Hong Kong protests persist after ultimatum, mob attacks最後通牒後,暴徒襲擊香港的抗議活動持續
- City leader says protesters must clear roads, stop impeding government workers by Monday
- Mass Hong Kong protests enter seventh day
- Students allege police failed to protect them when they were attacked
- Police say students are escalating the situation
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Hong Kong (CNN) -- Thousands of pro-democracy protesters jammed the streets of Hong Kong's central business district Saturday night and early Sunday, clapping and cheering just hours after an ultimatum by government leaders: Let city workers back in their offices soon, or else.
Demonstrators swarmed the semi-autonomous Chinese territory's Admiralty district to hear nighttime speeches from protest leaders perched on a small spotlighted podium -- all defying city leaders' insistence that they disperse and let Hong Kong's life and commerce return to normal.
Even after the rally, many hundreds camped out or roamed the streets early Sunday, stretching the demonstrations into their eighth day and raising the prospect that protesters intend to test the government's latest ultimatum.
"There have been continuous clashes over the past couple days," Patrick Kwok, police senior superintendent, said at a Sunday morning press briefing. "Just now there have been clashes on Shanghai Street. Police officers are still dealing with the situation. Protesters in those areas have been extremely uncooperative."
Chief Executive C.Y. Leung -- under pressure from protesters demanding his resignation -- took to television Saturday evening to once again demand that protesters disperse immediately.
But his demand now came with a deadline: The streets must be clear by Monday so that classes could resume at schools, he said.
And entrances to the government headquarters also must be clear then, he said. He said protesters blocked 3,000 government employees from going to work Friday, clogging all entrances to the city's chief executive office building -- something he said would not be repeated Monday.
"The government and the police have the responsibilities and determination to take all necessary actions to restore social order," Leung said in his televised address.
"There are numerous social problems to be solved," Leung added, "but the proper way is through rational communication, finding commonalities and preserving differences -- not through resistance on (the) street that worsens the problem," he said.
Pro-democracy activists, led by student groups, are demonstrating for universal suffrage in Hong Kong and the right to directly choose candidates for elected office -- rather than having China choose the eligible candidates. They've also called for the resignation of Leung, whom the protesters view as a puppet of Beijing.
Despite Leung's warning, activists showed no signs of going anywhere soon. Instead of tearing down barricades meant to impede any security forces, participants built them up Saturday night, making piles of metal on the perimeter.
Protest leaders said Friday's violence -- scuffles between protesters and counter-protesters in Mong Kok, a nearby district -- reinforced their resolve. They accuse police of standing by and failing to take action when some students were attacked and beaten, and when some were sexually assaulted.
Peaceful protests against the government will continue despite provocations, Alex Chow, leader of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, told reporters Saturday afternoon.
Throughout the day Saturday, small skirmishes continued with mainly older residents -- appearing in their 40s or 50s -- yelling at the youngsters sitting by the main tent in the Mong Kok protest area. One older man swore at the students, repeatedly cursing at them as "kids causing trouble."
Protest leaders: Police didn't stop attackers
A source familiar with the Hong Kong government said leaders expect a prolonged faceoff and know the conflict won't resolve itself in two or three days.
The government plans to "wait it out" and thinks the number of protesters will gradually diminish, the source said.
Beijing worries that Hong Kong could become an anti-communist base and that pro-democracy protests could gain traction in other Chinese cities, the source said.
Beijing thinks granting Hong Kong the right to nominate candidates is a threat to national security, the source said.
Health officials said more than 50 people were injured in Friday's protests, which were punctuated by scuffles between protesters and counterprotesters in Mong Kok, a tightly packed district of shops and residences surrounding one of the city's busiest intersections.
At least 19 people were arrested Friday into Saturday, police said, on suspicion of crimes including fighting in public places, unlawful assembly and assault.
Protest leaders backed out of negotiations with government officials after Friday's violence in Mong Kok, where protest opponents tore down tents and scuffled with demonstrators; dozens were injured.
The attacks have strained relations as demonstrators say police officers failed to protect them when they were assaulted; police accuse protesters of escalating the situation.
Critics of the pro-democracy movement, called Occupy Central, say the weeklong demonstrations have hurt the economy and small businesses, and clogged traffic and daily operations of the city.
Student leaders say they refuse to negotiate with the government until there is an explanation of police action.
Joshua Wong, the 17-year-old leader of student group Scholarism, told CNN's Kristie Lu Stout that the Hong Kong government should "pay responsibility of this accident."
