Dallas Ebola patient waited nearly a week for experimental drug; family claims bias達拉斯埃博拉患者等待了近一個星期的實驗性藥物; 家庭索賠偏見

Duncan given alternative Ebola treatment
- Thomas Eric Duncan was admitted to a Dallas hospital for Ebola on September 28
- He got an experimental drug October 4; others with Ebola got such drugs much faster
- Nephew: "He didn't get the medicine and treatment for the disease because he's African"
- Hospital: Duncan was "treated the way any other patient would have been treated"
(CNN) -- Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, received an experimental medicine nearly a week after being admitted into the hospital -- a far longer wait than experienced by four other Ebola patients treated in the United States.
Those patients -- two each at Atlanta's Emory University Hospital and the University of Nebraska Medical Center -- received their experimental medicines immediately. Those four are U.S. citizens; Duncan is a Liberian national.
"We feel he didn't get the medicine and treatment for the disease because he's African and they don't consider him as important as the other three," Josephus Weeks, Duncan's nephew, said at a press conference Tuesday afternoon.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who attended the press conference with Weeks and Duncan's mother as a newly appointed spokesman for the family, added, "We don't feel good about that. It's been a concern he had to wait so long."

Jackson said he thinks money also played a role in Duncan's treatment.
"I would tend to think that those who do not have insurance, those who do not have Medicaid do not have the same priorities as those who do," the civil rights leader said.
In a statement, a spokeswoman for Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital said Duncan is being "treated the way any other patient would have been treated, regardless of nationality or ability to pay for care. We have a long history of treating a multicultural community in this area."
The hospitals that took care of the four other patients had substantial advance notice that patients were on their way.
Duncan went the emergency room at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on September 25, but staff there didn't realize he had Ebola and sent him home hours later. He was admitted on September 28 when the hospital realized he had the disease. He started receiving the experimental drug, brincidofovir, on October 4.
He was in critical condition Tuesday. Weeks, though, said his uncle is "doing better" -- he's still on dialysis, but his heart rate has improved, his blood pressure is "normal," "his fever is pretty much gone" and his diarrhea has "slowed." It's not clear if the experimental drug has anything to do with these changes.
Since the drugs being used to treat Ebola are still experimental, it is up to each individual hospital to file the paperwork with the Food and Drug Administration for permission to get the drug from the manufacturer and use it.
The hospital has declined to tell CNN when they filed for permission to the FDA to use brincidofovir.
"The care team has been consulting with the CDC and Emory, on a daily basis since Mr. Duncan was admitted to the hospital, discussing the possible course of treatment, including the use of investigational drugs," hospital spokesman Wendell Watson said in a statement.
The FDA and Chimerix, the company that makes the drug, said if there was any delay it wasn't on their part. Stephanie Yao, a spokeswoman for the FDA said she couldn't comment on any particular case, but when doctors make requests for experimental Ebola treatments, "we turn them around in a matter of a few hours -- often less than one hour."
Joseph Schepers, a spokesman for Chimerix, said requests to use brincidofovir "are expedited immediately in the most expedited way you could possibly do it."
"It's a general rule in medicine that the earlier you start therapy in a sick person who needs the therapy, the better the response," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, when asked about the impact of the wait for the drug.
Weeks said he and his family had to "pressure" the hospital to apply for permission to give the drug, brincidofovir, to Duncan.
"They were treating him with oxygen, water and a bed to lay on," he said.
Weeks and Jackson said they believe the hospital applied for permission to use brincidofovir only after Jackson gave out the hospital's phone number on his radio show last week and urged listeners to call in and complain.
Ashoka Mukpo, a freelance NBC cameraman, was admitted to the University of Nebraska Medical Center Tuesday and began receiving brincidofovir the same day. Dr. Rick Sacra received another experimental drug called TKM-Ebola, which is easier to access but still requires permission from the FDA. Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy Writebol -- both treated at Emory -- took Zmapp, which is no longer available because the company ran out of supplies of the drug.
CNN's John Bonifield and Matthew Stucker contributed to this report.
達拉斯埃博拉患者等待了近一個星期的實驗性藥物; 家庭索賠偏見
2014年10月7日 - 更新2347 GMT(0747 HKT)
他得到了一種實驗性藥物10月4日; 其他埃博拉了這類藥物要快得多
(CNN) -埃里克·托馬斯·鄧肯,在美國確診為埃博拉病毒的第一人,獲得了實驗醫學被送進了醫院,經過近一個星期-遠較長等待時間超過了所經歷的在美國治療的其他四個埃博拉患者國。
這些患者 - 每兩個在亞特蘭大的埃默里大學醫院和美國內布拉斯加大學醫學中心 - 立即得到他們的實驗藥品。這四個是美國公民; 鄧肯是利比里亞國家。
很難招聘工人打伊波拉 達拉斯埃博拉患者略有提高“ 埃博拉病毒的疫苗,道德問題
他在生命垂危週二。週,雖然說他的叔叔是“做更好的” - 他仍然在透析,但他的心臟率有所提升,他的血壓為“正常”,“他的高燒是相當多了”,而他拉肚子已經“放緩”。目前尚不清楚,如果實驗藥物有什麼這些變化。
“護理隊伍已經諮詢了疾控中心和埃默里,每天因為鄧肯先生住進了醫院,討論治療的可能,當然也包括使用研究藥物,”醫院發言人溫德爾·沃森在一份聲明中說, 。
FDA和Chimerix,該公司製造的藥物,說如果有任何延誤這不是對他們的一部分。斯蒂芬妮姚明的發言人FDA表示,她不能就任何個別情況發表評論,但當時醫生讓實驗埃博拉病毒治療的要求,“我們把他們在幾個小時內各地的 - 通常不到一小時”
阿育王Mukpo,一個自由的美國全國廣播公司的攝影師,考上了內布拉斯加大學醫學中心週二開始接受brincidofovir同一天。里克·薩克拉博士獲得另一實驗性藥物稱為TKM-埃博拉病毒,哪一個更容易訪問,但仍需獲得美國FDA許可。肯特布蘭特利博士和南希Writebol - 無論是處理埃默里 - 花Zmapp,它不再可用,因為該公司跑出來的藥物供應。