Fo Tiao Qiang (佛跳牆 Buddha Jumps Over the Wall)
Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a famous Fujianese dish most often served at lavish banquets. Preparing the dish is difficult and time-consuming, for it brings together many different ingredients. To the Taiwanese people, the dish also symbolizes getting together and being reunited with family and friends.
Buddha Jumps over the Wall is made from numerous delicacies and is considered one of the foremost dishes in Chinese cuisine. Great skill is required to prepare the dish: more than 10 ingredients have to be simmered slowly for many hours with just the right amount of heat. The dish has a wonderful aroma and is simply irresistible.
The earliest mention of the phrase “Buddha Jumps over the Wall” appears in a book from the Song dynasty (960-1279). Stories abound as to the origin of the dish’s colorful name. According to one version, the fragrant smell of the dish was so powerful that it induced a Buddhist monk to climb over the monastery wall to get a taste of it. Another version says that a monk prepared the dish one day, adding many nonvegetarian ingredients to his stew, and that when he was caught eating it he had to leap over his monastery walls to escape. But it is impossible to prove or disprove either of these versions.
A third tale says that during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the dish was first prepared by an official from Fuzhou, who was trying to make a good impression on his superior, Zhou Lian. He combined many ingredients, including pork, duck and chicken, and simmered them slowly in an urn that was used to hold Shaoxing wine. After tasting the dish Zhou praised it profusely, and asked what the dish was called. The man replied that it was intended to bring “good luck and prosperity, happiness and longevity,” and so it was called Happiness and Longevity. Zhou’s chef then wrote down the recipe and improved the dish, and when Zhou served it to his guests someone wrote a few lines, saying that “The fragrant smell pervades the neighborhood, so that monks forget their Zen meditations and come jumping over the wall.” Ever since then the dish has been known as Buddha Jumps over the Wall.
最早提及“佛躍過牆”一詞的出現在從宋代(公元960-1279年)一書。故事比比皆是,以菜的豐富多彩名字的由來。據一個版本,異香撲鼻的菜是如此強大,它引起一個和尚翻越寺院牆上得到它的味道。另一個版本說,一個和尚1天準備的菜,增加了許多位非素食成分,以他的燜,並且,當他被抓住吃了,他不得不跨越他的寺院圍牆逃跑。但它是不可能證明或反駁這些版本的。第三個故事說,在清朝(1644-1911),這道菜最早是由來自福州的一位官員,誰是試圖使一個很好的印象,他的上司週廉。他結合許多成分,包括豬肉,鴨肉和雞肉,以及被用來裝紹興酒甕燜得慢。品嚐這道菜後,週贊其大汗,問是什麼菜被調用。那人回答說,它的目的是帶來“好運和繁榮,幸福和長壽”,因此它被稱為幸福和長壽。週的廚師則寫下的配方和改進的菜,而當週曾到他的客人有人寫了幾行字,表示“香味瀰漫在附近,讓僧侶忘記自己禪宗冥想,並提出翻過牆。 “從那時起菜一直被稱為佛躍過牆。