Amaretti cheesecakes with morello cherries and strawberries Amaretti乳酪與黑櫻桃櫻桃和草莓
- 1. Step 1
Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease a 6-hole (3/4 capacity) Texas muffin tin, then line bases with baking paper. Process amaretti in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Add 40g melted butter and process until larger clumps form. Press crumb mixture firmly into bases of prepared muffin holes. Refrigerate while making filling.
- 2. Step 2
For the filling: whisk together all the ingredients in a bowl, then set aside.
- 3. Step 3
Using an electric mixer, beat remaining 100g softened butter, 75g sugar, vanilla and lemon rind in a bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat until incorporated, then add flour and beat until combined. Pour mixture over crumbs in muffin tin, then spread halfway up side of holes. Spoon filling into centres - don't worry about being too precise. Bake in oven for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Set aside in tin to cool completely (cheesecake will sink slightly on standing).
- 4. Step 4
Combine remaining 110g sugar and morello syrup in a small saucepan. Simmer over medium heat until reduced to about 3/4 cup and slightly syrupy. Set aside to cool completely. Top cheesecakes with cherries and strawberries, then drizzle with syrup to serve.
- 2. 第2步
- 3. 第3步
使用電動攪拌機,打剩下的百克軟化的黃油75克糖,香草和檸檬皮在碗裡,直到輕和蓬鬆。加入雞蛋打至合併,再加入麵粉,打至混合。倒入混合了在鬆餅錫屑,然後蔓延孔的半山腰的一面。勺充入中心 - 不用擔心過於精確。烤烤箱20分鐘或直到焦黃。在錫拋開完全冷卻(芝士蛋糕將在站立稍微下沉)。
- 4. 第4步