The Pope's 10 tips for happiness教宗的10個技巧幸福
- In an interview, Pope Francis laid out 10-point plan for happiness
- Among them: Live and let live; move quietly in world; Sunday is for family; enjoy leisure
- One that surprises Jay Parini is not to proselytize
- Parini says the Pope urges us to think innovatively about how to create peace
Editor's note: Jay Parini, a poet and novelist, teaches at Middlebury College in Vermont. He has just published "Jesus: The Human Face of God," a biography of Jesus. Follow him on Twitter @JayParini. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
(CNN) -- Just when I thought my amazement with Pope Francis had run its course, he did it again. In a long interview with an old friend who was writing for an Argentine magazine, the pope put forward a 10-point plan for happiness. From where I sit, it seems, well, pretty damn good if not perfect. Here are Pope Francis' tips for a happy life and my comments on them:
1. Live and let live. It's an echo of the Pope's earlier remark on gays: "Who am I to judge?" Moreover, it's what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: "Judge not, unless you want to be judged yourself." (Matthew 7:1)

2. Give yourself to others. That is, give your money and your time to those in need. Don't just sit around like stagnant water. Give all you have and then some.
3 Move quietly in the world. The Pope quotes from a favorite novel by an early 20th-century Argentine writer, Ricardo Guiraldes, in which the novelist writes that in one's youth, a person is "a rocky stream that runs over everything," but as one gets older, one becomes "a running river, quietly peaceful." It's very like the Native American suggestion that one should walk "in balance and beauty" on the ground, making the least disturbance.
4. Enjoy leisure. The Pope says that consumerism has brought with it unbearable anxieties. So play with your children. Take time off. And don't spend all your time thinking about your next acquisition. Spend your time well, not your money.
5. Sunday is for families. This is actually one of the Ten Commandments. Honor the Sabbath. (Exodus 20:8) Once a week, give a whole day to meditation, worship, family life, tending the needs of the spirit. This is healthy living.
6. Find jobs for young people. Who would have guessed that job-creation would be on list for happiness? But the Pope is right. Honest, simple work for young people is essential to their well-being. Somewhat surprisingly, in this moment in the interview, the Pope connected job creation to the degradation of our environment: "the tyrannical use of nature." He links the lack of good jobs to the lack of respect for ourselves and the Earth itself.
So creating jobs doesn't mean ruining the environment. It doesn't mean, as the politicians chant, "jobs, jobs, jobs." Good and productive labor is valuable, and it doesn't mean you have to have a fancy job description. You don't have to become rich. You can be ordinary. Happiness lies there. Do good work, create good work for others.

7. Respect nature. This follows from No. 6. "Isn't humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature?" the Pope wonders. Not surprisingly, this is what Henry David Thoreau, a founding father of the environmental movement, said. "Most people live lives of quiet desperation," he said. He went into the woods, to Walden Pond, because he wanted "to live deliberately" and to "front only the essential facts of life."
A proper respect for nature means that you can't pollute the air, poison the rivers and chop down the forests indiscriminately without suffering greatly. I suspect that a huge amount of the anxiety and suffering that we see around can be closely traced to our wanton misuse of our resources. Just look at any garbage dump and see what is wasted. In a sense, we've wasted our souls.
8. Let go of negative things quickly. The Pope tells us not to complain about people who annoy or frustrate us, to let go of things as rapidly as we can. I have an old friend who used to say, "Put the bad things in your back pocket and leave them there." This may sound like escapism or putting your head in the sand, but it's more interesting than that. Life throws rotten things our way each day. People say nasty things to us, often about others. This stuff makes them miserable, of course. It makes us miserable, too. Flush it.
9. Don't preach your religion too forcefully. Proselytism brings on paralysis, the Pope tells us. Wow. I'm a Christian myself, and I don't mind saying so. But each person sees the world before them in his or her own way. The Pope says this. As a teaching, it seems to run counter to the so-called Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). Jesus said to get out there and spread the word. But the Pope takes a relaxed view of this activity, preferring that we should teach by example. Perhaps that really is what Jesus would do?
10. Work for peace. The Pope has preached this message from the beginning of his time as pontiff. He has gone to Jerusalem and worked to bring together Jews and Palestinians. He has prayed for peace and worked for peace. He has listened closely to Jesus, who said, "blessed are the peacemakers."
