TOEFL托福口語話題卡:Public Transport
摘要: 下邊是上海環球託福口語給大家帶來的練習託福口語話題:公共交通問題Public Transport,希望大家多練習,多總結,能夠掌握託福口語的精髓之處。環球託福願與你分享!
今天環球託福和大家分享討論託福口語話題:公共交通問題Public Transport。這個話題比較容易考到。值得大家一看,並且學會託福口語話題的舉一反三。
TOPIC:Public Transport
Tell me about the public transport system in your town or city.
You should say:
- what forms of public transport are available
- whether you use the public transport system often
- how it is developing
- and explain how the public transport system in your town or city could be improved.
Q Compare trains and buses as forms of transport in your country.
Q Which types of transport do you think are better for short journeys and which are better for long ones?
Q Is flying a common form of transport in your country?
Q How do people in your country usually travel when they go on holiday?
Q Do you think that use of cars should be limited by law?
Q In what ways do modern transportation methods make our lives easier?
文無定法,考生們要有自己的託福口語回答風格,這樣才會在託福口語考試中更加自然並且得心應手。今天環球託福為大家準備的口語話題Public Transport,大家可以仔細揣摩問題,並認真準備。託福口語並非一蹴而就,希望大家踏實積累託福口語話題。環球託福,祝你早日成功!