9. Topic43 :The forests are becoming smaller and the planet is more polluted everyday.“ Discuss
9. Topic43 :The forests are becoming smaller and the planet is more polluted everyday.“ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of economic development. (250 words) economic
What's the connections between bad sides of economic development and environmental issue?
- First, and most importantly, economic development of many countries makes massive problems, which damage the environment.
- For example, if some countries have a good economy, they will want to spread the prosperity to outside countries. Therefore, sometimes they have to cut down a forest to build buildings or factories. As a result, the forests are now becoming smaller.
- Moreover, there are many kinds of industries, such as chemical or petroleum industries that cause the planet to be polluted everyday.
So we should not overlook these problems while we are developing an economy.
10. To what extent should industry be made to pay for environmental pollution?
11. To what extent can individuals ensure that the environment is protected from pollution?
12. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. TOEFL30
13. Human beings are rapidly destroying the planet earth – cuc 28
14. What are activities of human beings which destroy the planet earth?. British Council
- Pollution
- Polluted the air and land.
- Cars and factories are very dirty -> dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.
- 2 serious pollution problems are:
- Acid rain: this happens when gases and chemicals mix with water in the air. The mixture travels for hundreds of miles and finally falls back to earth. Because “Acid rain” contains a lot of chemicals - It kills fish and trees.
- The Greenhouse effect: gases and chemicals are the reason for this problems, too. Some of them stay in the air like a blnket around the world. Because of this blanket, the Earth's climate is changing and getting hotter.
- Desserts: soil erosion:
- More people -> fewer trees -> greater use of land -> thinner soil -> erosion -> famine.
- Water: in the developing world, clean water is rare -> dig deep wells.
- Rain Forest: in the last 40 years, half of the world's forests have dissappeared. If this continues for the next 40 years, millions of specis of plants and animals will become extinct. And that’s just the beginning.
- Why is the crisis happening?
- Because developing world farmers don't have enough land for places growing food and places living.
- Rich countries depend on rain forest products.
- Modern life in the developed world depends on rain forest products. These includes:
- Mineral
- Wood
- Medicine
- rubber
- effects of the crisis:
- the world's rainforests are facing a Idontknowl disaster. Some scientists says it’s even worse than the effect of nuclear war.
- The rainforest fires in Africa are so big that they appear in sattellite photos. But it's not just a question of diappearing of tribes, trees and species.
- It's a question of climat, too. Out planet needs healthy rainforests to contrl its temperature. Without them, the greenhouse Effect will just get worse and worse.
- Used most of the Earth's oil, gas and coal.
- Completely killed more than 500 kinds of animals, birds and plants.
- 2030: 25% of animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct.
- Reasons:
- Pollution: millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural home or habitat.
- Hunting: man hunts and kills millions of animals every year.
- Environment itself:
- smaller: man cuts down more trees, build more road, uses more land for farming ->fewer jungles, fields and forest for wild life.
- Made and used atomic bombs.
- Grown in numbers from 1 billion ( 1830) to more than 6 billions today.
- natural resources: water source, biological source, energy resources are harmed by human's exploration:
- strip mining devastate whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground.
- Deforestation removes old growth trees that can't be replaced.
- Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they can't recover
- Overpopulation:
- Many areas suffer too much development
- Economic development
pollution to environment:è
- traffic congestion.
- polluted air (emission from factories)
- polluted water (waste from companies and communities)
- Waste present everywhere: barrels of industrial waste, radioactive waste.
- What have human beings done to make the earth a better place?
- rescue and build the explored resources.
- Rehabilitate the earth.
- In the last 20 years there has been a Green revolution.
- Today, many scientists and world leaders realize that the earth is in danger.
-> It is really very simple: Either we stop killing the Earth or we will kill ourselves. We need a cleaner, healthier planet.
15. A company is going to give some mon