Meet the 17-year-old student agitating for change
Assistant Commissioner of Police Cheung Tak-keung rejected the protesters' claims, saying the accusations were "totally unfounded and extremely unfair to police officers who faithfully and diligently performed their duty at the scene."
He said police separated the two parties and set up a buffer area to prevent further injuries.
In the seven days of protest, more than 150 people have been injured, and 12 were in a hospital as of 2 p.m. Saturday, the city's information services department said.

The U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong issued an advisory, warning U.S. citizens "to avoid all protest areas due to the potential risk of escalating violence."
Counterprotester: 'It's anarchy'
A few dozen people who oppose the protests peacefully walked to a police station Saturday morning with blue ribbons -- which signify solidarity with the officers.
"We need order. We know what they want. Why do they still stay?" said one of them, retired police officer Yan pak Yu. "Go to the park. Go the playground. Don't obstruct the daily operations of Hong Kong."
Another resident, Peter Bentley, a retiree added: "It's anarchy. These are our streets. What I oppose is anarchy."
Hong Kong protests: What's next?
What protesters want
Demonstrators are upset with a recently enacted policy giving Beijing veto power on who can run as a candidate for the chief executive role in the 2017 election.
A new electoral system will, for the first time, let the city's 5 million eligible voters pick a winner, rather than a 1,200-member committee stacked with Beijing loyalists that has chosen past leaders.
But critics argue that the right to vote is pointless if the candidates are handpicked by Beijing.
They complain the Chinese government is encroaching too much on the affairs of Hong Kong, a semiautonomous Chinese territory ruled according to the "one country, two systems" policy since Britain handed over Hong Kong in 1997.
Beijing condemns the protests as "illegal acts" and in a Saturday editorial of People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, dismissed the movement's potential to spread to mainland China as "no more than a daydream."
2014年10月5日 - 更新0001 GMT(0801 HKT)
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香港(CNN) -數以千計的親民主示威者堵塞香港的中央商業區週六晚上和週日早上的街頭,拍手稱快幾個小時最後通牒,政府領導人之後:讓城市工人回到他們的辦公室不久,或別的。
示威者湧上了半自治的中國領土的金鐘區,聽取棲息在一個小的聚光燈照亮的講台抗議領袖夜間演講 - 都無視市領導的堅持,他們分散,讓香港的生活和商業恢復正常。
行政長官梁振英 - 從示威者,要求他辭職的壓力下 - 走上電視星期六晚上再次要求示威者立即散去。
和入口政府總部也必須清楚的話,他說。他說,示威者封鎖3000名政府僱員上班日,堵塞所有入口城市的行政長官辦公室大樓 - 這是他說不會重演週一。
“還有眾多的社會問題需要解決,”梁補充說,“但正確的方法是通過理性溝通,尋求共同點和存小異 - 不通過(的)街道的惡化問題的阻力,”他說。
民運人士的帶動下,學生團體,都顯示出在香港全面普選,直接選擇候選人競選公職的權利 - 而不是中國選擇符合條件的候選人。他們還呼籲亮辭職,其中抗議者查看北京的傀儡。
抗議領袖說,星期五的暴力 - 抗議者和反抗議者在旺角,附近小區之間的混戰 - 增強他們的決心。他們指責袖手旁觀,沒有採取行動時,一些學生被攻擊和毆打,當一些被性侵犯的警察。
全天週六,小小衝突繼續與主要老住戶 - 出現在40多歲或50多歲 - 吼坐在在旺角抗議區的帳篷為主的青少年。一個老男人罵學生,多次在罵他們為“孩子們造成麻煩。”
抗議活動的領導人退出了與政府官員的談判週五在旺角,那裡抗議對手推倒帳篷和扭打示威者的暴力行為後; 數十人受傷。
這些攻擊已緊張的關係為示威者說,警察沒有保護他們,當他們被毆打; 警方指責不斷升級的局面抗議者。
抗議學生對首席exec調用去 如何養活數千名示威者
組圖:香港動亂 組圖:香港動亂
幾十人誰反對和平抗議走到警察局星期六早上與藍絲帶 - 這意味著聲援人員。
“我們需要秩序,我們知道自己想要什麼,為什麼他們還是留下來?” 說有一個人,退休警官顏白宇。“去了公園。去操場。不要阻礙香港的日常運營。”
北京譴責抗議活動是“非法行為”,並在週六的社論的人民日報,中國共產黨的喉舌,駁回 運動的潛在蔓延至中國大陸 為“不超過一個白日夢了。”