Leaders of Iraq's Anbar province call for U.S. ground forces to stop ISIS伊拉克的安巴爾省呼籲美國地面部隊領導人停止ISIS
- NEW: U.S. defense secretary Chuck Hagel: Iraqi forces are in "full control" of Baghdad
- NEW: There's been "some progress" driving back ISIS from Syria's Kobani, Hagel adds
- Officials: "Very bad" now in Anbar province near Baghdad, call for U.S. military's help
- U.S. official: U.S. hasn't gotten a request for ground troops, wouldn't grant it anyway
Baghdad (CNN) -- ISIS fighters stood Saturday on the verge of taking not just a key Syrian town along the Turkish border, but also an entire province on Baghdad's doorstep -- spurring leaders of that province to urgently plead for U.S. ground troops to halt the Islamist extremist group's rapid, relentless assault.
The situation in Anbar, just to the west of Baghdad, is "very bad," said Sabah Al-Karhout, the president of Anbar Provincial Council.
ISIS, the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" which also is referred to as ISIL, controls about 80% of the province. Reports Saturday suggest they have encircled Haditha, the last large town in Anbar province not yet in the militants' hands.
Should all of Anbar fall, the Sunni extremists would rule from the perimeter of Iraq's capital to Raqqa in Syria (at least), according to the provincial council's deputy head, Falleh al-Issawi.

To stave off Anbar's collapse, provincial leaders have asked Iraq's central government to intervene immediately and for U.S. ground forces to be deployed there, said al-Issawi.
Iraqi army forces and Anbar tribesmen fighting alongside them have threatened to abandon their weapons if the U.S. military does not intervene to help them, he said, because they are faltering before the ISIS onslaught.
The army soldiers are not capable of defending themselves against ISIS because of a lack of training and equipment, he said. Already, some 1,800 tribesmen in the province have been killed or injured in the struggle.
The Iraqi government has been adamant that it does not want U.S. forces on the ground, and President Barack Obama has not shown any intent to deploy any.
The Iraqi government said it has not received any official request from Anbar province for U.S. military intervention and ground forces to help in the fight against ISIS, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's media office said Saturday.
"If we receive any request, we will look into it and we will give our recommendation, but thus far we have not received any request," the office said.
A U.S. defense official said Saturday that Iraq's government hasn't asked for any more American troops beyond those already in Iraq.
And if they did, the official added, "The U.S. will not deploy combat ground forces to Iraq. And we remain focused on enabling the (Iraqi military) in the fight against ISIL through our advise/assist efforts and the air campaign."
U.S. defense secretary: Iraqi forces in 'full control' of Baghdad
The air campaign this official referred to resumed Saturday. A coalition airstrike killed more than 30 suspected ISIS militants who were part of an armed convoy heading toward the Ein al-Assad military base west of Ramadi, said town police Capt. Bahjat al-Hamdani.
Such airstrikes have been going on since August, a stretch in which ISIS has expanded its reach.
In Iraq, the group appears to be targeting cities along the Euphrates River. Al-Karhout said his provincial council has intelligence that ISIS has dispatched as many as 10,000 fighters to Anbar from Syria and Mosul in northern Iraq.
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel acknowledged the dire situation Friday, telling reporters, "Anbar province is in trouble. We know that."
A senior U.S. defense official also told CNN that Iraqi forces are "up against the wall" in Anbar. Some units are in danger of being cut off by the advancing militants, who say they are members of ISIS.
The Iraqis' ultimate goal is to take back some of the vast areas, in both Iraq and Syria, that ISIS controls.
But right now, Iraqi forces appear to be mostly trying to survive, taking defensive positions and using Apache helicopters again, even after two were shot down in the area this week, according to the U.S. official.
But officals said Baghdad is not likely to be the next domino to fall.
A U.S. Central Command official said Saturday there are "pockets" of the militant group's fighters around the capital, but "no imminent threat of an effective ISIL offensive."
Hagel said Saturday, while addressing reporters in Chile: "Iraqi security forces are in full control of Baghdad."
Still, the equation could change if ISIS threatens Baghdad airport, from which U.S. Apache helicopters operate.
Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona, a CNN military analyst, said: "I think at some point, there's going to be the need for an additional ground force in western Iraq."
Those troops could be American or could be provided by other coalition nations, he said, but the Iraqi army, even after coalition airstrikes, has not been able to blunt the momentum of ISIS.
"The Iraqi army has virtually evaporated. The command structure doesn't exist. Although they have some good soldiers, they have no leadership. So, additional ground forces are going to be necessary."
Warning of massacre in Syrian border city of Kobani
2014年10月12日 - 更新0012 GMT(0812 HKT)
巴格達(CNN) - ISIS的戰士站在星期六採取不僅僅是一個關鍵沿土耳其邊境的敘利亞小鎮,也是全省在巴格達的家門口的邊緣-該省的帶動領導人迫切懇求美國地面部隊停止伊斯蘭極端組織的快速,無情的攻擊。
如果所有的安巴爾秋天,遜尼派極端分子會從伊拉克首都Raqqa在敘利亞(至少)周邊規則,根據省議會的副組長,Falleh AL-Issawi。
ISIS的威脅巴格達附近地區 將軍韋斯利·克拉克:ISIS的鬥爭是伊拉克終極版 伊拉克難民逃離ISIS
伊拉克政府表示,尚未收到來自安巴爾省的任何正式請求美國軍事干預和地面部隊打擊ISIS的戰鬥幫助,總理海達爾人 - 阿巴迪媒體辦公室說,星期六。
美國國防部長:伊拉克軍隊在“完全 巴格達的控制權“
空襲這位官員提到恢復週六。的聯盟空襲打死30多名疑似武裝分子的ISIS誰是武裝的車隊走向西部拉馬迪的艾因·阿薩德軍事基地的一部分,說鎮上的警察上尉Bahjat AL-哈姆達尼。