Iraqi leader: U.S.-led military campaign against ISIS welcome if 'they do it right'伊拉克領導人:以美國為首的軍事行動對ISIS的歡迎,如果“他們這樣做是正確的”

Iraqi PM: Happy Arab nations joined U.S.
- NEW: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi: Sunnis "almost on board" with Shiite-led government
- NEW: He says all Iraqis "must work together," be willing to make tough decisions
- Al-Abadi says his government has been warning about ISIS "bloodbath" for years
- He hopes airstrikes don't lead to "the rise of another terrorist element instead of" ISIS
(CNN) -- Iraq's prime minister said Tuesday he is happy to see the United States and its Arab allies striking ISIS targets in Syria, so long as they "do it right this time."
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that Iraq has "paid a heavy price" for polarization in the region and instability in Syria, saying ISIS fighters have inflicted tremendous pain, suffering and losses on his people after crossing into Iraq. He expressed hope the airstrikes will do what U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed: degrade and destroy the group, which calls itself the Islamic State.
It's good some Arab nations have joined the American-led military campaign, al-Abadi added, though he said he wished they had understood and acted on the danger posed by ISIS sooner.
"We have warned ... this is going to end in a bloodbath if nobody stops it," he said. "Nobody was listening."

The newly installed prime minister said, "I personally am happy that everybody is seeing this danger, so that they are going to do something about it. And I hope they ... do it right, and they don't do it their own way."
Elaborating on that latter point, al-Abadi said, "I hope we're not going to see a crush of Daesh" -- another term for ISIS that some say sounds like an Arabic word for "to trample on," which the militants reportedly despise -- "and the rise of another terrorist element instead of them."
U.S.-Arab coalition bolstered by show of force
One thing the U.S. military has not done well enough when it comes to its strikes against ISIS targets in Iraq is work in close coordination with Iraqi ground forces, according to al-Abadi.
"Our forces are moving forward and, when they are moving forward, they need air cover, they need air support," said the prime minister. "That air support is not forthcoming."
Al-Abadi added: "We ask for it, but of course the coalition -- they have their own ... plan."
U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria: Who's in, who's not
'If we don't work together, we don't deserve a country'
That comment may beg the question: What is al-Abadi's plan for Iraq?
The Middle Eastern nation has been in turmoil for years. In addition to questions about its effectiveness in providing security and basic needs to its people, the government was panned for being dominated by Shiite Muslims -- like former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki -- and alienating Sunnis. (Notably, ISIS is made up of Sunnis pushing to institute their hard-line brand of Sharia law in any territory they control, while ruthlessly lashing out at those who don't subscribe to their mission.)
After Obama's withdrawal of U.S. ground troops, Iraq's military was maligned, especially after ISIS fighters speedily overran wide swaths of the country, at times prompting Iraqi troops to drop their weapons and run. Al-Abadi conceded Tuesday that the Islamist extremist group controls at least 25% of land in his country and is on the doorstep of the capital, Baghdad.
Iraqi soldiers, police flee posts in Mosul
This isn't to say al-Abadi deserves blame for this predicament. He officially took power on September 8, a few weeks after being endorsed by al-Maliki, his fellow Shiite and Islamic Dawa Party member.
Still, even if he hasn't been in charge long, this is al-Abadi's problem now.
The new prime minister said he does not want militias any more in Iraq, saying armed forces "must all be under the umbrella of the state." Al-Abadi added that he prefers that those in ISIS-controlled territories "liberate their own areas" with support from the government, rather than have Iraqi troops march in.
As to bringing the country together, the Iraqi leader said, "We've worked hard to make (the government) more inclusive" and "I think we've got (Sunnis) almost on board right now." Al-Abadi said a priority for him after he leaves New York -- where he, like other world leaders, are at the U.N. General Assembly -- will be nominating defense and interior ministers, one of whom will be Sunni.
Its history of secular and political division, not to mention bloodshed, notwithstanding, al-Abadi said Iraq can survive if Shiites and Sunnis can work together.
"I think we can. We have to," he added. "... This is our country. And if we don't work together, we don't deserve a country.
"... We have to work together. We have to give in to each other. And I'm prepared to do hard decisions. ... I expect others to do their own as well."
2014年9月24日 - 更新0048 GMT(0848 HKT)
阿爾 - 阿巴迪說,他的政府已警告有關ISIS“血洗”多年
(CNN) - “做正確這次”伊拉克總理週二表示,他很高興看到美國和阿拉伯盟友在打擊敘利亞ISIS的目標,只要他們
總理海德爾人 - 阿巴迪告訴CNN的克里斯蒂安阿曼普爾偏振在敘利亞地區的不穩定,伊拉克已經“付出了沉重的代價”,他說ISIS的戰士給國家造成了巨大的痛苦,苦難和損失對他的人越境進入伊拉克之後。他表示,希望在空襲中會做什麼,美國總統奧巴馬誓言:降低和破壞小組,自稱為伊斯蘭國家。
美國,阿拉伯國家攻擊Isis在敘利亞 美國,阿拉伯國家攻擊Isis在敘利亞
是美國使用的是什麼武器? 年輕的ISIS受害人的令人難以置信的逃生 FMR。在ISIS的崛起中央司令部司令
在闡述這後一點,AL-阿巴迪說,“我希望我們不會看到Daesh的美眉” - 另一種說法是ISIS的一些人說聽起來像一個阿拉伯語意為“踐踏”,這好戰分子據報導,鄙視 - “,另一個恐怖的元素,而不是他們的崛起。”
有一件事,美國軍方並沒有這樣做不夠好,當涉及到它的罷工反對伊拉克ISIS的目標是與伊拉克地面部隊密切配合,按照人 - 阿巴迪。
阿爾 - 阿巴迪說:“我們要求它,當然聯盟的 - 他們有自己的...計劃。”
中東國家已經在動盪的十年。除了關於其在提供安全和基本生活需要,以人民的有效性問題,政府正在淘過被佔主導地位的什葉派穆斯林 - 像前總理馬利基 - 和疏遠遜尼派。(值得注意的是,ISIS是由遜尼派推提起自己強硬的品牌伊斯蘭教法在他們控制的任何領土,而無情地抨擊那些誰不同意他們的任務。)
後美國地面部隊奧巴馬的撤軍,伊拉克軍方指責的,尤其是在ISIS的戰士迅速的國家侵占大片廣,有時促使伊拉克軍隊放棄他們的武器和運行。阿爾 - 阿巴迪承認週二表示,伊斯蘭極端組織控制著他的國家的土地至少25%是在首都巴格達的家門口。
這並不是說人 - 阿巴迪值得責怪這種困境。他正式上台9月8日,被批准的馬利基,他的同胞和什葉派伊斯蘭達瓦黨成員之後的幾個星期。
新總理說,他不希望任何的民兵多在伊拉克,他說軍隊“必須是國家的保護傘下。” 阿爾 - 阿巴迪補充說,他更喜歡那些在ISIS的控制的領土從政府“解放自己的領域”的支持,而不是讓伊拉克軍隊行軍英寸
為使國家團結起來,伊拉克領導人說,“我們努力使(政府)更具有包容性”,“我想我們已經有了(遜尼派)幾乎在船上現在。” 阿爾 - 阿巴迪說,優先給他,他離開紐約後 - 他在那裡,像其他世界領導人,是在聯合國大會 - 將提名國防和內政部長,其中一人將是遜尼派。