

  101. Do you smoking  102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and


  101. Do you smoking

  102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved If so why

  103. What do you know about XXX

  104. What problem do you think you will have in XXX

  105. How will you overcome the difficulties

  106. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program in XXX

  107. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies in XXX

  108. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia/London etc. would be like

  109. How will you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia etc. without your family

  110. What do you intend to study

  111. Which university are you going to study at

  112. Why did you choose this university

  113. Where are you going to study in XXX

  114. What are you plans in XXX

  115. What is your research proposal all about

  116. What do you hope for most from your study abroad

  117. Will your study abroad help your job prospects after come back to China

  118. Should you study more theory or do more practice Give your reasons please.

  119. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the XX

  120. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China

  121. What do you intend to do after you finish studying

  122. What will be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country

  123. What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China

  124. Will there be any adjustment problems in your life when you come back to China If so what are they

  125. Will you have to make any changes in your work/life when you come back to China

  126. Do you think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China and the level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival If so what will it be

  127. What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy

  128. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country's recent history

  129. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada What are they

  130. What do you especially want to do in Canada

  131. How do you like your life in ******* University

  132. What do you think of the training in the university

  133. In what way do you think university training is helpful or falls short

  134. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult

  135. Do you find American English easier to understand than Britain English

  136. What sports are played in your country

  137. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country

  138. What role dose religion play in everyday life in your country

  139. What would you regard as the most significant events in your country's recent history

  140. How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues

  141. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the university of ****

  142. What role dose tourism play in your country's economy

  143. How serious is unemployment in your country

  144. In your opinion what are the most serious problems associated with modern life

  145. What do you think have been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years

  146. What are you going to major in

  147. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university

  148. Some local students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion

  149. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended program

  150. What do you think are the main causes of road accidents

  151. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents

  152. As there are more and more private cars what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport

  153. How do you see yourself in ten years' time

  154. Have you ever thought to have your own business

  155. What business do you hope to have

  156. Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad

  157. What are your plans for your future

  158. Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries

  159. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries

  160. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to XXX

  161. What will you do if you are ill abroad

  162. Do you know what to do in case of emergency

  163. What will do if you cannot find a job in XXX

  164. Why do you want to immigrate to XXX

  165. What will you do after the IELTS test

  166. What will do if you fail the IELTS test

  168. How long have you been learning English

  169. What troubles you most at the moment

  170. Does your family support your decision on going XXX What help do they offer


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