英文生活化 怪咖比特幣入題
˙選擇題用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答;更正時,應
第 1 頁 103 年指考
共 7 頁 英文考科
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第 壹 部 分 : 選 擇 題 ( 占 7 2分 )
一、詞彙 ( 占 1 0分 )
1. When dining at a restaurant, we need to be ______ of other customers and keep our conversations at
an appropriate noise level.
(A) peculiar (B) defensive (C) noticeable (D) considerate
2. John shows ______ towards his classmates. He doesn’t take part in any of the class activities and
doesn’t even bother talking to other students in his class.
(A) indifference (B) sympathy (C) ambiguity (D) desperation
3. To meet the unique needs of the elderly, the company designed a cell phone ______ for seniors,
which has big buttons and large color displays.
(A) necessarily (B) relatively (C) specifically (D) voluntarily
4. A well-constructed building has a better chance of ______ natural disasters such as typhoons,
tornadoes, and earthquakes.
(A) undertaking (B) conceiving (C) executing (D) withstanding
5. Our family doctor has repeatedly warned me that spicy food may ______ my stomach, so I’d better
stay away from it.
(A) irritate (B) liberate (C) kidnap (D) override
6. Because the new principal is young and inexperienced, the teachers are ______ about whether he can
run the school well.
(A) passionate (B) impressive (C) arrogant (D) skeptical
7. Many universities offer a large number of scholarships as an ______ to attract outstanding students to
enroll in their schools.
(A) ornament (B) incentive (C) emphasis (D) application
8. Since Diana is such an ______ speaker, she has won several medals for her school in national speech
(A) authentic (B) imperative (C) eloquent (D) optional
9. The candidate made energy ______ the central theme of his campaign, calling for a greater reduction
in oil consumption.
(A) evolution (B) conservation (C) donation (D) opposition
10. Concerned about mudslides, the local government quickly ______ the villagers from their homes
before the typhoon hit the mountain area.
(A) evacuated (B) suffocated (C) humiliated (D) accommodated
二、綜合測驗 ( 占 1 0分 )
第 11 至 15 題為題組
Brushing your teeth regularly will help you maintain a healthy smile. But that smile won’t last long
if you don’t take proper care of your toothbrush and switch to a new one often. According to the 103 年指考 第 2 頁
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American Dental Association (ADA), toothbrushes can harbor bacteria. These germs come from the
mouth and can 11 in toothbrushes over time.
Many Americans replace their toothbrushes only once or twice a year. The ADA, however,
recommends 12 a new toothbrush every three to four months. Children’s toothbrushes may need to
be changed more 13 .
During those three to four months of use, there are several ways to keep a toothbrush clean. 14 ,
rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water after use, making sure to remove any toothpaste and
debris. Store your toothbrush in an upright position, and let 15 air dry. Most importantly, do not
share toothbrushes.
11. (A) accumulate (B) crumble (C) establish (D) radiate
12. (A) use (B) to use (C) using (D) used
13. (A) essentially (B) frequently (C) typically (D) objectively
14. (A) In short (B) Otherwise (C) Nevertheless (D) For example
15. (A) it (B) one (C) the (D) which
第 16 至 20 題為題組
Hiding herself among the trees near a chimpanzee habitat, Elizabeth Lonsdorf is using her camera to
explore mysteries of learning. The chimpanzee she records picks up a thin flat piece of grass and then
digs out tiny insects from a hole. Dinner is 16 ! But how did the chimp develop this ingenious skill
with tools? Do the chimp babies copy their parents in using tools? Do the mothers most skilled with tools
have offspring who are also good at using tools? Here in Africa, Lonsdorf is conducting one of the
world’s longest wildlife studies, trying to discover how learning is transferred 17 generations.
Lonsdorf has always been interested in animal learning and tool use, 18 the way young
animals grow up and learn their way in the world. Her chimpanzee study shows a clear link between
humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. The chimps make and use tools and have mother-child
relationships very 19 to those of humans. Through observing chimpanzees’ learning process,
researchers hope to gain insight into what the development of our earliest ancestors 20 like.
Lonsdorf hopes that by understanding the complexity of animal behavior, we can better appreciate
and protect the diversity of life on this planet.
