Gospel of Luke路加福音
The Gospel According to Luke (Greek: Τὸ κατὰ Λουκᾶν εὐαγγέλιον, to kata Loukan euangelion), commonly shortened to the Gospel of Luke or simply Luke, is the third and longest of the four Gospels. This synoptic gospel is an account of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. It details his story from the events of his birth to his Ascension.
According to the preface,[1] the purpose of Luke is to write an historical account,[2] while bringing out the theological significance of the history.[3] Nevertheless, ancient authors emphasized plausibility rather than truth and mixed intentional fiction in with their biography; the claim that the evangelist wrote with historical intentions does not guarantee the preservation of historical facts.[4]
The writer divides history into three stages: The first ends with John the Baptist, the second consists of Jesus' earthly ministry, and the third is the life of the church after Jesus's resurrection.[5] The author attests that Jesus Christ is theSon of God. This is consistent with all the authors of the New Testament writings. Here, Jesus's compassion extends to all mankind. The Gospel of Luke is written as a historical narrative. Certain popular stories, such as the Prodigal Sonand the Good Samaritan, are found only in this gospel. This account also has a special emphasis on prayer, the activity of the Holy Spirit, women, and joyfulness.[6] Jesus is presented as the Son of God, but attention is especially paid to the humanity of Jesus, featuring his compassion for the weak, the suffering, and the outcast.
The author is traditionally identified as Luke the Evangelist.[7] Modern scholarship generally rejects the view that Luke was the original author,[8] with the most that could be said being that Lukan authorship is "not impossible".[9] While the traditional view that Luke authored the gospel is still often put forward, a number of possible contradictions between Acts and Paul's letters lead many scholars to dispute this account,[10][11] and for some the author remains unknown.[5]Biblical Scholars are in wide agreement that the author of the Gospel of Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.[12]Many believe that these two books originally constituted a two-volume work,[13][14][15] which scholars refer to as Luke-Acts.[16]
Most modern critical scholarship concludes that Luke used the Gospel of Mark for his chronology and a hypothetical sayings source Q document for many of Jesus's teachings. Luke may also have drawn from independent written records.[17] Traditional Christian scholarship has dated the composition of the gospel to the early 60s,[18][19] while other critics date it to the later decades of the 1st century.[20][21]
Early on, the gospel was given the title Gospel According to Luke (Greek: κατὰ Λουκᾶν εὐαγγέλιον, kata Loukan euangelion, or τὸ εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Λουκᾶν, to euangelion kata Loukan). It is commonly called the Gospel of Luke or simply Luke. "Gospel" means "good news."
Most scholars date Luke c.80-100.[22] The author of the Gospel of Luke acknowledges familiarity with earlier gospels (1:1). Althoughsemitisms exist throughout the Gospel of Luke, it was composed in Koine Greek.[23] Like Mark (but unlike Matthew), the intended audience is the Greek-speaking populations of the region; it assures readers that Christianity is an international religion, not an exclusively Jewish sect.[7]
Synoptic Gospels[edit]
The Gospels of Luke, Matthew and Mark (known as the Synoptic Gospels) include many of the same stories, often in the same sequence, and sometimes exactly the same wording. One hypothesis for this similarity is the two-source hypothesis. It hypothesizes that Matthew and Luke each borrowed from bothMark and a hypothetical sayings collection, called Q. For some 20th-century scholars, the Q collection accounts for what the gospels of Luke and Matthew share but are not found in Mark. Most scholars are reasonably sure that Q existed and that it can be reconstructed.[24]
In The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins (1924), Burnett Hillman Streeter argued that another source, referred to as L and also hypothetical,[25] lies behind the material in Luke that has no parallel in Mark or Matthew.[26] (See the Four Document Hypothesis)
The traditional view is that Luke, who was not an eye-witness of Jesus' ministry, wrote his gospel after gathering the best sources of information within his reach (Luke 1:1–4).[27] Some critical scholarship suggests the two-source hypothesisas probable, which argues that the author used the Gospel of Mark and the hypothetical Q document in addition to unique material, as sources for the gospel.
