Egypt French President Francois Mitterrand says France and western nations do not want Iran or Iraq to destroy each other in their war. Mr. Mitterrand told newsmen in Aswan that western nations want to keep a balance between the two Persian Gulf countries. Iran and Iraq have been at war for more than two years. (Sp.)
這條Special English新聞僅三句話,地名就出現了九次。如果我們不熟悉這些地名,是很難理解新聞的大意的。因此聽眾應儘量多記些大的,較重要的地名,以利於提高對聽力材料的理解能力。至於一些較小的地名可暫時不記。但有些小的地名由於與重大新聞事件有關,如切爾諾貝利(Chelobyle)與蘇聯1986年4月26日的核電站爆炸時間有關,是人類矚目之地,經常在廣播節目中出現,聽眾也應設法熟悉或記住。又如沙烏地阿拉伯的麥加(Mecca)也不大,但它是伊斯蘭教第一聖地,加上1987年7月31日沙特防暴員警在該地同前來朝聖的伊朗穆斯林發生衝突,導致重大流血事件,也令全世界關注。象這樣的地名,雖然小但很重要,如果記住並對其有所瞭解,對理解新聞廣播的內容將會大有好處。
Negotiators in Algiers are still talking to the hijackers of the Kuwaiti airliner but here are no signs that a settlement is near. Algerian officials met with gunmen aboard the jumbo jet several times on Sunday. The hijackers retracted an earlier threat to fly to another country and said they will give Algeria more time to negotiate.
Meantime the Kuwaiti News Agency reported a prominent Arab figure will go to the Algiers Airport and appeal for an end to the hijacking. Algerian President talked by telephone Sunday with other Arab Heads of States including Kuwaiti Emir Sheik Jahmedal Akhmelal Sabar, Saudi King Fahd and Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafh. The hijackers are demanding the release of 17 pro-Iranian terrorists jailed in Kuwaiti. The Kuwaiti government rejected the demand. (St.)
The United States Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar and several western nations have expressed regret over the United States’ decision to withdraw from UNESCO. UNESCO is the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The State Department in Washington announced the decision to withdraw Thursday. A spokesman said UNESCO has become too political and has shown hostility toward the free press and the free market. He said the United States will withdraw from UNESCO at the end of 1984. Mr. Perez de Cuellar said he hopes a way will be found for the United States to remain in UNESCO. France and the Netherlands expressed disappointment over the United States’ decision. Britain said it shared America’s concerns about UNESCO, but would remain in the organization. (Sp.)
在詞彙學上,縮寫詞可分為兩類,即Acronym和Initialism,它們既有聯繫又有區別。VOA在1985年5月25日的Words and Their Stories這一Special English專題節目中專門進行了介紹。請看下面的文字材料:
Every people has its own special words and expressions. And one of the most interesting kinds of words in the English language is the acronym. An acronym is a word that is formed from the first letters of several other words. For example, OPEC is an acronym for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries. And an initialism is like an acronym, but it does not sound like a real word itself. Instead, it just states the first letters of other words. USA is an initialism for the United States of America. UN is an initialism for the United Naiton.
Acronym and initialism are like language brothers, and both can be an easy way to shorten the title or name that has many words. It is easier to say VOA than to the Voice of America. But the same acronym or initialism may represent different organizations, groups or names. For example, the Voice of America is not he only organization with the initialism VOA. The Volkswagen of America Automobile Company uses the same three letters. So does the Volunteers of America Organization that helps poor people. This has been a growing problem for English speakers. Political leaders, scientists and others have invented thousands of acronyms to describe everything from tax legislation to Space Vehicles. The great American writer H. L. Mencken observed correctly that many American feel a strong desire to reduce comlete names or ideas to the shortest possible form. Most of the world thinks aht the acronym NATO only means the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, the same acronym also can mean the National Association of Theaters Owners in the United States. You can not be sure that the number of the PLO belongs to the Palestine Liberation Organization. He many really be a member of the Philippine Labor Organizaion or he may be a scientist, helping to launch a rocket in the Pacific Ocean as part of the Pacific Launch Operation of the American Space Program.
Do not feel bad if you find it difficult to follow so many acronyms and initialisms. You are not alone. Back in 1960, a group of language experts made a list of all the acronyms they could find in the English Language. Their list contained about 12,000. These days, however, the number of the acronyms on the list has increased more than ten times. There are more than 100,000 different acronyms.
So, it is clear that acronyms and initialisms have become a permanent part of the English language. And the one I like best is MJ. Those letters do not represent Marine Jet, Master of Journalism or Military Judge. They are just me, Mas Joyce.
通過上面的介紹,或許我們已經發現acronym與initialism的區別,我們還可以The World Book Dictionary的initialism詞條下的詞義辨析中找到更為明確的答案:An initialism differs from an acronym in that it does not form a pronounceable word. Thus NATO and radar are acronyms, whereas AAAS and vhf are initialisms.由此可見,它們之間的最大區別在欲acronyms要拼讀成單詞,而initialisms只能按字母一一拼讀。
In a major escalation of hostilities, the United States and Iran today engaged in military clashes in the Persian Gulf. As VOA’s Wayne Corry reports from the Defense Department, US forces have destroyed two Iranian Oil Platforms used for military purposes and have sunk an Iranian missile boat. US forces in the Gulf attacked and destroyed two Iranian Oil Platforms in retaliation for damage to a US warship caused by an Iranian mine. In a related clash, Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci says American warships have sunk an Iranian missile boat. "The time of the engagement an Iranian missile boat approached our ships with obvious hostile attempt. It was warned off. It neglected the warning. It was engaged by US ships and has been sunk." Mr. Carlucci and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Crowe also says US forces fired missiles at two Iranian jet fighters. In other actions the Iranians attacked a US military helicopter and a small US supply ship. There are no details of those incidents. The events in the Gulf mark a major escalation of hostilities between the United States and Iranl. Wayne Corry, VOA news, the Defense Department. (St.)
這條新聞中連續使用了三次it,但這要我們收聽時稍加注意就會知道,it這一代詞指的是上文中提到的an Iranian missile boat;同時我們根據上下文也容易知道those指的是上兩句這所提及的事件。
(2)通過對照收聽Special English和Standard English同一內容的新聞來明確代詞。前面說過Special English在詞和句兩個方面都有自己的寫作要求,因此對照收聽常常有助於我們克服理解上的困難。