ISIS could hold swath from northern Syria to the gates of Baghdad
- NEW: Officials: There's concern that law enforcement, news media could be ISIS targets
- Anbar province police chief killed Saturday in roadside bombing, officials say
- U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Iraqi forces are in "full control" of Baghdad
- The United Nations warns of a massacre by ISIS in Kobani, Syria
Baghdad (CNN) -- ISIS fighters stand on the verge of victory on two fronts, while poorly equipped local forces do their best to resist.
The Islamist extremists appear set to take a key Syrian town along the Turkish border and an entire province on Baghdad's doorstep.
Leaders in Iraq's Anbar province pleaded for U.S. ground troops to halt the group's rapid, relentless assault. Officials in Baghdad and Washington have not given recognition to their appeal.
In a major setback, Gen. Ahmed Saddak, the police chief of Anbar province, was killed Saturday night in a roadside bomb that targeted his convoy, officials said.
ISIS, the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" which also is referred to as ISIL, controls about 80% of the province, said Anbar Provincial Council president Sabah Al-Karhout.

Reports Saturday suggest the militants have encircled Haditha, the last large town in Anbar province not yet in ISIS' hands.
Should all of Anbar fall, the Sunni extremists would rule from the perimeter of Iraq's capital to Raqqa in Syria, at least, according to the provincial council's deputy head, Falleh al-Issawi.
They would control a swath 350 miles (563 kilometers) long.
'U.S. will not deploy'
Iraqi army forces and Anbar tribesmen fighting alongside them have threatened to abandon their weapons if the U.S. military does not intervene, al-Issawi said.
The army soldiers lack training and equipment, he said. Already, some 1,800 tribesmen in the province have been killed or injured in the struggle.
But the Iraqi government has been adamant that it does not want U.S. forces on the ground, and U.S. President Barack Obama has not shown any intent to deploy any.
The Iraqi government said it has not received any official request from Anbar province for U.S. ground forces to help in the fight, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's media office said.
A U.S. defense official said Saturday that Iraq's government hasn't asked for any more American troops beyond those already in Iraq.
And if they did, the official added, "The U.S. will not deploy combat ground forces to Iraq. And we remain focused on enabling the (Iraqi military) in the fight against ISIL through our advise/assist efforts and the air campaign."
Hunter: Terrorists crossing into U.S. -- but maybe not ISIS
'Full control' of Baghdad
The U.S. and its allies conducted at least nine airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria on Saturday and early Sunday, according to the U.S. military.
A coalition airstrike Saturday killed more than 30 suspected ISIS militants in Iraq who were in an armed convoy west of Ramadi, city police Capt. Bahjat al-Hamdani said.
Despite the air campaign, ISIS has expanded its reach.

In Iraq, ISIS has dispatched as many as 10,000 fighters to Anbar province from Syria and Mosul in northern Iraq, an Anbar official said.
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has acknowledged the dire situation, telling reporters that "Anbar province is in trouble. We know that."
But officials said Baghdad is not likely to be the next domino to fall. "Iraqi security forces are in full control of Baghdad," Hagel said.
Still, the equation could change if ISIS threatens Baghdad airport, from which U.S. Apache helicopters operate.
Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona, a CNN military analyst, said: "I think at some point, there's going to be the need for an additional ground force in western Iraq."
Other coalition nations could provide those troops, he believes, or they could be American.
Warning of a massacre in Kobani
ISIS is still advancing in Syria, where it emerged during the years-long civil war. Its current focus there is Kobani, a Kurdish enclave a stone's throw from Turkey.
And the militants are gradually taking control of a large chunk of Kobani.
On Sunday, Kobani fell eerily silent after clashes earlier in the day, a fighter in the city told CNN. He said he fears ISIS is planning a major assault.
On Saturday, ISIS fighters clashed with local troops over the official border crossing into Turkey at Mursitpinar.
At least 36 ISIS militants died Saturday in various battles in Kobani against Kurdish fighters from the People's Protection Units, or YPG, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement Sunday. Eight Kurdish fighters were killed.
Should they take it, the militants would control three official border crossings between Turkey and Syria and a stretch of the border about 60 miles (97 kilometers) long.
Kurdish fighters are repelling some attacks, and on Saturday, U.S. and allied warplanes hit key ISIS targets nearby, according to U.S. Central Command.
But YPG and Free Syrian Army troops are vastly outnumbered and lack firepower.
Inside Kobani, a civilian said things are worse than ever; the people are forced to endure mortar fire and fear being beheaded should ISIS take over.
Staffan de Mistura, the U.N. special envoy for Syria, said such brutality may become a reality.
"The 12,000 civilians ... will be most likely massacred," he said.
Homeland concerns
Meanwhile, there's fresh concern about potential attacks by homegrown terrorists and lone wolves inspired by ISIS.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a security bulletin Saturday, two law enforcement officials tell CNN. It warns the FBI, other law enforcement personnel and members of the news media that they could be targeted by ISIS, the sources said.
The bulletin cites increased chatter in recent weeks on social media and extremist forums for the warning. It was also based on information from recent crackdowns on alleged ISIS members and sympathizers in the United Kingdom and Australia, the sources said.
The officials tell CNN the bulletin is precautionary -- warning law enforcement to be extra vigilant -- and is not based on any known specific threats.
CNN's Ben Wedeman reported from Baghdad. CNN's Ingrid Formanek, Kareem Khadder, Greg Botelho, Nick Paton Walsh, Jim Sciutto, Barbara Starr, Yousuf Basil, and Raja Razek contributed to this report.
2014年10月12日 - 1917年更新格林尼治標準時間(0317 HKT)
巴格達(CNN) - ISIS的戰士站在勝利的邊緣在兩個方面,而設備簡陋的地方勢力盡自己所能抵擋。
美國堅持巴格達安全的ISIS 萬ISIS戰機前往巴格達 ISIS的威脅巴格達附近地區
組圖:敘利亞內戰在2014年 組圖:敘利亞內戰在2014年
如果所有的安巴爾秋天,遜尼派極端分子會從伊拉克首都Raqqa在敘利亞,至少外圍規則,根據省議會的副組長,Falleh AL-Issawi。
伊拉克政府表示,尚未收到來自安巴爾省的任何正式請求美國地面部隊在戰鬥中幫助,總理海達爾人 - 阿巴迪媒體辦公室說。
獵人:恐怖分子越境進入美國 - 但也許不是ISIS
的聯盟週六空襲打死30多名疑似武裝分子的ISIS在伊拉克誰在武裝車隊拉馬迪西部,城市警察上尉Bahjat AL-哈姆達尼說。
庫爾德人抱希望了,儘管ISIS的收益 伊拉克難民逃離ISIS 將軍韋斯利·克拉克:ISIS的鬥爭是伊拉克終極版
至少36 ISIS的武裝分子在不同的戰鬥死亡星期六Kobani對來自人民文物保護單位,或耀皮玻璃庫爾德戰士,敘利亞人權觀察在一份聲明中說,星期天。八庫爾德戰士被打死。
裡面Kobani,一個平民說事比以往任何時候都更糟糕; 人們被迫忍受迫擊砲和害怕被砍頭應該ISIS接管。
該官員告訴美國有線電視新聞網的公告是預防 - 預警執法要格外警惕 - 而不是基於任何已知的特定威脅。