The Gospel of Mark[edit]
Most modern scholars agree that Luke used the Gospel of Mark as one of his sources.[28] The understanding that Mark was the first of the synoptic gospels and that it served as a source for Matthew and Luke is foundational to modern critical scholarship.[17]
Mark's gospel is quite short, and written in Koine Greek (that is, common Greek). It provides a general chronology from Jesus' baptism to the empty tomb. Luke, however, sometimes presented events in a different order to more clearly support his emphases. For example, Mark has Jesus recruit his first disciples before he has performed any miracles, and Luke moves the recruitment scene to a point after Jesus' first miracles.[28]
The Q Sayings Hypothesis[edit]
A majority of scholars believe that Luke used Q as his second source. Q (for "Quelle," German for "source") is a hypothetical collection of Jesus' sayings. In the "two-source hypothesis," Q explains where the authors of Matthew and Luke got the material that they have in common with each other but that is not found in Mark, such as the Lord's prayer. The existence of a highly treasured dominical sayings document in circulation going totally unmentioned by the Fathers of the Early Church, remains one of the great conundrums of Modern Biblical Scholarship.[29][30][31]
L source[edit]
Material unique to Luke is said to derive from the L source, which is thought to derive from the oral tradition.[17]
Luke apparently draws formal set pieces from the "teachings" of Christianity and incorporates into the gospel. The Magnificat, in which Mary praises God, is one such element.[28]
The birth narratives in both Luke and Matthew seem to be the latest component of the Gospels.[32] Luke may have originally begun with verses 3:1–7, a second prologue.[32]
Comparisons have been made between the annunciation narrative in Luke's Gospel with the Dead Sea scrolls manuscript Q4Q246:
“He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High ... The power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1:32, 35).
“[X] shall be great upon the earth. O king, all people shall make peace, and all shall serve him. He shall be called the son of the Great God, and by his name shall he be hailed as the Son of God, and they shall call him Son of the Most High.” (Dead Sea scrolls manuscript Q4Q246)[33]
The similarity in content has been described as such that "it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Luke is dependent in some way, whether directly or indirectly, on this long lost text from Qumran".[34]
The books of the New Testament were written in Greek. Luke's style is the most literary of all these books.[35] Graham Stanton evaluates the opening of the Gospel of Luke as "the most finely composed sentence in the whole of post-Classical Greek literature."
Although the Gospel survives in anonymous form, it is considered that the name was known to the addressee, Theophilus.[36]The author is considered to probably be a Gentile Christian, although some believe him to be a Hellenized Jew.[20][37]Whoever the author was, he was highly educated, well traveled, well connected, and extremely widely read. By the time he composed the Gospel, he must have been a highly practiced and competent author – able to compose in a wide variety of literary forms according to the demands of the moment.[38]
Despite the majority opinion that Luke was a gentile writing to other gentiles, a few authors have challenged this view. Some believe Luke to be a Hellenic Jew. Birger Gerhardsson notes his opinion that “Luke is very much dependent upon Jewish rabbinical tradition.”[39] Adolf Schlatter concluded that the text's character together with other indicators point to the author's provenance from the Jewish church.[40] Luke presupposes a knowledge of the Old Testament and Jewish history (1:7; 4:38; 9:9–10 & 9:28–36).[41] In fact, “Luke perceives himself to be a Jew.”[42] Finally, Rebecca Denova concludes her book with these words: “Luke-Acts, we may conclude on the basis of a narrative-critical reading, was written by a Jew to persuade other Jews that Jesus of Nazareth was the messiah of Scripture and that the words of the prophets concerning ‘restoration’ have been ‘fulfilled.’”[43] Finally it should be noted that Strelan in 2008 not only concluded that Theophilus was Jewish but also that Luke was a priest.[44]
The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles were both written by the same author.[45] The most direct evidence comes from the prefaces of each book. Both prefaces were addressed to Theophilus, and the preface of Acts explicitly references "my former book" about the life of Jesus. Furthermore, there are linguistic and theological similarities between the two works, suggesting that they have a common author.[46] Both books also contain common interests.[47] Linguistic and theological agreements and cross-references between the books indicate that they are from the same author.[48] Those biblical scholars who consider the two books a single, two-volume work often refer to both together as Luke-Acts.[49]
The "we" passages in Acts, where the first person plural is used, point to the author being a companion of Paul.[50] Tradition holds that the text was written by Luke the companion of Paul (named in Colossians 4:14).
