J.K. Rowling delivers new 'Harry Potter' taleJK羅琳提供了新的“哈利·波特”的故事
- J.K. Rowling has released the backstory of a "Harry Potter" foe
- She also reveals the inspiration behind the character, named Dolores Umbridge
- Rowling is also preparing to release three new movies from "Potter's" world
(CNN) -- No tricks here, just the treat: In honor of Halloween, J.K. Rowling is delving into the back story of one of "Harry Potter's" more twisted Hogwarts professors.
On Rowling's Pottermore website, the best-selling author has crafted a story about the life of Dolores Umbridge, whom fans will remember for her toad-like appearance, her hair bows and the gruesome way she chose to punish students.

It turns out that Umbridge was inspired by a real person. There was a teacher of Rowling's whom she "disliked intensely on sight," and it seems the feeling was mutual.
To be clear, this teacher wasn't "the real Dolores Umbridge," but her love of childlike accessories definitely inspired the character.
"What sticks in my mind is her pronounced taste for twee accessories," Rowling says in an essay about the character. So although this teacher didn't "look like a toad, was never sadistic or vicious to me or anyone else, and I never heard her express a single view in common with Umbridge ... it is true to say that I borrowed from her, then grossly exaggerated, a taste for the sickly sweet and girlish in dress."
As for Umbridge's love of kittens, that was inspired by a former officemate of Rowling's, whose adoration for small furry creatures was in contrast with "a lack of real warmth or charity."
New 'Potter' character finds spotlight
"So Dolores, who is one of the characters for whom I feel purest dislike, became an amalgam of traits taken from these, and a variety of sources," Rowling explains. "Her desire to control, to punish and to inflict pain, all in the name of law and order, are, I think, every bit as reprehensible as Lord Voldemort's unvarnished espousal of evil."
If you have an account on Pottermore, you can read the story there, or you can check it out on Today.com.
'Harry Potter' returns in a short story
Up next from the world of "Potter" are three movies that will follow the adventures of the author Newt Scamander years before his textbook "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them" would be studied at Hogwarts.
The first installment, also titled "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them," has Rowling writing the screenplay and David Yates on board to direct. That movie will arrive in 2016, followed by two more installments in 2018 and 2020.
2014年11月2日 - 更新1805 GMT(0205 HKT)
JK羅琳的“哈利·波特”不得不打敗一些嚴重擾亂壞人,其中一人是虐待狂霍格沃茨教師多洛雷斯·烏姆里奇。 是什麼在她的辦公室去了這個想法仍然給我們發冷。 你會如何對她的打擊我們的一些其他喜歡的電影反派角色,包括高超的他是誰,不得命名? 看看我們的首要壞人(女孩),排名不分先後。 JK羅琳的“哈利·波特”不得不打敗一些嚴重擾亂壞人,其中一人是虐待狂霍格沃茨教師多洛雷斯·烏姆里奇。是什麼在她的辦公室去了這個想法仍然給我們發冷。你會如何對她的打擊我們的一些其他喜歡的電影反派角色,包括高超的他是誰,不得命名?看看我們的首要壞人(女孩),排名不分先後。
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(CNN) -沒有技巧在這裡,只是治療:為了紀念萬聖節,JK羅琳是鑽研的“哈利·波特”更扭曲的霍格沃茲的教授之一,後面的故事。
JK羅琳的下改變自我的新書 波特後的生活 哈利·波特飾演丹尼爾·拉德克利夫
“什麼堅持在我的心中是故作多情附件她明顯的味道,” 羅琳在一篇文章中說,關於字符。因此,儘管這位老師並沒有“看上去像一隻癩蛤蟆,從來就不是虐待狂或惡性對我或其他任何人,我從來沒有聽說過她表達一個共同的單一視圖烏姆里奇......這是千真萬確的事,我從她的借,那麼嚴重誇大,對於體弱多病的甜美少女的服飾的味道。“