EU hits Russian intelligence chiefs with sanctions歐盟擊中俄情報首領制裁
July 26, 2014, 2:09 pm TWN
Among the 15 new people subjected to an EU-wide asset freeze and travel ban were Alexander Bortnikov, head of the Russian Federal Security Service, and Sergei Beseda, head of the FSB department that oversees international operations and intelligence activity. Four members of Russia's Security Council were also included on the EU list.
BRUSSELS -- The European Union on Friday extended its Ukraine-related sanctions to target top Russian intelligence officials and leaders of the pro-Russia revolt in eastern Ukraine, official documents showed.
The new measures, designed to put pressure on Moscow and its allies in Ukraine, were announced in the EU's Official Journal, and took effect immediately. Eighteen organizations or businesses, including rebel formations in Ukraine's east, were added to the trade bloc's sanctions list at the same time.
The action brought the total number of people under EU sanction in connection with Russia's annexation of Crimea and the revolt in eastern Ukraine to 87. Two Crimea-based energy businesses had already had their EU holdings frozen.
Earlier on Friday, EU ambassadors reached a preliminary deal to go even further in sanctioning Russia, targeting its access to European capital markets and trade in the defense sector, dual-use goods and sensitive technologies.
EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said the proposals were transmitted to EU officials to codify into regulations, with the ambassadors scheduled to meet again Tuesday to review the results. She said EU member states must decide whether the measures need to be approved by a summit meeting of the organization's 28 member countries to go into effect.
On Tuesday, EU foreign ministers ordered the preparation of stepped-up economic sanctions, frustrated over Russia's refusal to heed their demands to help bring about an end to the fighting in Ukraine, and with many Europeans leaders and citizens outraged by the shooting down of a Malaysian jetliner over eastern Ukraine.
In a document prepared for the ambassadors, EU officials suggested restricting Russian state-owned financial institutions' access to European capital markets. Last year alone, the document said, 47 percent — or 7.5 billion euros ($10.2 billion) worth — of all the bonds issued by such institutions came from EU financial markets.
2014年7月26日,下午2:09 TWN
布魯塞爾 - 歐盟上週五擴大了烏克蘭有關的制裁措施瞄準俄羅斯高級情報官員和親俄羅斯的反叛在烏克蘭東部的領導人,官方文件顯示。
在為大使編寫了一份文件,歐盟官員建議限制俄羅斯國有金融機構的進入歐洲資本市場。僅去年一年,該文件稱,47% - 或7.5十億歐元(約合10.2十億)價值 - 所有這些機構發行的債券來自歐盟的金融市場。