TOEFL托福口語話題卡:A Cultural Event
下邊是環球託福給大家帶來的練習託福口語話題:A Cultural Event一個文化事件,希望大家多練習,多總結,能夠掌握託福口語的精髓之處。環球託福願與你分享!
Speaking Topic Card:A Cultural Event
Tell me about cultural event that you either saw on TV or went to.
You should say:
what the event was and where it took place
if it is a national event or only local / regional
if it attracted a wide range of people
and how you felt about it.
Q In your opinion, what are the most important cultural aspects of your
Q Do you think that people’s cultural tastes changes as they get older?
Q Are cultural events an important part life in your country /region?
Q In the future, do you think that different cultures will come closer together
or remain distinct?
Q What aspects of other cultures interest people in your country?
Q How do you think that American culture is influencing life your country?