The Church Fathers, witnessed by the Muratorian Canon, Irenaeus (c. 170), Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Tertullian, held that the Gospel of Luke was written by Luke.[51] The oldest manuscript of the gospel P75 (circa 200) carries the attribution “the Gospel according to Luke”.[52][53] however another manuscript P4 from about the same time period[54][55] has no such (surviving) attribution.
Critical view[edit]
According to the majority view, the evidence against Luke's being the author is strong enough that the author is unknown.[56][57][58] The Book of Acts contradicts the letters of Paul on many points, such as Paul's second trip to Jerusalem for an apostolic council.[59][60] Paul placed an emphasis on Jesus' death while the author of Luke instead emphasizes Jesus' suffering, and there are other differences regarding eschatology and the Law.[5] Paul described Luke as “the beloved physician”, leading Hobart to claim in 1882 that the vocabulary used in Luke-Acts suggests its author may have had medical training. However, this assertion was contradicted by an influential study by Cadbury in 1926, and has since been abandoned; instead it is now believed this language reflects merely a common Greek education.[61][62][63][64][65]
Traditional view[edit]
The traditional view on Lukan authorship, however, is held by many scholars,[66] and according to some scholars it is "not impossible" that they are right.[9] Since Luke was not prominent, there is no obvious reason that this gospel and Acts would have been attributed to him if he did not write them.[67] If Luke was only a sometime companion of Paul who admired and acknowledged his work long after his death, that could explain the differences between Acts and Paul's letter.[68] Even though the evangelist as depicted in the New Testament doesn't match the patristic description of Luke, the traditional view is still argued today.[38]
Traditionally Luke has been regarded as written by Luke the Evangelist some time between the "we" passages in Acts 16 onwards[69] and the imprisonment of Paul in Rome in Acts 28, leading as with some modern scholars to argue for a date c. 60–65.[70] However many critical scholars consider the "we" passages spurious or inserted and place the date c 80–90,[71][72]
AD 75 to 100[edit]
Most contemporary scholars regard Mark as a source used by Luke (see Markan Priority).[73] If it is true that Mark was written around the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, around 70,[74] they theorize that Luke would not have been written before 70. Those who take this view believe that Luke's prediction of the destruction of the temple could not be a result of Jesus predicting the future but was written with the benefit of hindsight regarding specific details. They believe that the discussion in Luke 21:5–30 is specific enough (more specific than Mark's or Matthew's) that a date after 70 CE seems likely.[75][76] These scholars have suggested dates for Luke from 75 to 100. Support for a later date comes from a number of factors. Differences of chronology, "style", and theology suggest that the author of Luke-Acts was not familiar with Paul's distinctive theology but instead was writing a decade or more after his death, by which point significant harmonization between different traditions within Early Christianity had occurred.[77] Furthermore, Luke-Acts has views on Jesus' divine nature, the end times, and salvation that are similar to those found in Pastoral epistles, which are often seen as pseudonymous and of a later date than the undisputed Pauline Epistles.[78]
Some scholars from the Jesus Seminar argue that the birth narratives of Luke and Matthew are a late development in gospel writing about Jesus.[32] In this view, Luke might have originally started at 3:1,[32] with John the Baptist. However, given that the birth narrative of Luke contains several 'tropes' that would indicate to a Roman audience that Jesus was special (the virgin birth, wise teaching at twelve, c.f. The Life of Flavius Josephus, "Moreover, when I was...of the law."), it would probably have been included in the original manuscript.
