
8 Biggest Weight-Loss Mistakes8最大的減肥誤區

Mindless Snacking

Losing weight is cyclical for many people, in that they work hard to lose weight for a time and then they end up putting the weight back on, often along with additional pounds. This can be a huge discouragement – but if you continue to work at weight loss, you will be successful. Many people give up too early in the game, for various  reasons. There are some really big mistakes that people make when they plan to lose weight, and we cover five of the biggest ones here:

1. Mindless Snacking

If you’re not paying full attention to what you’re putting in your mouth, then you are likely eating a lot of calories without knowing exactly how many. Every time you eat, make a point of putting the items onto a plate so you can see how much you are eating. Sit down at the table and turn off the television to avoid stuffing your face mindlessly. The TV is only a distraction that has your mind elsewhere when it should be focused on the business of eating until you are finished.

2. Having Unrealistic Expectations

Many people expect to lose massive amounts of weight when they diet, and are disappointed when they step on the scale after a week or two. If you expect to see a 10-pound loss after just a few weeks, then you’re on the wrong track. Healthy weight loss is about one-to-two pounds per week. If you are losing more weight than that, it is probably muscle and valuable water weight. If you lose too much weight too quickly, you are more likely to gain it back quickly, too, and once you are on that path you may feel that all is lost – and then simply continue to eat and gain even more weight.


skipping meals
3. Skipping Meals

It is true that successful weight loss involves eating fewer calories, but you are better off eating several small meals in a day rather than skipping any meals altogether. By eating regularly, you will keep your metabolism revved up (this is your fat-burning furnace). Skipping breakfast is one of the worst things you can do because it is a meal that ends your nightly fast and helps to get your metabolism going for the entire day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel sluggish and slow, and this is not going to help in your weight-loss quest. Skipping a meal can make you feel more hungry, which means you may give in to temptation more easily, and eat a lot more calories than you had planned to simply because you are extremely hungry.

4. Failing to Readjust Caloric Intake

As you lose weight on a reduced-calorie diet, your calorie intake needs should also be readjusted. In order to lose one pound per week, you will need a total calorie deficit of 3,000 calories – or an average of 500 calories per day. As your body weight is reduced, so is the amount of calories required to maintain that body weight. Keep a diary of your calorie intake or use an app on your smartphone that helps you to track your daily meals. This will give you an accurate idea of how many calories you have already eaten and how many more you can still consume on any given day. The other great thing about this approach is that when exercise is added in, your calorie deficit is even larger – but it’s important to avoid making up for the calorie deficit by eating more food after you exercise.

5. Overestimating Calories Burned With Exercise

If you work out on a machine at a gym, the display on the machine will typically show you that you have burned about 30% more calories than you really have. Do not rely on the ‘calories burned’ display, and instead set a goal of doing a certain type of exercise for 30-45 minutes per day to burn extra calories. If you can exercise at least four days per week, you should start noticing a difference in just a few short weeks. If you find yourself getting bored with one type of exercise, try another or join a gym with a friend or two, and use peer pressure to get your butt down to the gym.

weihging food and counting calories
6. Not Counting Beverages in Calorie Totals

If you are drinking juice, alcohol, pop or any other sugary beverage, you are adding a lot of unnecessary calories. The best drink to consume is water and nothing more. Water is all that your body needs to keep you hydrated and healthy, and you should be drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water each day.

7. Keep Getting on the Scale

The bathroom scale is not your friend, and when you obsess with what the scale says it can be really unhealthy. Stop relying on the scale, and instead start to rely on how your clothing fits. Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day for a variety of reasons, and the scale is not always an accurate reflection of your current weight. When you start to lose fat, your clothing will fit more loosely and you will feel lighter and better. You will also see the difference in the mirror.

8. Allowing a Setback to Derail You

You decided that you want to lose some weight, and you have been working really hard. One day a friend comes over and brings you a slab of cheesecake to share over a cup of coffee. Your friend has no idea that you are on a diet, and you don’t mention anything but you go ahead and eat the cheesecake. It’s fine to do this, and everyone is human, but you need to get right back on the diet train as soon as possible to maximize your weight-loss efforts. If you allow a small slip-up to stop your progress, then you are probably going to find yourself eating more things you should not be eating, consuming larger portions, etc. – and then eventually you will be gaining the weight right back. Old habits die hard, but hard work helps break those habits.

減肥是週期性的對許多人來說,在他們努力減肥了一段時間,然後他們最終把體重恢復,往往伴隨著額外磅。這可能是一個巨大的打擊 - 但如果你繼續努力,在減肥,你一定會成功。很多人放棄了在比賽中過早,因各種原因。有一些非常大的錯誤時,人們作出他們計劃減肥,我們涵蓋五個最大的人在這裡:




許多人希望減肥的大量的,當他們的飲食,並感到失望時,他們一兩個星期後,步上規模。如果你希望看到就在幾個星期後,一個10磅重的損失,那麼你在錯誤的軌道上。健康減肥是大約一到每週兩英鎊。如果你失去比這更重,這大概是肌肉和寶貴的水的重量。如果你失去了太多的重量太快,你更有可能獲得回來很快,也和曾經你是這條道路上你可能會覺得一切都失去了 - 然後簡單地繼續吃,甚至獲得更大的重量。




當你減掉體重的低熱量飲食,你的卡路里攝入量的需求也應調整。為了減肥每週一一斤,你將需要3000卡路里的熱量,總熱量赤字 - 即平均每天500卡路里的熱量。當你的體重降低,因此是保持這種體重所需的卡路里量。保持你的熱量攝入的日記或使用在智能手機上的應用程序,可以幫助你跟踪你的日常餐點。這會給你多少卡路里,你已經吃了多少越多,你仍然可以消耗在任何一天一個準確的概念。這種方法的其他偉大的事情是,當運動加入,您的熱量赤字甚至更大 - 但它是重要的,以避免你在運動後吃更多的食物彌補的熱量赤字。














你決定,你要減肥了,你一直很努力。有一天,一個朋友過來,給您帶來乳酪蛋糕的平板分享了一杯咖啡。你的朋友不知道你是在節食,你不提任何東西,但你繼續前進,吃的芝士蛋糕。它的優良做到這一點,每個人是人,但你需要馬上回在飲食列車盡快以最大化你的減肥努力。如果允許一個小閃失,停止你的進步,那麼你可能會發現自己吃更多的東西,你不應該吃,消耗較大的部分,等等 - 那麼最終你將獲得的權重右後衛。舊習難改,但努力工作有助於打破這些習慣。


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