John LennonA lock of John Lennon's hair is being put up for sale.Lennon gave Betty Glasow, the Beatl
John Lennon
A lock of John Lennon's hair is being put up for sale. Lennon gave Betty Glasow, the Beatles' hairdresser, the lock of hair in a copy of his book "A Spaniard in the Works." In the dedication he wrote, "To Betty, Lots of Love and Hair, John Lennon." On Wednesday, fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and Beatles autographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction in Worthing, in southern England. The book — with the hair still inside — could fetch as much as $6,200, said Nick Muston, director of Gorringes auction house. Glasow, who kept the Beatles' moptops trimmed on the set of the films "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" decided to sell the items because she wanted fans to have them, Muston said. "She feels that rather than these things being stuck in a drawer with nobody enjoying them, real enthusiasts (could) get their hands on these things," Muston said. Other items in the sale include signed photographs of the Beatles dedicated to Glasow, including one where George Harrison signed George "Dandruff" Harrison. Another lot includes a ticket and a screw from one of the seats at a 1965 Beatles Christmas Concert at Hammersmith Apollo in London, where fans ripped out seats so they could dance in the aisles. Glasow has also worked with a number of actors, such as Harrison Ford. |
(披頭士樂隊主唱)約翰•列儂的一縷頭髮將被拍賣! 這縷頭髮是當年列儂夾在他的著作《書中的西班牙人》中送給他的理髮師貝蒂•格拉索的。他在贈言中寫道:“給貝蒂,我的愛和頭髮。約翰•列儂。” 拍賣將於本週三在英國南部城市沃森舉行。除列儂的這縷頭髮外,歌迷還將有機會競拍披頭式樂隊的一些簽名照和紀念品。 格林斯拍賣行的老闆尼克•穆森說,這本夾著列儂頭髮的書拍價可能會達到6200美元。 披頭士樂隊在電影《一夜狂歡》和《救命!》中的“拖把頭”髮型就出自格拉索之手。穆森說,格拉索之所以決定拍賣這些物品,是因為她想讓披頭士的歌迷們得到它們。 “她覺得,與其讓這些東西在抽屜裡無人欣賞,還不如讓真正熱愛披頭士的歌迷擁有它們。” 其餘被拍賣的物品還包括披頭式樂隊成員贈送給格拉索的簽名照,其中一張照片上喬治·哈里森的簽名是“‘頭皮屑’喬治•哈里森”。 還有一件拍賣物是一張演唱會門票和一顆螺絲釘,這顆螺絲釘來自倫敦阿波羅漢莫史密斯廳裡的一個座位。1965年,披頭士樂隊在此舉辦了一場“披頭士聖誕演唱會”,當時瘋狂的歌迷把座椅拔出來,在過道上跳舞。 格拉索還與哈里森·福特等其他很多男演員有過合作。 |