Sean Lien donates NT$2 million to victims連勝文捐出新台幣200萬元給災民
August 4, 2014, 12:04 am TWN
The head of Lien's campaign headquarters, Chen Chiung-sung, decided to suspend campaign activities for three days in addition to donating NT$100,000 out of his own pocket.
In a statement issued through his office Sunday, Lien was quoted as saying that his sympathy goes to the victims of the disaster, which left at least 28 dead and 300 injured.
TAIPEI--Kuomintang candidate for Taipei mayor Sean Lien will donate NT$2 million (US$66,495) to victims of the explosions that ripped through Kaohsiung Thursday night, according to his campaign office.
Lien's donation came a day after his major rival, independent candidate Ko Wen-je, pledged NT$400,000 to rescue and relief efforts.
Despite the NT$2 million donation, Web users were still quick to criticize the wealthy Lien family.
Campaign manager Tsai Cheng-yuan sought to dispel rumors Sunday that Sean Lien's father, Vice President Lien Chan, donated NT$10 million to victims of the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, China, greatly outdoing the younger Lien's donation this time around.
Tsai said that after checking with Lien Chan, he was told that the funds were conveyed to Chinese authorities by the former vice president on behalf of Taiwan business tycoon Kenneth Yen, chairman of Yulon Motor Group.
台北 - 國民黨候選人台北市長連勝文將捐出新台幣200萬元(約合66495美元),以通過高雄週四晚上撕開了爆炸的受害者,據他的競選辦公室。
連戰捐贈的前一天,他的主要競爭對手,獨立候選人柯文濟,承諾新台幣$ 400,000到搶險救災工作。