Pragmatic understanding (25%左右的題目) 此類題型主要考察考生對語言交流的實際掌握能力。聽出講話
Pragmatic understanding (25%左右的題目)
(1)Purpose understanding tests understanding of the intended function of an utterance, that is, the speaker's purpose. Examples of functions include such speech acts as apologizing, describing, and suggesting.
(2)Stance understanding tests understanding of a speaker's attitude. There are Two kinds of stance questions: attitudinal stance and epistemic stance. Attitudinal stance (attitude) questions generally probe the student's understanding of speaker affect, for example, like, dislike, anxiety, and amusement. Epistemic stance questions probe the student's recognition of the degree of doubt or certainty that the speaker expresses, whether his statements are intended as fact or opinion.
問態度(stance)要求考生根據講話者所言確定講話者的態度或立場。這是在basic understanding 的基礎上對字裡行間的一種理解能力的考察。
Examples of ways that students can demonstrate understanding of the function of an utterance
(一)問目的(Purpose)——Directly identify the function of the utterance, i.e, the speaker's purpose
(Excerpt from a conversation between a male student and a female housing office secretary. They are discussing his dorm fees.)
(narrator) listen again to a part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
(Secretary) But let me ask you this, are you um in a single room or a double room?
(Student) I'm in a double
(Secretary) You're rooming with someone?
(Student) Oh, I should've been——nobody was assigned though, but yeah it's open, it's available.
(Secretary) OK, because they're charging you for a double, I mean for a single. They're charging for the whole room. Um
(narrator) Why does the secretary say this: They're charging you for a double, I mean for a single. They're charging you for the whole room.
(A) To apologize for her mistake
(B) To explain why the problem happened
(C) To warn the man about future payments
(D) To suggest that the man find a roommate
Examples of ways that students can demonstrate understanding of the speaker's stance
(二)問態度(stance)——Identify a paraphrase of a speaker's utterance that expresses or implies the speaker's stance
(Excerpt from a conversation between a female professor and a male student. They have been discussing what material will be included on an upcoming test)
(Narrator) Listen again to a part of the conversation. Then you will be asked to select the statement that is closest in meaning to what the man says.
(Professor) You'll do fine on this if you've read and ——underlined and thought about the important issues. But I want you to be sure that you understand from the beginning, um…what if means to ask you to do this. Cause this is where you could go wrong if you interpret this too simplistically…um…“identify” means what?
(Student) You mean, like, who said what, right?
(Professor) Yes…and the title of this story, its author…
(Student) So we've got to know all that stuff—for all the stories?
(Narrator) Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels.
(A) “I'm worried about remembering so much information.”
(B) “I appreciate your taking the time to explain this to me.”
(C) “I'm relieved to be learning about what will be on the rest.”
(D) “I don't understand what you mean.”
(1)Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question
(2)Why does the woman say this:……
(1)Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went medical school?
(2)Why does the man talk to the woman about the “Poetry Kitchen”?
(3)What is the woman's attitude toward participating in the poetry club?
(4)What is the professor's opinion of the motor theory of thinking?