
TOEFL福口語話題卡:Environmental Problem

今天環球託福和大家分享討論託福口語話題:城市環境問題Environmental Problem。這個話題比較容易考到。值得大家一看,並且學會託福口語話題的舉一反三。
TopicEnvironmental Problem
Tell me about an environmental problem that is facing your country.

You should say:

  • what the problem is
  • how it arose
  • how it influences life in your country
  • and explain how this problem could be solved.

Q What measures should the government and individuals in your country take to improve the environment?
Q Can our environment ever be truly clean?
Q What can we do protect endangered animals?
Q If we focus too much in the environment, wont our economy be less efficient?
Q Do you think that older people and younger people have different views of the environment?
文無定法,考生們要有自己的託福口語回答風格,這樣才會在託福口語考試中更加自然並且得心應手。今天環球託福為大家準備的口語話題Environmental Problem,大家可以仔細揣摩問題,並認真準備。託福口語並非一蹴而就,希望大家踏實積累託福口語話題。環球託福,祝你早日成功!


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