David Beckham of the LA Galaxy ispictured here after an exhibition match in Wellington, on December
David Beckham of the LA Galaxy is
pictured here after an exhibition match
in Wellington, on December 1.
Fans of football superstar David Beckham are cashing in on his recent visit to New Zealand by trying to sell his food scraps and dirty dishes on the Internet. Among the items put up for sale on New Zealand website Trade Me are a half eaten corn cob, a nearly empty bottle of Coca-Cola and a single French fry, which the seller said Beckham had dropped during a stroll around Wellington. The chewed corn cob and soft drink came from a chicken restaurant where Beckham ate on Thursday night. The seller was also auctioning the plate and knife and fork he had used at the restaurant. The seller vouches for the items' authenticity and suggests they are ideal for anyone "who actually cares about David Beckham." The French fry attracted an initial bid of one dollar (75 US cents), rising to three dollars by late afternoon Wednesday. Beckham was in the New Zealand capital for three days last week with his LA Galaxy football team to play an exhibition match against local team Wellington Phoenix. He left on Sunday to rejoin wife Victoria as her reformed group The Spice Girls played a concert in Vancouver. |
足球巨星大衛·貝克漢姆近日在紐西蘭逗留期間吃剩的東西和用過的餐具竟被球迷當成“寶貝”在網上販賣。 這些在紐西蘭“易我”網上拍賣的“寶貝”包括,啃了一半的玉米棒、一瓶快喝完的可樂和一根薯條等。據賣家介紹,這根薯條是小貝在威靈頓閒逛時掉的。 而啃了一半的玉米棒和快喝完的可樂是上週四晚小貝在一家炸雞店進餐時吃剩下的。小貝在這家餐廳用的盤子和刀叉也被賣家拿到了網上拍賣。 賣家保證東西絕對是“真品”,還稱這些東西對於“真正在乎小貝”的人來說是很理想的紀念品。 那根薯條的起拍價為1新元(相當於75美分),到了昨天下午晚些時候,已經被拍到了3美元。 上周,小貝與他的洛杉磯銀河隊在紐西蘭首都威靈頓逗留了三天,與當地的威靈頓鳳凰隊踢了一場友誼賽。 小貝于上周日離開威靈頓,前往溫哥華去見妻子維多利亞,為她的辣妹回歸演唱會助興。 |