16. (A) proposed (B) ordered (C) digested (D) served
17. (A) across (B) beside (C) upon (D) within
18. (A) especially (B) originally (C) consequently (D) fortunately
19. (A) casual (B) similar (C) direct (D) grateful
20. (A) is to be (B) was to be (C) might have been (D) will have been
三 、文意選填 ( 占 1 0分 )
第 21 至 30 題為題組
The practice of burning paper money or paper model offerings at funerals in Chinese society can be
traced back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). Chinese people believe that when someone passes away,
there is a death of the body, but the 21 continues to live in the next world. This “next world” is a
mirror of the human world, where the “residents” need places to live, money to spend, daily necessities,
and entertainment just like when they were 22 . Some of these necessities are buried with the
deceased, while most others are “shipped” to them by burning paper models. As the ashes fly high, the
offerings are 23 by the residents in the next world. 第 3 頁 103 年指考
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Relatives of the deceased want to see their beloved family members live comfortably in the next
world, so the paper houses are big and the cars are very 24 , mostly Mercedes-Benzes. A complete
package of paper offerings may include a couple of servants, cash, and credit cards so that the deceased
will have all their 25 satisfied.
These traditional paper offerings were sold only at specialty stores in the past. The style and variety
of the products were 26 . For example, “houses” looked all the same and were built by pasting paper
around a bamboo frame, with 27 of a door, windows, and a roof printed on it. There were no trendy,
modern supplies to choose from. Now, the 28 can be made on the Internet. And with the
incorporation of new materials and designs, paper offerings come in many more varieties. The old
one-style-fits-all houses have been 29 by buildings that are fully equipped with decorations,
furniture, and household appliances. Digital cameras, iPhones, and even skin care products are also 30 .
It seems that, with the help of a simple click, this old Chinese tradition has been given a face-lift.
(A) replaced (B) mortal (C) spirit (D) available (E) journey (F) luxurious
(G) collected (H) purchase ( I) alive ( J ) needs (K) limited (L) images
四、篇章結構 ( 占 1 0分 )
第 31 至 35 題為題組
Eccentrics are people who have an unusual or odd personality, set of beliefs, or behavior pattern.
They may or may not comprehend the standards for normal behavior in their culture. They simply don’t
care about the society’s disapproval of their habits or beliefs.
Once considered socially unacceptable, eccentric people have been found to possess some positive
characteristics. 31 They often have more curiosity about the world and, in many cases, are
contentedly obsessed by hobbies and interests. 32 They live in a world of their own and do not
worry about what others think of them. So they are usually less restricted and therefore more carefree in
forming new ideas.
33 Statistics show they visit their doctors less—about once in eight to nine years, which is 20
times less than the average person. This could be partly due to their innate traits such as humor and
happiness. 34 This may explain why eccentrics are, on the whole, healthier.
Psychologists therefore suggest that we pay attention to those who do not conform. It could be our
aunt who has been raising pet lizards. 35 Their crazy hobby or strange sense of humor is what
keeps them going. Eccentric people may seem odd, but they will likely live a happier and healthier life
because they enjoy what they are doing. In fact, many of history’s most brilliant minds have displayed
some unusual behaviors and habits.
(A) Eccentrics are also found to be healthier.
(B) According to a recent study in England, eccentrics are more creative.
(C) Or it could be our best friend’s brother who wears shorts to a formal dance.
(D) People may have eccentric taste in clothes, or have eccentric hobbies.
(E) Psychologists also find that eccentric people do not follow conventions.
(F) Such personal traits are found to play an important role in boosting the body’s immune system.
103 年指考 第 4 頁
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五、閱讀測驗 ( 占 3 2分 )
第 36 至 39 題為題組
Opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first long-span suspension bridge to carry motor
traffic, and it quickly became the model for the great suspension bridges of the following century.
Spanning New York’s East River, it provided the first traffic artery between Manhattan Island and
Brooklyn. Before that, the only transportation was by ferries, which were slow and could be dangerous in
The construction of a bridge over the East River had been discussed since the early 19th
century, but
the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 deflected all consideration of the project. When the war ended in
1865, the bridge became an important issue once more. In 1867, the New York State legislature passed an
act incorporating the New York Bridge Company for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a bridge
between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn.
