it always?) as we are sucked into the kind of tale of adultery, existential crises and wit that only Allen can spin.
10. Scream
Year: 1996
Director: Wes Craven
It’s set in a fictional California town, but what Scream lacks in fall foliage it makes up tenfold with spookiness, self-awareness and loving satire. It’s a Halloween classic if ever there was one; it goes beyond being typical slasher flick by both poking fun at and paying homage to the genre. It doesn’t matter if you like scary movies—if you’re a movie fan at all, you’ll find something to enjoy in Scream.
11. Rudy
Year: 1993
Director: David Anspaugh
Long before he was a hobbit, Sean Astin was Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger, an unlikely football player with dreams of playing for Notre Dame. Rudy seems to lack everything he needs to achieve his dream—good grades, money, actual football ability—but if you think for one second that those minor details are going to get in the way of him achieving his goal, you’ve got another thing coming. Come for the inspiring sports tale, stay for the gorgeous shots of the Notre Dame campus in autumn.
12. Harold and Maude
Year: 1971.
Director: Hal Ashby
We don’t mean to be morbid, but in a lot of ways, fall is the season of death. Leaves dry up, wither away and drop to the ground. Frost comes and kills what’s left of our summer gardens. What better time, then, to revisit this tale of a suicidal, death-obsessed teen who falls for a septuagenarian who helps him rediscover his
zeal for life? A “spring-autumn” romance if ever there was one.
13. Election
Year: 1999
Director: Alexander Payne
In a few weeks, we’ll all head to the polls and cast our votes. And while it’s much less serious than picking the next leader of our nation, Election pokes fun at this season’s political process on a much smaller level, satirizing the system by focusing on young Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) and her bid for student body president.
14. Dead Poets Society
Year: 1989
Director: Peter Weir
It’s a classic tale of what many of us public-school kids imagined prep school to be: lots of strolling around a crisp, gorgeous campus in matching jackets and discussing poetry with an inspiring teacher—that is, until it all comes crashing to the ground thanks to some close-minded parents and administrators.
15. Garden State
Year: 2004
Director: Zach Braff
Fall brings with it a certain bleakness, and that feeling certainly finds its way intoGarden State. Andrew (Zach Braff) returns home to New Jersey feeling as though the metaphorical garden he left has been frosted over. Dead leaves shroud the movie’s Jersey backdrop, especially during a particularly memorable hamster funeral.
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年份:1978 導演:約翰·卡彭特 重溫了設置在體裁的新標準的恐怖片電影是一個沒有腦子每年的這個時候,但即使是超越一切的恐怖和方便十月的設置,這一抖只是感覺像秋天。無論是枯葉該行的虛構伊利諾伊州小鎮或夾克勞裡和她的朋友們的運動的街道,因為他們抱著自己的書抱在胸前,並勇敢的清新空氣在放學回家的路上,秋天是無處不在這部影片中,只是像那個討厭的邁克爾·邁爾斯。
年份:1978 導演:馬丁·斯科塞斯 攝製於1976年的感恩節,這個經典搖滾文檔是一個秋天的傳統了許多。彈出它的,而媽媽把收尾的火雞,你會完全採取由帶的不可思議,明星雲集的告別演出。“國王的收穫肯定已經來了”的確。
年份:1986 導演:約翰·休斯 在這一休斯電影的幾個線索,將表明它應該在春天,最明顯的要設置的是摩天已經採取了9病假,今年的事實。然而,馮斯托本日(原因為遊行摩天朋友這麼難忘的崩潰)通常落在某處在九月中旬,當在芝加哥溫暖,陽光明媚的日子已經是稀有商品的時候。逃課出去享受異常溫暖的天氣加上馮斯托本日場景的想法只能意味著一年中的任何一個德國孩子成長在芝加哥和,遺憾休斯先生的郊區有一段時間,但它不是春天。
年份:1989 導演:羅伯·雷恩 是的,這個浪漫橫跨幾個賽季,是的,它的特點是在電影中最令人難忘的除夕場景之一,但誰又能忘記哈利和莎莉的秋季通過漫步公園?這足以使即使是最冷酷的人都希望披上一件毛衣,離合器溫暖的咖啡,徘徊在城市裡尋找我們與自己的潛能知音交流詼諧戲謔。
年份:1997 導演:格斯·範·桑特 波士頓市是在自己的權利幾乎字符心靈捕手,它看起來強大的罰款每年的這個時候,肖恩(羅賓·威廉姆斯),又會否對召喚出來公園的長椅在秋天的顏色樹冠面前,提醒他,他不知道是什麼西斯廷教堂的氣味等。有什麼更好的設置一個神經質的數學天才/看門人,使一些急需的自我改進除新英格蘭下跌呢?
