伊索寓言:The Thieves and The Rooster 公雞和盜賊
Thieves broke into a certain house and didn't find anything inside except a rooster. The thieves grabbed the rooster and made their escape. Later, when they were ready to kill him, the rooster begged the thieves to let him go, claiming that he was useful to people because he woke them to go about their tasks in the dark. The thieves said, 'All the more reason to kill you: when you wake them up, you prevent us from robbing their houses!'
The story shows it is precisely the things that frustrate wicked people which are beneficial to honest folk.
Note: L'Estrange's epimythium cites the English proverb: 'One Body's Meat, is Another Body's Poison.'
小偷闖入了一定的房子,並沒有發現裡面任何東西,除了一隻公雞。盜賊抓起公雞,並提出他們的逃命。後來,當他們準備殺他,公雞懇求小偷讓他走,聲稱是因為他醒來他們去他們在黑暗中工作,他是有用的人。盜賊說,“更有理由殺了你!當你喚醒他們,你阻止我們搶奪他們的房子” 的故事說明恰恰是挫敗邪惡的人這是淳樸的民風有益的事情。