John Augustus Roebling was chosen to design the bridge. Born in Germany in 1806, he held radical
views as a student and was listed by the German police as a dangerous liberal. He emigrated to America
in 1830 to escape political discrimination.
Roebling proposed a bridge with a span of 1,500 feet (465 m), with two masonry towers in the East
River serving as the main piers. The bridge that was actually built is longer—1,597 feet (486 m), the
longest suspension bridge at that time.
36. What was the purpose of building the Brooklyn Bridge?
(A) To replace an old bridge.
(B) To set up a model for bridge construction.
(C) To build a suspension bridge for the Civil War.
(D) To provide faster and safer transportation than boats.
37. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “deflected” in the second paragraph?
(A) Blocked. (B) Detected. (C) Engaged. (D) Indicated.
38. Which of the following is true about the Brooklyn Bridge?
(A) It was built in 1865.
(B) It is shorter than originally planned.
(C) It was first proposed after the Civil War.
(D) It was built by the New York Bridge Company.
39. According to the passage, which of the following correctly describes John Augustus Roebling?
(A) He participated in the Civil War and was seriously wounded.
(B) He was chosen to design the bridge because of his radical views.
(C) He was the first person to propose the construction of the bridge.
(D) He moved to America because he was discriminated against in his home country.
第 40 至 43 題為題組
The Japanese have long puzzled public health researchers because they are such an apparent paradox:
They have the world’s lowest rates of heart disease and the largest number of people that live to or
beyond 100 years despite the fact that most Japanese men smoke—and smoking counts as one of the
strongest risk factors for heart disease. So what’s protecting Japanese men? 第 5 頁 103 年指考
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Two professors at the University of California at Berkeley hoped to find out the answer. They
investigated a pool of 12,000 Japanese men equally divided into three groups: One group had lived in
Japan for all their lives, and the other two groups had emigrated to Hawaii or Northern California. It was
found that the rate of heart disease among Japanese men increased five times in California and about half
of that for those in Hawaii.
The differences could not be explained by any of the usual risk factors for heart disease, such as
smoking, high blood pressure, or cholesterol counts. The change in diet, from sushi to hamburgers and
fries, was also not related to the rise in heart disease. However, the kind of society they had created for
themselves in their new home country was. The most traditional group of Japanese Americans, who
maintained tight-knit and mutually supportive social groups, had a heart-attack rate as low as their fellow
Japanese back home. But those who had adopted the more isolated Western lifestyle increased their
heart-attack incidence by three to five times.
The study shows that the need to bond with a social group is so fundamental to humans that it
remains the key determinant of whether we stay healthy or get ill, even whether we live or die. We need
to feel part of something bigger to thrive. We need to belong, not online, but in the real world of hugs,
handshakes, and pats on the back.
40. What is the best title of this passage?
(A) Heart Diseases and Their Causes (B) The Power of Social Connection
(C) Differences in Japanese Americans (D) The Sense of Belonging vs. Isolation
41. Which of the following is a finding of the two American professors’ study?
(A) Many Japanese men that lived up to 100 years were smokers.
(B) Those who often ate hamburgers and fries were more likely to fall sick.
(C) Japanese immigrants to America usually formed a tight-knit community.
(D) Westernized social life was related to the heart-attack rate of Japanese Americans.
42. Which of the following is an example of “something bigger” in the last paragraph?
(A) A family. (B) A stadium. (C) The universe. (D) The digital world.
43. What is the ratio of heart disease between Japanese living in Japan and Japanese Americans in
(A) 1 to 2.5 (B) 1 to 5 (C) 3 to 5 (D) 1.5 to 5
第 44 至 47 題為題組
Bitcoin is an experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone,
anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority; that is,
managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively through the network.
Any transaction issued with Bitcoin cannot be reversed; it can only be refunded by the person
receiving the funds. That means you should do business with people and organizations you know and
trust, or who have an established reputation. Bitcoin can detect typos and usually won’t let you send
money to an invalid address by mistake.
All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network, which means anyone
can see the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the user behind an
address remains unknown until information is revealed during a purchase or in other circumstances.
The price of a bitcoin can unpredictably increase or decrease over a short period of time due to its
young economy, novel nature, and sometimes illiquid markets. Consequently, keeping your savings with
Bitcoin is not recommended at this point. Bitcoin should be seen like a high risk asset, and you should
never store money that you cannot afford to lose with Bitcoin. If you receive payments with Bitcoin,
many service providers can convert them to your local currency.
