動畫迷可能都有聽過動畫電影狂熱網站 Total Film的大名,Total Film 剛公佈史上最佳75部動畫電影,當中包括歐、美及日本等製作,不知你看過當中的多少部?
75. Chico and Rita
74. The Land Before Time
73. American Pop
72. Antz
71. Waking Life
70. The Simpsons Movie
69. A Cat in Paris
68. Tokyo Godfathers
67. The Secret of NIMH
66. Heavy Metal
65. My Dog Tulip
64. The Wind Rises
63. Millennium Actress
62. Kung Fu Panda 2
61. Wreck-it Ralph
60. Metropolis
59. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
58. Despicable Me
57. Barefoot Gen
56. Lady and the Tramp
55. From Up on Poppy Hill
54. Fritz the Cat
53. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
52. The LEGO Movie
51. The Illusionist
50. Howl’s Moving Castle