10 Most Beautiful Places in the World10世界上最美麗的地方
Once in a while it is good to divert your mind from the daily hassle and dissonance of daily working environment and find a cool place where you can relax and enjoy with your family. There is one good place that exceeds nature and its beauty. Spending some time visiting and watching some of the most beautiful wonders of the world will make you forget all your worries and realize how much is given to you by your creator to enjoy. There are so many breathtaking places in the world that you can visit but here we are going to concentrate on 10 most beautiful places in the world. They are so beautiful that you might think of changing your current career to travelling; after all travelling not only helps you learn but can also decide to write guides for others who might want to know more about their world.
1. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
This is an amazing site located in between the border of Zambia and North of Zimbabwe along the Zambezi River. This breathtaking site occupies around 2 kilometer mile and is 354 feet high. It emits mist that is spotted by somebody about 20 kilometers away and hence it’s traditional “Mosi-oa Tunya” that simply means “thundering smoke”. It was named Victoria Falls by a Scottish explorer David Livingstone.
2. Venice, Italy
It is a sanctuary on a lagoon, and it’s not only amazing, but also preservative. In fact, Venice has maintained it’s beauty for more than 600 years. The city has 118 islands and more tourists than residents and this is a fact contributed by availability of many beautiful sites and places to go while in the city. Among the places is touring with the Grand Canal, which is a 230 passenger boat. The tallest and the oldest building in the city is the Campanile, which was built 325ft tall. To reach the top, people take a lift, but in the old days the Roman Emperor Fredrick III rode a horse to the top.
3. Fairy Pools Isle of Skye, Scotland
Fairy Pools are located two miles from the Glen Brittle beach. They are a part of a stream coming from the Glen Brittle forest which flows in clear quiet streams and beautiful waterfalls. There’s not so much public transport and you can take a walk through the pools enjoying the serene beauty.
4. Great Blue Hole
This great diving destination is about 407 ft deep and 984 ft wide, and is rich in clear water and beautiful marine life. If you love diving, then this great destination is just for you. Thanks to its beauty Great Blue Hole is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
5. The Red Beach, China
Spending some time in a beach can be incredibly fascinating but it would be more memorable and wonderful if you could
visit and extraordinary beach. This beach happens to be the red beach in China, which is located in Dowa county 30km southwest of Panjin. The beach is red not because the soil is but it is as a result of a particular sea weed that remains green throughout the summer and in fall it turns red.
6. Inca City of Machu Picchu
It is also commonly known as the lost city of Incas that was discovered in 1913 by Bingham. The ruins are made of white granite blocks, which are beautifully and carefully fitted together. There are temples, residences, parks and sanctuaries. This is an amazing place to go, especially if you are a history lover.
7. The Pyramids and the Sphinx
These are old age Egyptian monuments, which were built applying the old Egyptian architecture. They are one of the amazing sites that you can enjoy visiting through the Sahara desert. Apart from watching the beautiful site of the pyramids, you can also enjoy a camel ride as you visit the Pyramids.
8. The Great Coral Reefs, Australia
The world’s largest coral reef system occupies more than 900 islands. It is made of around 2900 reefs and is located in Australia. It stretches for over 2600km and can be viewed from the outer space. It stands as one of the most beautiful places in the world.
10. The Niagara Falls
The falls are made by a collection of three falls located on the Canadian, US border. The Horseshoe Falls, the American falls and the Bridal Veil Falls are the component falls that make up the great Niagara Falls. The site provides a beautiful and convenient place to eat, drink, play and enjoy with your family or friends.
These amazing places are not to be missed! You just can’t describe them! You really do have to visit them! Do you have any other beautiful place to add to this list? Please comment below!
曾經在一段時間這是好事,從日常工作環境的日常麻煩和不和諧轉移你的頭腦,找到在那裡你可以放鬆和享受與家人陰涼的地方。有一個超出自然和它的美麗的好地方。花一些時間參觀和觀看一些世界上最美麗的奇觀會讓你忘記所有的煩惱,知道有多少是給你用你的創造者享受。有這麼多驚人的地方在世界上,你可以參觀,但在這裡我們將集中精力在世界上10個最美麗的地方。他們是如此美麗,你可能會認為改變你目前的職業生涯行進; 畢竟旅行不僅可以幫助你學習,但也可以決定寫誰可能想更多地了解他們的世界導遊為別人著想。
這是一個驚人的網站位於贊比亞和津巴布韋北沿贊比西河的邊界之間。這驚險的工地佔地大約2公里英里,為354英尺高。它會發出一個由某人發現約20公里的霧,因此它是傳統的“苧麻- OA Tunya”這僅僅意味著“雷鳴般的煙霧”。它被命名為維多利亞瀑布由蘇格蘭探險家大衛·利文斯通
這是一個潟湖保護區,它不僅是驚人的,但也防腐劑。事實上,威尼斯 一直保持著它的美麗的超過600年。全市有118個島嶼和更多的遊客比居民,這是一個事實,貢獻了許多美麗的景點和場所的可用性去,而在城市。在這些地方進行參觀與京杭大運河,這是一個230客船。最高和最古老的建築在城市的鐘樓,建325英尺高。到達山頂,人們乘坐電梯,但昔日的羅馬帝國皇帝弗雷德里克三世騎著馬的上方。