聽笑話學英語20:I Am Acting Like a Lady我要表現得像位女士
聽笑話學英語:I am acting like a lady我要表現得像位女士
One day when womens dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece.
But he soon found himself being battered by frantic women. He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed.
"You there!" challenged a thrill voice. "Cant you act like a gentleman?" "Listen," he said, "I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour.
“你幹嘛?”有人在尖叫,“你難道不能表現得象位紳士嗎?” “聽著,”他說,“我已經象紳士一樣表現了一個小時。
From now on, I am acting like a lady."
1 plow
vi. [農機] 犁;耕地;破浪前進;開路
vt. [農機] 犁;耕;開路
n. [農機] 犁;似犁的工具;北斗七星
eg:He teamed one horse and one cow to a plow.
Plow back [金融] 再投資 ; [金融] 盈餘再投資 ; [金融] 把再投資 ; 以利潤再投資
plow steel [材] 犁鋼
trailed plow [農機] 牽引式犁
furrow plow 鏵式犁 ; 鏵犁
plow colter 犁刀
moldboard plow 鏵式犁
capstan plow 挖溝機
plow into 幹勁十足地投入
fire plow 太平犁 ; [林] 防火犁
2 thrill
n. 激動;震顫;緊張
vt. 使…顫動;使…緊張;使…感到興奮或激動
vi. 顫抖;感到興奮;感到緊張
eg:I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning.
liver thrill 震顫 ; 肝震顫
Thrill Digger 興奮挖掘者
aortic thrill 主動脈瓣震顫
Racing Thrill 競速快感
diastolic thrill 舒張期震顫
A thrill 悸動
thrill vt 激動
Joop Thrill 祖蓓激情
Thrill Pass 單日票