伊索寓言:The Mouse and The Frog青蛙和鼠
A mouse asked a frog to help her get across the river. The frog tied the mouse's front leg to her own back leg using a piece of string and they swam out to the middle of the stream. The frog then turned traitor and plunged down into the water, dragging the mouse along with her. The mouse's dead body floated up to the surface and was drifting along when a kite flew by and noticed something he could snatch. When he grabbed the mouse he also carried off her friend the frog. Thus the treacherous frog who had betrayed the mouse's life was likewise killed and eaten.
For people who do harm to others and destroy themselves in the bargain.
鼠標問青蛙幫她過河得到。青蛙綁鼠標的前腿用繩子她自己的後腿,他們遊到了河中央。然後青蛙變成叛徒,墜落入水,連同她拖動鼠標。老鼠的屍體漂浮到水面,沿著當風箏飛過,並發現了一些他可以搶奪漂流。當他抓起鼠標,他還帶走了她朋友的青蛙。因此,奸詐的青蛙誰背叛了鼠標的壽命也同樣殺死吃掉。 人誰做傷害他人和自我毀滅的討價還價。