The terminus ad quem, or latest possible date, for Luke is bound by the earliest papyri manuscripts that contain portions of Luke (late 2nd/early 3rd century)[79] and the mid to late 2nd-century writings that quote or reference Luke. The work is reflected in the Didache, the Gnostic writings of Basilides and Valentinus, and the apologetics of the Church Father Justin Martyr, and was used by Marcion.[80] Christian scholar Donald Guthrie claims that the Gospel was probably widely known before the end of the 1st century, and was fully recognized by the early part of the second,[81] while Helmut Koester states that aside from Marcion, "there is no certain evidence for its usage," prior to ca. 150.[82] In the middle of the 2nd century, an edited version of the Gospel of Luke was the only gospel accepted by Marcion, a heretic who rejected Christianity's connection to Jewish scripture.[83]
Before AD 70[edit]
A counter argument for a date between AD 37 and AD 61 for the Gospel[84] typically suggests that Luke's address to "Most Excellent Theophilus," may be a reference to the Roman-imposed High Priest of Israel between AD 37 and AD 41, Theophilus ben Ananus.
Christian scholar Donald Guthrie reports that some think Luke collected much of his unique material during the imprisonment of Paul in Caesarea, when Luke attended to him.[85] Paul mentions Luke, in passing, several times as traveling with Paul. Guthrie notes that much of the evidence for dating the Gospel at any point is based upon conjecture.
It is thought that like Mark (but unlike Matthew), the intended audience is international. Luke portrays his subject as regarded in a positive light by Roman authorities.[75] For example, the Jews are said to be responsible for Jesus' crucifixion, with Pontius Pilate finding no wrong in him.[75]
The Gospel is addressed to the author's patron, Theophilus, which in Greek simply means friend of God[86] or (be)loved by God or loving God,[87] and may not be a name but a generic term for a Christian. However, as the patron is described as 'Most Excellent Theophilus', this would indicate that the patron is in fact a governor or other highly ranked Roman official, as 'most excellent' is also used in other texts as a title for highly ranked officials.
Content and structure[edit]
The Gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus' miraculous birth, ministry of healing and parables, passion, resurrection, and ascension. Christian scholar Donald Guthrie claims, “it is full of superb stories and leaves the reader with a deep impression of the personality and teachings of Jesus."[88]
Literary structural interest in this Gospel has been shown by scholars over the years: consider the more recent contributions of Bailey, Goulder and Talbert, in particular, for their readings of Luke's Central Section. Almost all scholars believe the section begins at 9.51. A strong case, however, can be put for 9.43b. Then the introductory pieces to the opening and closing parts that frame the teaching of the Central Section would exhibit a significant dualism: compare 9.43b–45 and 18.31–35. The Central Section would then be defined as 9.43b–19.48, 'Jesus Journey to Jerusalem and its Temple'. Between the opening part ('His Setting out', 9.43b–10.24) and the closing part ('His Arriving', 18.31–19.48) lies a chiasm of parts 1–5,C,5'–1', 'His Teachings on the Way': 1, 10.25–42 Inheriting eternal life: law and love; 2, 11.1–13 Prayer: right praying, persistence, Holy Spirit is given; 3, 11.14–12.12 The Kingdom of God: what is internal is important; 4, 12.13–48 Earthly and Heavenly riches; the coming of the Son of Man; 5, 12.49–13.9 Divisions, warning and prudence, repentance; C, 13.10–14.24 a Sabbath healing, kingdom and entry (13.10–30), Jesus is to die in Jerusalem, his lament for it (13.31–35), a Sabbath healing, banqueting in the kingdom (14.1–24); 5', 14.25–15.32 Divisions, warning and prudence, repentance; 4', 16.1–31 Earthly and Heavenly riches: the coming judgement; 3', 17.1–37 The kingdom of God is 'within', not coming with signs; 2', 18.1–17 Prayer: persistence, right praying, receiving the kingdom; 1', 18.18–30 Inheriting eternal life: law and love. (All the parts 1–5 and 5'–1' are constructed of three parts in the style of ABB'.) Given this composition, the question is raised as to the composition of the whole gospel. It would seem that the gospel itself is similarly arranged as a chiasm of 1–5,C,5'–1' Sections. It is after all how Luke's genealogy is also arranged! [89]
Luke is the only gospel with a formal introduction, in which the author explains his methodology and purpose. It states that many others have already "undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word."[91] The author adds that he too wishes to compose an orderly account for Theophilus, so that Theophilus "may know the certainty of the things [he has] been taught".