年度:1987 導演:約翰·休斯 任何人誰是有史以來經歷假日交通在回家的路上感恩節可以涉及到這個約翰·休斯的故事-儘管希望你從來沒有忍受運輸事故的絕對數量(何況有些偶然舀取)史蒂夫·馬丁和約翰糖果去。
年份:1998 導演:韋斯·安德森 在這個安德森經典的動作跨越了整個秋季學期,隨著新學年的開始蹬掉,通過萬聖節和感恩節活動結束了圍繞聖誕節和剩餘真棒一路過關斬將前。
年份:1998 導演:諾拉依弗朗 當然,這個浪漫喜劇是完全由這本書,但是這就是我們喜歡它的原因。這是證明愛是在空氣中每年的這個時候。“你不就是喜歡紐約的秋天呢?”湯姆·漢克斯要求在預Match.com時代他的網戀。“這讓我想購買學習用品。我會送你一束花新削尖的鉛筆,如果我知道你的姓名和地址。“一聲嘆息。
年份:1986 導演:伍迪·艾倫 這個伍迪·艾倫經典的時間軸跨越兩年,由Hannah(米亞·法羅)和埃利奧特(邁克爾·凱恩)舉辦感恩節晚餐框架。節日充當家庭劇的完美設置(嘆了口氣,不總是?),因為我們吸進的那種通姦,生存危機和機智,只有阿倫可以旋轉的故事。
年份:1996 導演:韋斯·克雷文 這是設置在一個虛構的加州小鎮,但吶喊缺乏秋天樹葉它彌補了十倍與妖氣,自我意識和愛諷刺。這是一個萬聖節傳統,如果曾經有一個; 它超越是典型的恐怖片輕彈由雙方取笑和參拜流派。如果你喜歡恐怖 電影,如果你是一個電影迷可言,你就會發現享受不要緊吶喊。
年份:1993 導演:大衛Anspaugh 長之前,他是一個霍比特人,西恩·奧斯汀是丹尼爾“魯迪”Ruettiger,一個不太可能的足球運動員與演奏為巴黎聖母院的夢想。魯迪似乎缺乏一切,他需要實現自己的夢想,成績好,錢,實際的足球能力,但如果你想一秒鐘,這些小細節會得到在他實現他的目標的方式,你已經有了另一事情來了。來了鼓舞人心的體育故事,留在巴黎聖母院校園秋季華麗的鏡頭。
年份:1971 導演:哈爾比 ,我們並不想成為病態,但在很多方面,秋天是死亡的季節。葉片乾枯,枯萎並掉在地上。冰霜來得快,殺死剩下的東西我們的夏季花園。有什麼更好的時間,然後,重新審視這個故事一個自殺,死亡痴迷的青少年誰愛上了一個年逾古稀的誰幫助他重新發現他的熱情,對生活的?A“春秋”的浪漫,如果曾經有一個。
年份:1999 導演:亞歷山大·佩恩 在幾個星期,我們都會走向投票站,投下了選票。雖然它要比挑選我們國家的下一位領導人不太嚴重,選舉嘲笑在本賽季的政治進程上的一個更小的水平,通過專注於年輕的特雷西-弗里克(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭)和她的出價為學生會主席諷刺系統。
年份:1989 導演:彼得·威爾 這是一個經典的故事是什麼很多我們公立學校的孩子們想像的預科學校是:地段周圍明快,華麗的校園漫步在匹配夾克和討論詩歌與一個鼓舞人心的老師-也就是說,直到這一切都轟然倒地由於一些思想保守的父母和管理員。
年份:2004 導演:扎克·布拉夫 秋季帶來了一定的荒涼,那感覺肯定發現它的方式進入花園州。安德魯(扎克·布拉夫)回到家裡新澤西的感覺,就好像隱喻花園,他左手已經結了霜。枯葉壽衣電影的澤西島大背景下,特別是在一個特別難忘的倉鼠葬禮。