08年9.22-28 TOEFL托福英語學習:托福詞彙2
Lesson 2 Delusions of Grandeur 幻想變得偉大
gloom n. 陰暗,幽暗,憂愁
glorify v. 美化,讚揚
glorious adj. 光榮的,壯麗的
glossy adj. 平滑的,有光澤的
glossary n. 詞彙表
glowing adj. 白熱的,通紅的,熱烈的
gnaw v. 咬,啃
goal n. 目標來源:考試大網
gorgeous adj. 華麗的,燦爛的,漂亮的
gospel n. 福音
gossip n. 社會新聞,小道傳聞
gourmand n. 嗜食者,喜美食者
gourmet n. 美食家
govern vt. 統治,管理,控制
grab vt. 攝取,抓住
grace n. 風度
gracious adj. 親切的,有禮貌的,仁慈的
graft v. 嫁接,移植
grand adj. 壯觀的,顯赫的
grandeur n. 莊嚴,偉大
“I looked in the glossary,” said Ruth. “A gourmand is someone who is fond of good eating. Ilike good food, does that make me
a gourmand?”
“I think a gourmand is someone who eats an excessive amount of food,” replied Lydia. “Themeeting doesn’t fit a gorgeous girl like you. But I might change my opinion if you don’t stopgnawing at that bone.”
“It’s fit for a gourmet,” said Ruth. “Anyway, let me tell you more about my book.”
“I can see it has a nice glossy cover,” Lydia said. Lydia was not interested in reading fiction.She preferred firsthand experiences.
“It received a glowing review,” Ruth said. “I had no grab one at the store before they soldout. The main character grew up in a rich family. Her studies included the gospel. She possessedthe grace of a ballet dancer. Nobody was as gracious as she was. Her family owned a grandhouse on a giant ranch. She could have led a glorious life. However, her real goal was to helppeople suffering from the gloom of inadequate medical care. So, she became a surgeon. Shetraveled to undeveloped countries and worked for free. She was so talented. She even knew howto graft skin onto a burn victim. Because she became so famous, she was often the subject ofgossip in her hometown. Everyone glorified her.”
“That’s a nice story, but it isn’t real,” Lydia giggled. She was amused.
“I’m going to be just like her,” replied Ruth with a serious face. “I refuse to continue sufferingfrom an ordinary life.”
Lydia laughed and shook her head. “You’re not suffering from anything but delusions ofgrandeur.”