Birth narratives and genealogy[edit]
Like Matthew, Luke recounts a royal genealogy and a virgin birth for Jesus. Unlike Matthew, who traces Jesus' birth back through the line of David to Abraham in order to appeal to his Jewish audience,[92] in Luke the evangelist traces Jesus' lineage back to Adam, indicating a universal sense of salvation.[92] Luke's birth narrative features the Christmas story,[93]in which Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for a census, the newborn Jesus is laid in a feeding trough (or manger), angels proclaim him the savior for all people, and shepherds come to adore him. Also unique to Luke is John the Baptist's birth story and three canticles (including the Magnificat) as well as the only story from Jesus' boyhood.
Miracles and parables[edit]
Luke emphasizes Jesus' miracles, recounting 20, four of which are unique. Like Matthew, it includes important sayings from the Q source, such as the Beatitudes. Luke's version of the Beatitudes differs from Matthew's, and Luke's seems closer to the source in Q.[94] More than a dozen of Jesus' most memorable parables are unique to Luke, including theGood Samaritan, the Corrupt Steward and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
Role of women[edit]
More than the other gospels, Luke focuses on women as playing important roles among Jesus' followers, such as Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Mary of Bethany. The Gospel of Luke is the only Gospel which contains the Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus to Mary his mother (1:26–38).
Compared to the other canonical gospels, Luke devotes significantly more attention to women. The Gospel of Luke features more female characters, features a female prophet (2:36), and details the experience of pregnancy (1:41–42).
Prominent discussion is given to the lives of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist and of Mary, the mother of Jesus(ch. 2).
Last supper[edit]
Luke is the only gospel that treats the Last Supper the way Paul does, as the institution of a liturgy to be repeated by his followers.[95] According to Geza Vermes, Paul is to be considered the primary source for this interpretation because he says he received this insight from direct revelation rather than from the other apostles.[95] The verses in question are not found in certain older manuscripts,[96] and Bart Ehrman concludes that they were added in order to support the theme of Jesus' atoning death, a theme found in Mark but that the evangelist excluded from the original Luke.[97]
Trials and crucifixion[edit]
Luke emphasizes that Jesus had committed no crime against Rome, as confirmed by Herod, Pilate, and the thief crucified with Jesus. It is possible that the author of Luke was trying to gain the respect of the Roman authorities for the benefit of the church by stressing Jesus' innocence.[98] In addition, it is also noted that Luke downplays Roman involvement in Jesus' execution and places responsibility more on the Jews.[99][100] In Luke's Passion narrative, Jesus prays that God forgive those who crucify him and his assurance to a crucified thief that they will be together in Paradise.
Resurrection appearances[edit]
Luke's accounts differ from those in Mark and Matthew. Luke tells the story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and (as in John) Jesus appears to the Eleven and demonstrates that he is "flesh and bones" Luke 24:39, not a spirit. Some scholars suggest that by writing of the "flesh and bones" properties of the resurrected Jesus, the author was making an apologetic response to docetic or gnostic views about Jesus' body, or to views that the disciples had merely seen his ghost.[citation needed] However, scholar Daniel A. Smith writes that the author was probably concerned with those in Christian circles who may have believed that the resurrection as merely "spiritual" and that it could have occurred without the transformation of the natural body.[101] In comparing Luke's account with other narratives of post-mortem apparitions in the Greco-Roman world, scholar Deborah Thompson Prince notes the similarities between them but concludes that Luke is unique in incorporating properties of all of them.[102]
Jesus' commission (the Great Commission), to the disciples to carry his message to all the nations, affirms Christianity as a universal religion. The Book of Acts, also written by Luke to the same Theophilus, declares about Jesus that "he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days..." Acts 2:3 The detailed narration of the Road to Emmaus appearance in Luke 24:13–32 is at times considered one of the best sketches of a biblical scene in the Gospel of Luke.[103]
The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke are three extensive papyrus fragments dating from the late 2nd century or early 3rd century. P4 is probably the earliest,[55] dating from the late 2nd century.[104] P75 dates from the late 2nd century/early 3rd century.[105][106] Finally P45 (mid-3rd century) contains an extensive portion of all four Gospels. In addition to these major early papyri there are 6 other papyri (P3, P7, P42, P69, P82 and P97) dating from between the 3rd–8th century which also have small portions of Luke's Gospel.[106][107] The early copies, as well as the earliest copies of Acts, date after the Gospel was separated from Acts.
The Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, 4th-century codices of the Greek bible, are the oldest manuscripts that contain the full text of Luke. Codex Bezae is a 5th- or 6th-century Western text-type manuscript that contains Luke in Greek and Latinversions on facing pages. This text-type appears to have descended from an offshoot of the main manuscript tradition, departing from more familiar readings at many points. Verses 22:19–20 are omitted only in Codex Bezae and a handful of Old Latin manuscripts. Nearly all other manuscripts including Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus and Church Fathers contain the "longer" reading of Luke 22:19 and 20. Verse 22:20, which is very similar to 1 Cor 11:25, provides the only gospel support for the doctrine of the New Covenant. Verses 22:43–44 are found in Western text-type. But they are omitted by a diverse number of ancient witnesses and are generally marked as such in modern translations. SeeBruce M. Metzger's Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament for details.
Disputed verses[edit]
Some argue that early Christian scribes introduced numerous accidental and deliberate alterations into New Testament documents.[108] Textual critics have used principles of textual criticism to tentatively identify which variants are original. Bart D. Ehrman cites two cases where proto-orthodox Christians may have altered the text in order to prevent its being used to support heretical beliefs.[109]
When Jesus is baptized, some early witnesses attest that Luke's gospel had God the Father say to Jesus, "This day I have begotten you." In orthodox texts (and thus in most modern Bibles), this text is replaced by the text from Mark. Ehrman concludes that the original text was changed because it had adoptionist overtones.
When Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane, the text refers to his being comforted by an angel and sweating drops like blood (verses 43–44 in Luke 22:40–46). These two verses disrupt the literary structure of the scene (the chiasmus), they are not found in all the early manuscripts, and they are the only place in Luke where Jesus is seen to be in agony. Ehrman concludes that they were inserted in order to counter doceticism, the belief that Jesus, as divine, only seemed to suffer. While probably not original to the text, these verses reflect 1st-century tradition.[108]