The Pope asks us to take in refugees, to think innovatively about how to create peace in the world. Jesus, of course, invites us to turn the other cheek when struck. This is a complex teaching. But it's essential to Christian faith. The Pope, once again, calls on us to take the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount seriously. This is very hard but crucial work.
Pope Francis has, in this unlikely venue, given us his own Sermon on the Mount, his Ten Commandments for happiness and inner peace. One can only be grateful for his wisdom, which is rooted in a sincere faith, in hard-earned wisdom, and a very practical knowledge of human needs and potentials.
2014年8月4日 - 更新1855 GMT(0255 HKT)
在為期一天的意大利之旅上週六,6月21日卡拉布里亞地區教宗表示反對黑手黨的盛宴日彌撒期間,教皇弗朗西斯說的是“邪惡的崇拜和蔑視的共同利益”,並宣稱“黑手黨被逐出教會,而不是與上帝。“ 在為期一天的意大利之旅上週六,6月21日卡拉布里亞地區教宗表示反對黑手黨的盛宴日彌撒期間,教皇弗朗西斯說的是“邪惡的崇拜和蔑視的共同利益”,並宣稱“黑手黨被逐出教會,而不是與上帝。“
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其中:活也讓別人活; 悄悄地在世界移動; 星期天是家庭; 享受休閒
編者按: 周杰倫Parini,詩人和小說家,任教於明德學院在佛蒙特州。他剛剛出版了“耶穌:人面神,”耶穌的傳記。按照他的Twitter上@JayParini。發表本評論中的觀點僅為作者。
(CNN) -就在我以為我驚訝的是教皇弗朗西斯已經走到盡頭,他再次做到了。在很長的採訪老朋友是誰寫的阿根廷雜誌,教皇提出了10點計劃的幸福。從我坐下,似乎很好,相當好,如果不是完美的。以下是教皇弗朗西斯的秘訣幸福生活,我對他們的意見:
1,活也讓別人活。這是對同性戀教皇的早期說法的回應:“我是誰的判斷” 此外,它是耶穌在登山寶訓中說:“法官不是,除非你想判斷自己” (馬太福音7:1)
3在全球悄然移動。教宗引用了最喜歡的小說是20世紀初的阿根廷作家,里卡多Guiraldes,其中小說家寫道,在一個人的青春,一個人“,運行在所有的岩石流”,但為一個變老,人們變得“一個正在運行的河水,靜靜的和平。” 它非常像美國本土的建議,一個應該走“平衡與美”在地面上,使干擾最小。
6,發現年輕人的就業機會。誰曾想到,創造就業機會將是對列表的幸福嗎?但教皇是正確的。年輕人誠實,簡單的工作是必不可少的他們的福祉。出人意料的是,在這一刻,在採訪中,教皇創造就業機會連接到我們的環境惡化:“強橫使用性質。” 他聯繫,缺乏良好的就業機會,以不尊重自己和地球本身。
因此,創造就業機會,並不意味著破壞環境。這並不意味著,作為政治家唄,“就業,就業,就業。” 好,生產勞動是有價值的,但這並不意味著你必須有一個奇特的職位描述。你不必成為富翁。你可以是普通的。幸福的躺在那裡。做好工作,為他人創造良好的工作。
筆者:“耶穌會怎麼做加沙? 弗朗西斯教皇訪問美國,2015年 教皇符合判處死刑的基督教
七,尊重大自然。在此之前,從6號“是不是人類的自殺與此不加選擇和專制的使用性質?” 教皇奇觀。毫不奇怪,這是亨利·大衛·梭羅,環保運動的創始人說。“大多數人都生活在平靜的絕望的生活,”他說。他走進樹林,到瓦爾登湖,因為他想“住故意”和“前只有基本生活的事實。”
8,讓我們趕緊去負面的東西。教宗告訴我們不要去抱怨的人誰惹惱或者阻撓我們,放手的事情,很快,我們可以。我有一個老朋友誰曾經說過,“把不好的東西在你的後面的口袋裡,讓他們在那裡。” 這聽起來像是空想,或把你的頭在沙裡,但它比這更有趣。生活中引發腐爛的東西每一天我們的方式。人們說討厭的東西給我們,往往別人。這東西讓,當然他們苦不堪言。這讓我們苦不堪言了。沖洗。