103 年指考 第 6 頁
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Bitcoin is an experimental new currency that is in active development. Although it becomes less
experimental as usage grows, you should keep in mind that Bitcoin is a new invention that is exploring
ideas that have never been attempted before. As such, its future cannot be predicted by anyone.
44. What is the purpose of this article?
(A) To introduce a new currency.
(B) To prove the value of a young economy.
(C) To explore ways to do online transactions.
(D) To explain how to build up a business network.
45. Why is the value of Bitcoin not stable?
(A) Because its use is illegal. (B) Because it is not a valid investment.
(C) Because it is still developing. (D) Because its circulation is limited to the youth.
46. Which of the following is true about Bitcoin?
(A) Bitcoin addresses are known only to their owners.
(B) Once a transaction is made, the Bitcoin cannot be refunded.
(C) Bitcoin user’s identity is always open to the general public.
(D) When a payment is received, the Bitcoin can be turned into local currency.
47. What advice would the author give to those who are interested in keeping money in Bitcoin?
(A) Better late than never. (B) Look before you leap.
(C) Make hay while the sun shines. (D) No pain, no gain.
第 48 至 51 題為題組
Scientists are trying to genetically modify the world in which we live. They are even trying to wipe
out diseases via genetic modification. For example, researchers have tried to engineer mosquitoes to kill
malaria parasites. The malaria parasite is carried by the female Anopheles mosquito. When transmitted to
a human, the parasite travels first to the liver and then on to the bloodstream, where it reproduces and
destroys red blood cells. An estimated 250 million people suffer from malaria each year, and about one
million die—many of them children. There are currently no effective or approved malaria vaccines.
To “kill” malaria, scientists are genetically modifying a bacterium in mosquitoes so that it releases
toxic compounds. These compounds are not harmful to humans or the mosquito itself, but they do kill off
the malaria parasite, making the mosquito incapable of infecting humans with malaria.
Despite this achievement, scientists are faced with the challenge of giving the modified mosquitoes
a competitive advantage so that they can eventually replace the wild population. Complete blockage of
the malaria parasite is very important. If some of the parasites slip through the mechanism, then the next
generation will likely become resistant to it. And if that happens, the scientists are back where they
Another challenge for scientists is to gain public approval for this genetic modification regarding
mosquitoes and malaria control. Environmental activists have raised concerns about the release of
genetically engineered organisms without any clear knowledge of their long-term effect on ecosystems
and human health. There is still a long way to go before genetic modification techniques are put to use in
disease control.
48. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Researchers have found an effective way to halt the spread of insect-borne diseases around the world.
(B) Many people are worried about the effects of genetically modified organisms on the environment.
(C) It takes time to gain public support for the application of genetic modification to disease control.
(D) Genetic engineering looks promising in reducing malaria, though there may be unknown consequences.
第 7 頁 103 年指考
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49. Which of the following best shows the organization of this passage?
(A) Introduction Comparison Contrast
(B) Problem Solution Potential difficulties
(C) Proposal Arguments Counter-arguments
(D) Definition Examples Tentative conclusions
50. According to the passage, which of the following is true about malaria parasites?
(A) They are resistant to genetic modification and vaccines.
(B) They reproduce in the human liver and grow stronger there.
(C) They can be found in only one gender of a class of mosquitoes.
(D) They are transmitted to around one million children each year.
51. What does “that” in the third paragraph refer to?
(A) Some malaria parasites escaping from the ecosystems.
(B) Malaria parasites becoming immune to the engineered bacterium.
(C) Modified mosquitoes becoming more competitive than the wild ones.
(D) Transmission of malaria being blocked from mosquitoes to humans.
第 貳 部 分 : 非 選 擇 題 ( 占 2 8分 )
一 、 中譯英 ( 占 8 分 )
1. 食用過多油炸食物可能會導致學童體重過重,甚至更嚴重的健康問題。
2. 因此,家長與老師應該共同合作,找出處理這個棘手議題的有效措施。
二、英文作文 ( 占 2 0分 )
下圖呈現的是美國某高中的全體學生每天進行各種活動的時間分配,請寫一篇至少 120 個單詞的英