

1.英文歌曲:Wherever You Will Go The Calling

2002年MTV歐洲音樂獎最佳新進藝人得獎組合-呼叫樂團 稱霸全美成人抒情TOP40榜23周冠軍的e世代抒情搖滾 歌手:the Calling So lately, been wondering Who will be there to take my place When I'm gone you'll need love To light the shadows on your face If a great...



2.英文歌曲:When I am Gone 3 Doors Down

關門合唱團超人氣美式搖滾隊伍-關門合唱團 強勢霸佔主流搖滾榜冠軍、現代搖滾榜亞軍、成人抒情TOP 40榜季軍、流行單曲榜TOP 4的年度力作 There's another world inside of me That you may never see There's secrets in this life That I can't hide Somewhere in this...



3.英文歌曲:We have Got Tonight

英國魅力男聲羅南與吾愛吾師靈魂女伶露露 重新詮釋80年代經典對唱情歌,首周搶佔英國金榜TOP 4真情流露之作 歌手:Ronan Keating 專輯:Destination We've Got Tonight Written by Bob Seger The Silver Bullet Band I know it's late,I know you're weary I know your...



4.英文歌曲:Vanessa Carlton A Thousand Miles

凡妮莎創作才女凡妮莎一鳴驚人勇奪全美抒情榜冠軍/流行榜TOP 5 並獲葛萊美獎最佳唱片等3項大獎提名琴音流暢小品 歌手:Vanessa Carlton 專輯:Legally Blonde Soundtrack Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles Making my way down town Walking fast Faces pass And I'm...



5.英文歌曲:The Scientist Coldplay

酷玩樂團 2003年葛萊美獎與全英音樂獎4項大獎贏家-酷玩樂團 英國金榜冠軍大碟[玩過頭]中躍登英國金榜TOP 10 散發知性神采的搖滾佳作 歌手:Coldplay 專輯:A Rush Of Blood To The Head Coldplay - The Scientist Come up to meet you Tell you I'm sorry You don't kno...



6.英文歌曲:Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

英國排行冠軍人氣組合Blue與琴音傳奇艾爾頓強傳唱經典招牌作 強勢空降英國金榜冠軍 歌手:Blue Elton John 專輯:One Love Blue - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (Feat. Elton John) (Sorry seems to be the hardest word) What I got to do to make you love me?...



7.Pienso En Ti Enrique Iglesias

安立奎範逸臣主打歌百慕達原曲! 專輯累積銷售超過3000萬張拉丁流行巨星安立奎 Billboard拉丁榜冠軍大碟《也許》中之流行勁歌 Vocal:Enrique Iglesias Cuando siento que mi vida se desliza y la soledad me come dia a dia, Pienso en ti... Pienso en ti... Cuando el...



8.英文歌曲:Nelly Kelly Rowland Dilemma

[Kelly Rowland] I.. love you, and I.. need you Nelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you - but [Chorus: Kelly Rowland] No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with my boo, know you know I'm crazy over you No matter what I do, all I...



9.英文歌曲:Mariah Carey - Through The Rain

瑪麗亞凱莉締造15首冠軍曲、1億5000萬張專輯銷售紀錄樂壇最暢銷天后 瑪麗亞凱莉問鼎全美流行單曲銷售榜亞軍真摯佳作 歌手:Mariah Carey 專輯:Through The Rain Mariah Carey - Through The Rain When you get caught in the rain With no where to run When you're di...



10.英文歌曲:Happy Ashanti Ja Rule

改寫新進女歌手首張專輯首周發貨紀錄的美聲小公主亞香緹 獨佔2002年Billboard音樂獎8項大獎冠軍大碟裡打進節奏藍調榜TOP 6與流行榜TOP 8快樂戀曲 Ja Rule: Right back at ya, it's the world's most talented record label Murder INC, and that angelic voice you hear...



11.英文歌曲:Feel Robbie Williams

21世紀震撼全球的鋼琴靈魂女聲艾莉西亞凱斯 蟬聯全美流行/節奏藍調榜雙料冠軍 同時獨擁5座葛萊美獎之榮耀單曲 Falling Alicia Keys Falling 墜落 I keep on 2)fallin in love with you 我一直對你情難自拔, Sometimes I love 3)ya 有時候我愛你, Sometimes you make m...



12.英文歌曲:Falling Alicia Keys

21世紀震撼全球的鋼琴靈魂女聲艾莉西亞凱斯 蟬聯全美流行/節奏藍調榜雙料冠軍 同時獨擁5座葛萊美獎之榮耀單曲 Falling Alicia Keys Falling 墜落 I keep on 2)fallin in love with you 我一直對你情難自拔, Sometimes I love 3)ya 有時候我愛你, Sometimes you make m...



13.英文歌曲:Electrical Storm ( William Orbit Mix )-U2

凝聚搖滾真情與獨到觀點的先鋒勁旅U2 稱霸歐洲15國冠軍精選大碟中直擊英國金榜TOP 5 意境淒美耐人尋味的搖滾精品 歌手:U2 U2 - Electrical Storm The sea is swells like a sore head and the night it is aching Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed and the...



14.英文歌曲:Come Away With Me Norah Jones

諾拉瓊絲葛萊美獎最佳專輯、單曲、女藝人等8項大獎 蟬聯流行爵士榜冠軍超過一年的跨界女歌手諾拉瓊絲 英美冠軍大碟[遠走高飛]中柔美舒緩的聽覺極品 歌手:Norah Jones 專輯:Come Away With Me Norah Jones - Come Away With Me Come away with me in the night Come aw...



15.英文歌曲:Colorblind Darius

達利斯酷玩樂團主唱強力推薦蘇格蘭創作才子達利斯! Colorblind Darius Colorblind 色盲 Feelin' 1)blue, 感覺很鬱悶, While I'm trying to forget the feeling that I miss you 我試著忘記想你的感覺。 Feelin' 2)green, 妒火中燒, When the jealousy swells 嫉妒不斷...



16.英文歌曲:Big Yellow Taxi

數烏鴉合唱團 + 凡妮莎電影《貼身情人》主題曲!!創作才子佳人組合-數烏鴉合唱團與凡妮莎 翻唱瓊妮密雪兒經典 攻進全美成人抒情TOP 40榜第6名 別具親合力的寫意小品 They paved paradise and put up a parkin' lot With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot sp...



17.英文歌曲:All The Things She Said

席捲全球超速女生組t.A.T.u. 雷霆橫掃英國5周、歐洲6周、日本、德國、澳洲冠軍榜 全球單曲銷售直逼200萬張超電勁歌 歌手:


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