See also[edit]
- Textual variants in the Gospel of Luke
- List of Gospels
- List of omitted Bible verses
- Luke-Acts
- Order of St. Luke
- Luke 1
- Luke 2
- Luke 3
- Luke 4
- Christ's agony at Gethsemane
- 該條目的基督教術語主要使用了新教常見翻譯,如需查詢天主教的對應用詞,請參閱天主教與新教術語對照列表。
基督教《新約聖經》目錄 |
![]() |
1-4:四福音書 |
1 馬太福音/瑪竇福音 2 馬可福音/馬爾谷福音 3 路加福音 4 約翰福音/若望福音 |
5 使徒行傳/宗徒大事錄 |
6-18:保羅書信/保祿書信 |
6 羅馬書/羅馬人書 7 哥林多前書/格林多前書 8 哥林多後書/格林多後書 9 加拉太書/迦拉達書 10 以弗所書/厄弗所書 11 腓立比書/斐理伯書 12 歌羅西書/哥羅森書 13 帖撒羅尼迦前書/得撒洛尼前書 14 帖撒羅尼迦後書/得撒洛尼後書 15 提摩太前書/弟茂德前書 16 提摩太後書/弟茂德後書 17 提多書/弟鐸書 18 腓利門書/費肋孟書 |
19-26 大公書信 |
19 希伯來書 20 雅各書/雅各伯書 21 彼得前書/伯多祿前書 22 彼得後書/伯多祿後書 23 約翰一書/若望一書 24 約翰二書/若望二書 25 約翰三書/若望三書 26 猶大書/猶達書 |
27 啟示錄/若望默示錄 |
註1:左側為新教譯名、右側為天主教譯名。 註2:下劃線為縮寫。 |
《路加福音》(希臘語:Τὸ κατὰ Λουκᾶν εὐαγγέλιον)是《新約聖經》正典中,四福音書之一,並與《馬太福音》、《馬可福音》構成對觀福音。
- 總共有百分之59[來源請求]的資料僅見於《路加福音》;
- 至少有六個耶穌神跡和超過十二個比喻是其他福音書沒有提及的;
- 其三分之一的篇幅用來敘述,另三分之二的篇幅用來記載談話;
- 路加福音是四本福音書中篇幅最長的一本;
- 馬太的寫作對象主要是猶太人;馬可則為了非猶太籍的讀者,特別是羅馬人,寫成他的福音書。路加的福音則是寫給「提阿非羅大人」的,並且通過他間接傳給別的人,包括猶太人和非猶太人在內;[7]
- 為了使這項記載對於讀者來說更具吸引力,路加把耶穌的家譜追溯到「上帝的兒子亞當」,而不像針對猶太讀者而寫的《馬太福音》一樣,只是把耶穌的家譜追溯到亞伯拉罕即止;
- 他特別提及了西面的預言,指出耶穌是「除去列國族面紗」(《聖經新世界譯本》)的工具,而且「凡有血氣的, 都要見上帝的救恩!」[8]
- 路加在他的寫作中,自始至終都顯示了他獨到的敘述能力。《路加福音》鋪排有序,準確精當。其中準確、翔實的材料有力地證明路加的寫作真確可靠。一位法律作家曾評論説[來源請求]:「傳奇、傳説、虛假的證言都刻意把事情説成在某個遙遠的地方、某個不確定的時間發生,由此違反了我們律師所知的良好申辯的第一項規條:『口供必須道出時間地點』。《聖經》的敘述卻向我們道出所説事情最精確的日期和地點。」 為了證實這點,他引證《路加福音》第3章第1節至第2節參:「凱撒提庇留在位第十五年,本丟·彼拉多作猶太巡撫,希律作加利利分封的王,他兄弟腓力作以土利亞和特拉可尼地方分封的王, 呂撒聶作亞比利尼分封的王,亞那和該亞法作大祭司。撒迦利亞的兒子約翰在曠野裏,上帝的話臨到他。」這段經文對於事件的時間和地點沒有半點含糊。相反,路加列出了不下七個官員的名字,這能夠幫助後人確定約翰和耶穌開始執行服事職務的時間。
- 路加也列出了兩項線索,我們根據它們可以確定耶穌出生的時候。他在《路加福音》第2章第1節至第2節參説:「當那些日子,凱撒奧古斯都有旨意下來,叫天下人民都報名上冊。這是居里扭作敘利亞巡撫的時候,頭一次行報名上冊的事。」當時約瑟和馬利亞上伯利恆登記,耶穌就是他們在那裏停留時出生的。[9]一位注釋家説:「路加總是力臻完全準確的地步,這乃是路加的歷史感最徹底的試金石之一。」 [10]綜上,現今很多歷史學家認為路加的確「將一切的事準確地從頭查考過」。
拉姆齊寫下以上的話時,批評家對於路加的寫作是否準確仍未取得共識。他們為了一個爭論相持不下。爭論牽涉到幾個關係密切的城市:以哥念、路司得和特庇。路加的報導暗示,以哥念跟路司得和特庇不同;他把路司得和特庇稱為『呂高尼的城』(cities of Lycaonia)。[11]可是,路司得距離以哥念比離特庇更近。有些古代歷史家把以哥念描述為呂高尼一部分;因此,批評家指責路加沒有這樣行。
- 這是一部文筆典雅的文藝作品和優美的史書,作者先仔細查考有關的資料(1:1-4),才依序編排耶穌的生平事蹟(3:1-2)。
- 詳細記載了施洗約翰的出生;更用了頗長的篇幅報導主的出生和童年事蹟。
- 常提及被社會輕視的人物,如稅吏,罪人,女人和寡婦等等 (18:13)。
- 強調福音的普世性 (2章:10,31-32節;3章:6節;10章:33節;24章:47)。
- 強調聖靈的工作 (1章:15節;2章:27;3章:16;4章:18;10章:21)。
- 書中也注重敬拜的生活,蘊藏四首今日教會的名詩:尊主頌 (1:46-55);撒迦利亞頌 (1:67-79);榮歸主頌(2:14);西面頌(2:28-32)。