

1.Describe the best present/gift you have received. Who send it When did you receive it Deta


1.Describe the best present/gift you have received. Who send it

When did you receive it

Detailed information about the present. Q In China when will people send the present

Q Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving what's the difference between them

2.Describe an interesting building What is the interesting building in your country/city

What is it located

What is used for

Explain why you think it is the most interesting

Q What are the differences between your grandpa's house and your building

Q What are the differences between families in and past and today and what have caused these changes

3.Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you. Who is this person And his/her personality

How is he/she similar to you

Q What kind of family is yours Is it of a typical family structure in China

Q How would you think of the Family-oriented viewpoints in China

4. Describe one of your best friends. 1.What he/she looks like 2. Why you think he/she is important to you 3.You often help each other

Q what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend

Q what is your best friend And how you met Q tell me the way you make friends with others. and you think what people should be your friends

5. Describe the festival in your country1)。 Chinese New Eve 1.dinner family gathering); 2.special program on CCTV to welcome the CNY 2)。 Chinese New Year Day 1.visiting relatives 2.friends visiting. All eating/drinking);the rest of the days 2.sightseeing. Q Why you think traditional Chinese festival is very important

Q Would you think Traditional Chinese festivals will disappear in the future

6.Travel 1)。 Describe your latest travel in detail. With whom And the destination it takes u how long to get to the destination. 2)。 Describe the natural scene. Q Some interesting things happened during your travel Can you describe it for me Your reason to travel is what

Q How to protect natural scene in your opinions

7.Transportation Describe the transportation in your city. *Q compare the different transportation such as between plane train and car. Q can you just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me

Q just compare the transportation in the past and now. You like what transportation and why. Q How to resolve the problems of traffic jams in your city in your opinions

8.Music Describe the role music play in our life. Q what effects will take place you think to let children study an instrument

Q you like music or not Why You think music plays what role in your life

Q describe the music u like most and tell me why

9.Clothes describe a kind of clothes that you like best 1 Why you like it 2 What does it look like 3 The role of your clothes

Q The prescript on clothes in school

Q The different between the older and younger people on clothes

10. Describe your favorite restaurant. Why do you like it Where it is located What does it look like

Q your opinions on fast food Q general ideas about fast food among Chinese. Q What do you think of the science‘s influences in food processing/production

11.Describe one sport that you like to play or watch most. 1)。 How do you begin to like it 2)。 Why you like it 3)。 How often do you play or watch it 4)。 And explain why you prefer his sport to other sports

Q why do you think doing sports will help people‘s health

Q The sports will change our lives in future

12. Describe the favorite room in your home. 1 What does it look like 2 Why you enjoy it 3 What normally you do there

Q Imagine the future‘s room that Chinese will live in

Q What is the most important feature you have to consider when you choose an apartment to live

13. Describe the photo you like best. 1 What was in the photo 2 When the photo was taken 3 Why you like it best

Q When and where do Chinese like to take photos

Q What is the standard of a good photo

Q What‘s the difference between the photos on newspapers and magazines

14. Describe the city/town you like to visit best. 1 Where is it 2 Why it attracts your attentions

Q Which role would tourism play in our life

Q What kind of city you do like to live for a long time Why

Q How different are the people from rural areas and urban cities in life style

Q Where in the countryside or in cities do you think children can get better education

15. Describe your favorite book. 1)。 Why do you like reading it 2 Which kind of book is it 3)。 What it talked about

Q What‘s the influence of reading on people and on society

Q What is the impact on books with the development of economics

16. Describe the most serious pollution in your city. 1 What is it 2 How would it be caused 3 How do people treat it

Q In your opinions what measures should be taken to solve this problem

Q Are pollution problems national or global issues

17. Describe the most important thing in your life. 1 What was it 2 Why it is so important for you In details. Q Does the new technology have an influence on the working pattern How

18. Have you seen or heard any advertisement before

1 Where did you see it 2 What is it

Why do you remember it

Q Where do you usually find advertisements

Q What advertisement has more influence getting from TV or the other ways Why

Q Some advertisements do harm to children‘s development. How do you think

19.Talk about a major change in your life. Q Have you found any change in the family structure in China

Q Is there any change in the social structure in China in recent years

20. Describe your favorite handcraft. 1 What is it 2 What function does it I take 3 Why you like it best

Q Do you think a car should be manufactured by hand or by machine tool

Q Do you think handcrafts should be made by hand or by machines


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