動畫迷可能都有聽過動畫電影狂熱網站 Total Film的大名,Total Film 剛公佈史上最佳75部動畫電影,當中包括歐、美及日本等製作,不知你看過當中的多少部?
25. Perfect Blue
24. A Scanner Darkly
23. Shrek 2
22. Dumbo
21. Finding Nemo
20. The Iron Giant
19. Watership Down
18. Fantasia
17. The Nightmare Before Christmas
16. Wall-E
15. Aladdin
14. Fantastic Planet
13. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
12. The Lion King
11. Grave of the Fireflies
10. The Jungle Book
9. Waltz with Bashir
8. The Incredibles
7. South Park: Bigger, Louder and Uncut
6. My Neighbor Totoro
5. Akira
4. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
3. Beauty and the Beast
2. Spirited Away
1. Toy Story